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thinking to bringthat。; Then察with a quick change of manner察she cried此

;Come察come察 suppose we don't worry  any more   about MY  hours。  Let's 

think of yours。 Tell me察what have you been doing since I saw you last拭

Perhaps you have been again toto see Mr。 Jack察for instance。; 

     ;I   have察  but   I saw   Jill   mostly察  till   the   last。;   David   hesitated察 then   he 

blurted   it   out此   Lady  of   the   Roses察 do   you   know  about   the   gate   and   the 


     Miss Holbrook looked up quickly。 


     ;Know about themthat they're there拭─

     ;Whyyes察of course察at least察I suppose you mean the footbridge that 

crosses the little stream at the foot of the hill over there。; 

     ;That's the one。; Again David hesitated察and again he blurted out the 

burden     of  his  thoughts。    ;Lady   of   the   Roses察  did   you   evercross    that 


     Miss Holbrook stirred uneasily。 


     ;But you don't MIND folks crossing it拭─

     ;Certainly notif they wish to。; 


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                                         JUST DAVID 

     ;There I knew 't wasn't your blame察 ─triumphed David。 

     ;MY blame ─

     ;Yes察that Mr。 Jack wouldn't let Jill come across察you know。 He called 

her    back   when     she'd   got  halfway     over   once。;    Miss   Holbrook's      face 

changed color。 

     ;But   I   do   object察─  she   cried   sharply察   to   their   crossing   it   when   they 

DON'T want to Don't forget that察please。; 

     ;But Jill did want to。; 

     ;How about her brotherdid he want her to拭─


     ;Very well察then。 I didn't察either。; 

     David frowned。 Never had he seen his beloved Lady of the Roses look 

like this before。 He was reminded of what Jill had said about Jack此 His 

face   was   all   stern   and   white察  and   his   lips   snapped   tight   shut   after   every 

word。; So察too察looked Miss Holbrook's face察so察too察had her lips snapped 

tight   shut   after   her   last   words。   David   could   not   understand   it。   He   said 

nothing     more察   however察    but察  as  was    usually   the   case   when    he   was 

perplexed察he picked up his violin and began to play。 And as he  played察

there gradually came to Miss Holbrook's eyes a softer light察and to her lips 

lines less tightly drawn。 Neither the footbridge nor Mr。 Jack察however察was 

mentioned again that afternoon。 


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                                       JUST DAVID 

                            CHAPTER XVII 

              ;THE PRINCESS AND THE 


       It was in the early twilight that Mr。 Jack told the story。 He察Jill察and 

David   were on the  veranda察 as   usual   watching   the  towers of   Sunnycrest 

turn from gold to silver as the sun dropped behind the hills。 It was Jill who 

had asked for the story。 

     ;About fairies and princesses察you know察─she had ordered。 

     ;But   how  will   David   like  that拭─  Mr。  Jack had   demurred。  ;Maybe   he 

doesn't care for fairies and princesses。; 

     ;I read one once about a prince't was 'The Prince and the Pauper' and 

I liked that察─averred David stoutly。 

    Mr。   Jack   smiled察  then   his   brows   drew   together   in   a   frown。   His   eyes 

were moodily fixed on the towers。 

     ;Hm´m察  well察─  he   said察  I   might察 I   suppose察 tell   you   a   story  about   a 

PRINCESS anda Pauper。 Iknow one well enough。; 

     ;Goodthen tell it察─cried both Jill and David。 And Mr。 Jack began his 


     ;She was not always a Princess察and he was not always a Pauperand 

that's where the story came in察I suppose察─sighed the man。 ;She was just a 

girl察  once察  and   he   was   a   boy察  and   they   played   together   andliked   each 

other。 He lived in a little house on a hill。; 

     ;Like this拭─demanded Jill。 

     ;Eh拭Oheryes察SOMETHING like this察─returned Mr。 Jack察with an 

odd half´smile。 ;And she lived in another bit of a house in a town far away 

from the boy。; 


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                                         JUST DAVID 

     ;Then how could they play together拭─questioned David。 

     ;They   couldn't察  ALWAYS。   It   was   only   summers   when   she   came   to 

visit in the boy's town。 She was very near him then察for the old aunt whom 

she visited lived in a big stone house with towers察on another hill察in plain 

sight from the boy's home。; 

     ;Towers like thosewhere the Lady of the Roses lives拭─asked David。 

     ;Eh拭What拭Oheryes察─murmured Mr。 Jack。 ;We'll say the towers 

were something like those over there。; He paused察then went on musingly此

;The girl used to signal察sometimes察from one of the tower windows。 One 

wave   of   the   handkerchief   meant察  'I'm   coming察  over'察  two   waves察  with   a 

little pause between察meant察'You are to come over here。' So the boy used 

to wait always察after that first wave to see if another followed察so that he 

might   know   whether   he   were   to   be   host   or   guest   that   day。   The   waves 

always   came   at   eight   o'clock   in   the   morning察  and   very   eagerly   the   boy 

used to watch for them all through the summer when the girl was there。; 

     ;Did they always come察every morning拭─Asked Jill。 

     ;No察sometimes the girl had other things to do。 Her aunt would want 

her to go somewhere with her察or other cousins were expected whom the 

girl must entertain察and she knew the boy did not like other guests to be 

there when he was察so she never asked him to come over at such times。 On 

such occasions she did sometimes run up to the tower at eight o'clock and 

wave three times察and that meant察'Dead Day。' So the boy察after all察never 

drew a real breath of relief until he made sure that no dreaded third wave 

was to follow the one or the two。; 

     ;Seems to me察─  observed David察  that all   this was   sort of one´sided。 

Didn't the boy say anything拭─

     ;Oh察 yes察─  smiled   Mr。 Jack。   ;But the   boy  did   not   have   any  tower   to 

wave from察you must remember。 He had only the little piazza on his tiny 

bit of a house。 But he rigged up a pole察and he asked his mother to make 

him two little flags察a red and a blue one。 The red meant 'All right'察and the 

blue   meant   'Got   to   work'察  and   these   he   used   to   run   up   on   his   pole   in 

answer to her waving 'I'm coming over' or 'You are to come over here。' So察


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                                          JUST DAVID 

you see察occasionally it was the boy who had to bring the 'Dead Day' as 

there   were   times   when   he   had   to   work。   And察  by   the   way察  perhaps   you 

would be interested to know that after a while he thought up a third flag to 

answer   her three   waves。  He   found   an old   black silk   handkerchief   of   his 

father's察   and   he  made     that  into  a  flag。   He   told  the   girl  it  meant   'I'm 

heartbroken' and he said it was a sign of the deepest mourning。 The girl 

laughed and tipped her head saucily to one side察and said察'Pooh as if you 

really cared' But the boy stoutly maintained his position察and it was that察

perhaps察which made her play the little joke one day。 

     ;The   boy   was   fourteen   that   summer察  and   the   girl   thirteen。   They   had 

begun   their   signals   years   before察  but   they   had   not   had   the   black   one   so 

long。   On   this   day   that   I   tell   you   of察  the   girl   waved   three   waves察  which 

meant察'Dead Day' you remember察and watched until the boy had hoisted 

his black flag which said察'I'm heart´broken' in response。 Then察as fast as 

her   mischievous   little   feet   could   carry   her察  she   raced   down   one   hill   and 

across to the other。 Very stealthily she advanced till she found the boy bent 

over a puzzle on the back stoop察andand he was whistling merrily。 

     ;How she teased him then How she taunted him with 'Heart´broken察

indeedand   whistling   like   that'  In   vain   he   blushed   and   stammered察  and 

protested that his whistling was only to keep up his spirits。 The girl only 

laughed and tossed her yellow curls察then she hunted till she found some 

little jingling bells察and these she tied to the black badge of mourning and 

pulled it high up on the flagpole。 The next instant she was off with a run 

and a skip察and a saucy wave of her hand察and the boy was left all alone 

with an hour's work ahead of him to untie the knots from his desecrated 

badge of mourning。 

     ;And yet they were wonderfully good friendsthis boy and girl。 From

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