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did she sink wearily into a chair察and seem for a moment at rest。 

     David looked about him in surprise。 Even his untrained eye could see 

that he had entered a different world。 There were no sumptuous rugs察no 

silken hangings察no mirrors察no snowflake curtains。 There were books察to 

be sure察but besides those there were only a plain low table察a work´basket察

and     three   or   four   wooden´seated       though     comfortable      chairs。   With 

increasing wonder he looked into Miss Holbrook's eyes。 

     ;Is it here that you stayall day拭─he asked diffidently。 

     Miss Holbrook's face turned a vivid scarlet。 

     ;Why察David察what a question Of course not Why should you think I 


     ;Nothing察  only   I've   been   wondering   all   the   time   I've   been   here   how 

you    couldwith     all  those  beautiful    things   around    you   downstairssay 

what you did。; 

     ;Say whatwhen拭─

     ;That   other   day   in   the   gardenabout ALL   your   hours   being   cloudy 

ones。 So I didn't know to´day but what you LIVED up here察same as Mrs。 

Holly doesn't use her best rooms察and that was why your hours were all 

cloudy ones。; 

     With a sudden movement Miss Holbrook rose to her feet。 

     ;Nonsense察  David   You   shouldn't   always   remember   everything   that 

people   say   to   you。   Come察  you   haven't   seen   one   of   the   views   from   the 


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                                         JUST DAVID 

windows yet。 We are in the larger tower察you know。 You can see Hinsdale 

village on this side察and there's a fine view of the mountains over there。 Oh 

yes察and from the other side there's your friend's houseMr。 Jack's。 By the 

way察how is Mr。 Jack these days拭─Miss Holbrook stooped as she asked the 

question and picked up a bit of thread from the rug。 

     David   ran   at   once   to   the   window  that   looked   toward   the   House   that 

Jack   Built。   From   the   tower   the   little   house   appeared   to   be   smaller   than 

ever。   It   was   in   the   shadow察  too察  and   looked   strangely  alone   and   forlorn。 

Unconsciously察as he gazed at it察David compared it with the magnificence 

he had just seen。 His voice choked as he answered。 

     ;He   isn't   well察  Lady   of   the   Roses察  and   he's   unhappy。   He's   awfully 


     Miss Holbrook's slender figure came up with a jerk。 

     ;What do you   mean察boy拭How  do you know he's unhappy拭Has   he 

said so拭─

     ;No察but Mrs。 Holly told me about him。 He's sick察and he'd just found 

his work to do out in the world when he had to stop and come home。 But 

oh察quick察there he is See拭─

     Instead of coming nearer Miss Holbrook fell back to the center of the 

room察but her eyes were still turned toward the little house。 

     ;Yes察   I  see察─ she  murmured。      The   next   instant   she   had  snatched     a 

handkerchief from David's outstretched hand。 ;NonoI wouldn't wave察─

she remonstrated hurriedly。 ;Comecome downstairs with me。; 

     ;But I thoughtI was sure he was looking this way察─asserted David察

turning reluctantly  from  the  window。 ;And   if he   HAD seen   me   wave   to 

him察he'd have been so glad察now察wouldn't he拭─

     There was no answer。 The Lady of the Roses did not apparently hear。 

She had gone on down the stairway。 


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                                        JUST DAVID 

                               CHAPTER XV 


       David had so much to tell Jack and Jill that he went to see them the 

very  next   day  after  his   second   visit   to   Sunnycrest。   He   carried   his   violin 

with   him。   He   found察  however察  only  Jill   at   home。   She   was   sitting   on   the 

veranda steps。 

     There    was   not   so  much    embarrassment       between    them    this  time察

perhaps because they were in the freedom of the wide out´of´doors察and 

David felt more at ease。 He was plainly disappointed察however察that Mr。 

Jack was not there。 

     ;But I wanted to see him I wanted to see him 'specially察─he lamented。 

     ;You'd   better   stay察  then。   He'll   be   home   by   and   by察─  comforted   Jill。 

;He's gone pot´boiling。; 

     ;Pot´boiling What's that拭─

     Jill chuckled。 

     ;Well察you see察really it's this way此he sells something to boil in other 

people's pots so he can have something to boil in ours察he says。 It's stuff 

from the garden察you know。 We raise it to sell。 Poor Jackand he does hate 

it so ─

    David nodded sympathetically。 

     ;I knowand it must be awful察just hoeing and weeding all the time。; 

     ;Still察of course he knows he's got to do it察because it's out of doors察

and he just has to be out of doors all he can察─rejoined the girl。 ;He's sick察

you   know察  and   sometimes   he's   so   unhappy   He   doesn't   say   much。   Jack 

never says muchonly with his face。 But I know察and itit just makes me 

want to cry。; 

    At David's dismayed exclamation Jill jumped to her feet。 It owned to 


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                                         JUST DAVID 

her suddenly that she was telling this unknown boy altogether too many of 

the family secrets。 She proposed at once a race to the foot of the hill察and 

then察to drive David's mind still farther away from the subject under recent 

consideration察she deliberately lost察and proclaimed him the victor。 

     Very soon察however察there arose new complications in the shape of a 

little gate that led to a path which察in its turn察led to a footbridge across the 

narrow span of the little stream。         Above the trees on the other side peeped 

the top of Sunnycrest's highest tower。 

     ;To the Lady of the Roses ─cried David eagerly。 ;I know it goes there。 

Come察let's see ─

     The little girl shook her head。 

     ;I can't。; 

     ;Why not拭─

     ;Jack won't let me。; 

     ;But it goes to a beautiful place察I was there yesterday察─argued David。 

;And I was up in the tower and almost waved to Mr。 Jack on the piazza 

back there。 I saw him。 And maybe she'd let you and me go up there again 


     ;But I can't察I say察─repeated Jill察a little impatiently。 ;Jack won't let me 

even start。; 

     ;Why not拭Maybe he doesn't know where it goes to。; 

     Jill hung her head。 Then she raised it defiantly。 

     ;Oh察yes察he does察'cause I told him。 I used to go when I was littler and 

he wasn't here。 I went once察after he camehalfwayand he saw me and 

called to me。 I had got halfway across the bridge察but I had to come back。 

He was very angry察yet sort ofqueer察too。 His face was all stern and white察

and   his   lips   snapped   tight   shut   after   every   word。   He   said   never察  never察

never to let him find me the other side of that gate。; 

     David   frowned   as   they   turned   to   go   up   the   hill。   Unhesitatingly   he 

determined to instruct Mr。 Jack in this little matter。 He would tell him what 

a beautiful place Sunnycrest was察and he would try to convince him how 

very desirable it was that he and Jill察and even Mr。 Jack himself察should go 


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                                         JUST DAVID 

across the bridge at the very first opportunity that offered。 

     Mr。 Jack came home before long察but David quite forgot to speak of 

the   footbridge   just   then察  chiefly  because   Mr。 Jack   got   out his   violin   and 

asked David to come in and play a duet with him。 The duet察however察soon 

became a solo察for so great was Mr。 Jack's delight in David's playing that 

he   placed   before   the   boy   one   sheet   of   music   after   another察  begging   and 

still begging for more。 

     David察nothing loath察played on and on。 Most of the music he knew察

having   already   learned   it   in   his   mountain   home。   Like   old    friends   the 

melodies seemed察and so glad was David to see their notes again that he 

finished     each   production     with   a  little  improvised    cadenza     of  ecstatic 

welcometo Mr。 Jack's increasing surprise and delight。 

     ;Great Scott you're a wonder察David察─he exclaimed察at last。 

     ;Pooh as if that was anything wonderful察─laughed the boy。 ;Why察I 

knew those ages ago察Mr。 Jack。 It's only that I'm so glad to see them again´ 

´the notes察you know。 You see察I haven't any music now。 It was all in the 

bag what we brought察and we left that on the way。; 

     ;You left it ─

     ;Yes察't was so察heavy; murmured David abstractedly察his fingers busy 

with the pile of music before him。 ;Oh察and here's another one察─he cried 

exultingly。 ;This is where the wind s

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