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began to gather the gold to put away。 

     He would be wisehe would be sensible。 He would watch his chance察

and   when   it   came   he   would   go   away。   First察  however察  he   would   tell   Mr。 

Jack and Joe察and the Lady of the Roses察yes察and the Hollys察too。 Just now 

there seemed to be work察real work that he could do to help Mr。 Holly。 But 

later察possibly when September came and schoolthey had said he must 

go to schoolhe would tell them then察and go away instead。 He would see。 

By that time they would believe him察perhaps察when he showed the gold´ 

pieces。 They would not think he hadSTOLEN them。 It was August now察

he    would    wait。  But   meanwhile     he   could   thinkhe   could   always    be 

thinking of the wonderful thing that this gold was one day to bring to him。 

     Even work察to David察did not seem work now。 In the morning he was 

to   rake   hay  behind   the   men   with   the   cart。 Yesterday   he   had   not   liked   it 


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                                         JUST DAVID 

very well察but nownothing mattered now。 And with a satisfied sigh David 

put his precious gold away again behind the books in the cupboard。 

     David found a new song in his violin the next morning。 To be sure察he 

could not play itmuch of ituntil four o'clock in the afternoon came察for 

Mr。 Holly did not like violins to be played in the morning察even on days 

that were not especially the Lord's。 There was too much work to do。 So 

David   could   only  snatch   a   strain   or   two   very察  very   softly察  while   he   was 

dressing察but that was enough to show him what a beautiful song it was 

going to be。 He knew what it was察at once察too。 It was the gold´pieces察and 

what     they   would    bring。   All   through    the   day   it  tripped   through    his 

consciousness察  and   danced       tantalizingly   just   out   of   reach。   Yet   he  was 

wonderfully happy察and the day seemed short in spite of the heat and the 


     At four o'clock he hurried home and put his violin quickly in tune。 It 

came   thenthat   dancing   sprite   of   tantalizationand   joyously   abandoned 

itself to the strings of the violin察so that David knew察of a surety察what a 

beautiful song it was。 

     It was this song that sent him the next afternoon to see his Lady of the 

Roses。      He    found     her   this    time    out   of    doors    in   her    garden。 

Unceremoniously察as usual察he rushed headlong into her presence。 

     ;Oh察LadyLady of the Roses察─he panted。 ;I've found out察and I came 

quickly to tell you。; 

     ;Why察    David察   whatwhat      do  you    mean拭─    Miss   Holbrook      looked 

unmistakably startled。 

     ;About the   hours察 you   knowthe unclouded ones察─  explained   David 

eagerly。 ;You know you said they were ALL cloudy to you。; 

     Miss Holbrook's face grew very white。 

     ;You    meanyou've       found   out   WHY   my      hours   areare   all  cloudy 

ones拭─she stammered。 

     ;No察  oh察  no。   I   can't   imagine   why  they  are察─  returned   David察  with   an 

emphatic shake of his head。 ;It's just that I've found a way to make all my 

hours sunny ones察and you can do it察too。 So I came to tell you。 You know 


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you said yours were all cloudy。; 

     ;Oh察─   ejaculated    Miss    Holbrook察    falling   back   into   her  old   listless 

attitude。 Then察with some asperity此 Dear me察David Did n't I tell you not 

to be remembering that all the time拭─

     ;Yes察   I  know察    but   I've  LEARNED          something察─     urged    the   boy察

;something       that  you   ought    to  know。    You   see察 I  did   think察 once察  that 

because you had all these beautiful things around you察the hours ought to 

be all sunny ones。 But now I know it isn't what's around you察it's what is 

IN you ─

     ;Oh察David察David察you curious boy ─

     ;No察but really Let me tell you察─pleaded David。 ;You know I haven't 

liked themall those hours till four o'clock cameand I was so glad察after 

I saw the sundial察to find out that they didn't count察anyhow。 But to´day 

they HAVE countedthey've all counted察Lady of the Roses察and it's just 

because there was something inside of me that shone and shone察and made 

them all sunnythose hours。; 

     ;Dear me And what was this wonderful thing拭─

     David smiled察but he shook his head。 

     ;I   can't   tell   you   that   yetin   words察  but   I'll   play   it。   You   see察  I   can't 

always play them twice alikethose little songs that I findbut this one I 

can。 It sang so long in my head察before my violin had a chance to tell me 

what it really was察that I sort of learned it。 Now察listen ─And be began to 


     It   was察  indeed察  a   beautiful   song察 and   Miss   Holbrook      said  so  with 

promptness and enthusiasm察yet still David frowned。 

     ;Yes察  yes察─  he   answered察   but   don't   you   see拭  That   was   telling   you 

about something inside of me that made all my hours sunshiny ones。 Now察

what   you   want   is   something   inside   of   you   to   make   yours   sunshiny察  too。 

Don't you see拭─

     An odd look came into Miss Holbrook's eyes。 

     ;That's all very well for you to say察David察but you haven't told me yet察

you know察just what it is that's made all this brightness for you。; 


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     The boy changed his position察and puckered his forehead into a deeper 


     ;I don't seem to explain so you can understand察─he sighed。 ;It isn't the 

SPECIAL thing。 It's only that it's SOMETHING。 And it's thinking about it 

that does it。 Now察mine wouldn't make yours shine察butstill察he broke 

off察a happy relief in his eyes察yours could be LIKE mine察in one way。 

Mine is something that is going to happen to mesomething just beautiful察

and you could have that察you knowsomething that was going to happen 

to you察to think about。; 

     Miss   Holbrook   smiled察  but   only   with   her   lips察  Her   eyes   had   grown 


     ;But there isn't anything 'just beautiful' going to happen to me察David察─

she demurred。 

     ;There could察couldn't there拭─

     Miss   Holbrook   bit察  her   lip察  then   she   gave   an   odd   little   laugh   that 

seemed察in some way察to go with the swift red that had come to her cheeks。 

     ;I used to think there couldonce察─she admitted察 but I've given that 

up long ago。 Itit didn't happen。; 

     ;But   couldn't   you   just   THINK   it   was   going   to拭─  persisted   the   boy。 

;You see I found out yesterday that   it's the THINKING that does it。 All 

day long I was thinkingonly thinking。 I wasn't DOING it察at all。 I was 

really raking behind the cart察but the hours all were sunny。; 

     Miss Holbrook laughed now outright。 

     ;What      a  persistent    little  mental´science      preacher    you    are ─  she 

exclaimed。 ;And there's truthmore truth than you knowin it all察too。 But 

I   can't   do   it察 Davidnot    thatnot    that。  'T   would    take   more     than 

THINKINGto bring that察─she added察under her breath察as if to herself。 

     ;But thinking does bring things察─maintained David earnestly。 ;There's 

JoeJoe Glaspell。 His mother works out all day察and he's blind。; 

     ;Blind拭Oh´h ─shuddered Miss Holbrook。 

     ;Yes察and he has to stay all alone察except for Betty察and she is n't there 

much。 He THINKS ALL his things。 He has to。 He can't SEE anything with 


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his outside eyes。 But he sees everything with his inside eyeseverything 

that I play。 Why察Lady of the Roses察he's even seen thisall this here。 I told 

him about it察you know察right away after I'd found you that first day此the 

big   trees   and   the   long   shadows   across   the   grass察  and   the   roses察  and   the 

shining   water察  and   the   lovely   marble   people   peeping   through   the   green 

leaves察and the sundial察and you so beautiful sitting here in the middle of it 

all。 Then I played it for him察and he said he could see it all just as plain 

And THAT was with his inside eyes And so察if Joe察shut up there in his 

dark little room察can make his THINK bring him all that察I should think 

that YOU察 here in this beautiful察 beautiful   place察 could   make   your   think 

bring you anything you wanted it to。; 

     But Miss Holbrook sighed again and shook her head。 

     ;Not that察David察not that察─she murmured。 ;It would take more than 

thinking to bringthat。; Then察with a quick change of manner察she 

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