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just david(巷屎議寄寮)-及27准

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exultingly。 ;This is where the wind sighs察'oouOOUOOU' through the 

pines。 Listen ─And he was away again on the wings of his violin。 When 

he had returned Mr。 Jack drew a long breath。 

     ;David察  you   are   a   wonder察─  he   declared   again。   ;And   that   violin   of 

yours is a wonder察too察if I'm not mistakenthough I don't know enough 

to tell whether it's really a rare one or not。 Was it your father's拭─

     ;Oh察no。 He had one察too察and they both are good ones。 Father said so。 

Joe's got father's now。; 


     ;Joe Glaspell。; 

     ;You don't mean Widow Glaspell's Joe察the blind boy拭I didn't know he 

could play。; 


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                                         JUST DAVID 

     ;He couldn't till I showed him。 But he likes to hear me play。 And he 

understoodright away察I mean。; 


     ;What I was playing察you know。 And he was almost the first one that 

didsince   father   went   away。 And   now   I   play  every  time   I   go   there。   Joe 

says he never knew before how trees and grass and sunsets and sunrises 

and birds and little brooks did look察till I told him with my violin。 Now he 

says he thinks he can see them better than I can察because as long as his 

OUTSIDE   eyes   can't   see   anything察  they   can't   see   those   ugly   things   all 

around     him察  and   so  he   can  just  make    his  INSIDE      eyes   see  only   the 

beautiful   things   that   he'd   LIKE   to   see。  And   that's   the   kind   he   does   see 

when I play。 That's why I said he understood。; 

     For a moment there was silence。 In Mr。 Jack's eyes there was an odd 

look as they rested on David's face。 Then察abruptly察he spoke。 

     ;David察I wish I had money。 I'd put you then where you belonged察─he 


     ;Do you meanwhere I'd find my work to do拭─asked the boy softly。 

     ;Wellyes察    you    might   say   it  that  way察─  smiled    the   man察  after   a 

moment's hesitationnot yet was Mr。 Jack quite used to this boy who was 

at times so very un´boylike。 

     ;Father told me 't was waiting for mesomewhere。; 

     Mr。 Jack frowned thoughtfully。 

     ;And he was right察David。 The only trouble is察we like to pick it out for 

ourselves察  pretty   welltoo   well察  as   we   find   out   sometimes察  when   we're 

called offfor another job。; 

     ;I know察Mr。 Jack察I know察─breathed David。 And the man察looking into 

the glowing dark eyes察wondered at what he found there。 It was almost as 

if  the   boy   really  understood     about    his  own   life's  disappointmentand 

cared察though that察of course察could not be 

     ;And it's all the harder to keep ourselves in tune then察too察is n't it拭─

went on David察a little wistfully。 

     ;In tune拭─


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                                         JUST DAVID 

     ;With the rest of the Orchestra。; 

     ;Oh ─    And Mr。 Jack察who had already heard about the ;Orchestra of 

Life察─  smiled   a   bit   sadly。   ;That's   just   it察  my   boy。   And   if   we're   handed 

another instrument to play on than the one we WANT to play on察we're apt 

toto   let   fly   a   discord。 Anyhow察  I   am。   But;he   went   on   more   lightly 

;now察in your case察David察little as I know about the violin察I know enough 

to understand that you ought to be where you can take up your study of it 

again察where you can hear good music察and where you can be among those 

who know enough to appreciate what you do。; 

     David's eyes sparkled。 

     ;And where there wouldn't be any pulling weeds or hoeing dirt拭─

     ;Well察I hadn't thought of including either of those pastimes。; 

     ;My察but I would like that察Mr。 Jackbut THAT wouldn't be WORK察

so that couldn't be what father meant。; David's face fell。 

     ;Hm´m察  well察  I   wouldn't   worry   about   the   'work'   part察─  laughed   Mr。 

Jack察 particularly as you aren't going to do it just now。 There's the money察

you knowand we haven't got that。; 

     ;And it takes money拭─

     ;Wellyes。 You can't get those things here in Hinsdale察you know察and 

it takes money察to get away察and to live away after you get there。; 

     A sudden light transfigured David's face。 

     ;Mr。 Jack察would gold do itlots of little round gold´pieces拭─

     ;I think it would察David察if there were enough of them。; 

     ;Many as a hundred拭─

     ;Sureif they were big enough。 Anyway察David察they'd start you察and 

I'm thinking you wouldn't need but a start before you'd be coining gold´ 

pieces   of   your   own   out   of   that   violin   of   yours。   But   why拭Anybody   you 

know got as 'many as a hundred' gold´pieces he wants to get rid of拭─

     For a moment David察his delighted thoughts flying to the gold´pieces 

in the chimney cupboard of his room察was tempted to tell his secret。 Then 

he   remembered       the  woman      with   the  bread   and   the  pail   of  milk察 and 

decided not   to。   He  would   wait。 When   he  knew   Mr。  Jack   betterperhaps 


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                                         JUST DAVID 

then he   would   tell察but not   now。     NOW  Mr。  Jack   might   think he   was   a 

thief察and that he could not bear。 So he took up his violin and began to play察

and in the charm of the music Mr。 Jack seemed to forget the gold´pieces 

which was exactly what David had intended should happen。 

     Not until David had said good´bye some time later察did he remember 

the purposethe special purposefor which he had come。 He turned back 

with a radiant face。 

     ;Oh察and Mr。 Jack察I 'most forgot察─he cried。 ;I was going to tell you。 I 

saw you yesterdayI did察and I almost waved to you。; 

     ;Did you拭Where were you拭─

     ;Over there in the windowthe tower window; he crowed jubilantly。 

     ;Oh察you went again察then察I suppose察to see Miss Holbrook。; 

     The man's voice sounded so oddly cold and distant that David noticed 

it at once。 He was reminded suddenly of the gate and the footbridge which 

Jill was forbidden to cross察but he dared not speak of it thennot when Mr。 

Jack looked like that。 He did say察however此

     ;Oh察but察Mr。 Jack察it's such a beautiful place You don't know what a 

beautiful place it is。; 

     ;Is it拭Then察you like it so much拭─

     ;Oh察so much Butdidn't you eversee it拭─

       ;Why察yes察I believe I did察David察long ago察─murmured Mr。 Jack with 

what seemed to David amazing indifference。 

     ;And did you see HERmy Lady of the Roses拭─

     ;Why察yyesI believe so。; 

     ;And   is   THAT   all   you   remember   about   it拭─  resented   David察  highly 


     The   man   gave   a   laugha   little   short察  hard   laugh   that   David   did   not 


     ;But察let me see察you said you almost waved察didn't you拭Why did n't 

you察quite拭─asked the man。 

     David drew himself suddenly erect。 Instinctively he felt that his Lady 

of the Roses needed defense。 


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                                        JUST DAVID 

     ;Because SHE didn't want me to察so I didn't察of course察─he rejoined 

with dignity。 ;She took away my handkerchief。; 

     ;I'll   warrant   she   did察─  muttered   the   man察  behind   his   teeth。 Aloud   he 

only laughed again察as he turned away。 

     David went on down the steps察dissatisfied vaguely with himself察with 

Mr。 Jack察and even with the Lady of the Roses。 


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                                       JUST DAVID 

                             CHAPTER XVI 

              DAVID'S CASTLE IN SPAIN 

       On his return from the House that Jack Built察David decided to count 

his   gold´pieces。   He   got   them   out   at   once   from   behind   the   books察  and 

stacked them up in little shining rows。 As he had surmised察there were a 

hundred of them。 There were察indeed察a hundred and six。 He was pleased 

at that。 One hundred and six were surely enough to give him a ;start。; 

     A start David closed his eyes and pictured it。 To go on with his violin察

to hear good music察to be with people who understood what he said when 

he played That was what Mr。 Jack had said a ;start; was。 And this gold 

these   round   shining   bits   of   goldcould   bring  him  this   David   swept   the 

little piles into a jingling heap察and sprang to his feet with both fists full of 

his suddenly beloved wealth。 With boyish glee he capered about the room察

jingling the coins in his hands。 Then察very soberly察he sat down again察and 

began to gather the gold to put away。 

     He would be wisehe would be sensible。 He would watch his chance察

and   when   it   came   h

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