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expenditure in his case。 

     On   the   other   hand察  and   to   make   matters   equal察  as   it   were察  there   are 

some   stage   people   so   delicate   that   it   is   next   door   to   impossible   to   keep 


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them alive。 

     The     inconvenient      husband     is  a   most    pathetic    example     of   this。 

Medical   science   is   powerless   to   save   that   man   when   the   last   act   comes 

round察indeed察 we  doubt   whether  medical science察 in   its present state of 

development察could even tell what is the matter with him or why he dies at 

all。   He   looks   healthy   and   robust   enough   and   nobody   touches   him察  yet 

down he drops察without a word of warning察stone´dead察in the middle of 

the floorhe always dies in the middle of the floor。               Some folks like to 

die in bed察but stage people don't。          They like to die on the floor。         We all 

have our different tastes。 

     The   adventuress   herself   is   another   person   who   dies   with   remarkable 

ease。    We suppose in her case it is being so used to it that makes her so 

quick and clever at it。       There is no lingering illness and doctors' bills and 

upsetting of the whole household arrangements about her method。                        One 

walk round the stage and the thing is done。 

     All bad characters die quickly on the stage。              Good characters take a 

long time over it察and have a sofa down in the drawing´room to do it on察

and have sobbing relatives and good old doctors fooling around them察and 

can   smile   and   forgive   everybody。      Bad   stage   characters   have   to   do   the 

whole job察dying speech and all察in about ten seconds察and do it with all 

their clothes on into the bargain察which must make it most uncomfortable。 

     It is repentance that kills off   the bad people in plays。             They  always 

repent察  and   the   moment   they   repent   they   die。   Repentance   on   the   stage 

seems to be one of the most dangerous things a man can be taken with。 

Our advice to stage wicked people would undoubtedly be察 Never repent。 

If you value your life察don't repent。         It always means sudden death ─

     To   return   to   our   adventuress。    She   is   by   no   means   a   bad   woman。 

There is much good in her。          This is more than proved by the fact that she 

learns to love the hero before she dies察for no one but a really good woman 

capable     of   extraordinary     patience    and   gentleness     could   ever察  we   are 

convinced察grow to feel any other sentiment for that irritating ass察than a 

desire to throw bricks at him。 

     The stage adventuress would be a much better woman察too察if it were 

not    for   the   heroine。      The     adventuress     makes     the   most     complete 


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arrangements for being noble and self´sacrificingthat is察for going away 

and   never   coming   back察  and   is   just   about   to   carry   them   out察  when   the 

heroine察who has a perfect genius for being in the wrong place at the right 

time察comes in and spoils it all。        No stage adventuress can be good while 

the heroine is about。       The sight of the heroine rouses every bad feeling in 

her breast。 

     We can sympathize with her in this respect。            The heroine often affects 

ourselves in precisely the same way。 

     There is a good deal to be said in favor of the adventuress。               True察she 

possesses   rather     too  much   sarcasm   and      repartee   to  make    things   quite 

agreeable round the domestic hearth察and when she has got all her clothes 

on there is not much room left in the place for anybody else察but taken on 

the whole she is decidedly attractive。          She has grit and go in her。        She is 

alive。    She can do something to help herself besides calling for ;George。; 

     She has not got a stage childif she ever had one察she has left it on 

somebody else's doorstep which察presuming there was no water handy to 

drown it in察seems to be about the most sensible thing she could have done 

with it。    She is not oppressively good。 

     She never wants to be ;unhanded; or ;let to pass。; 

     She is not always being shocked or insulted by people telling her that 

they love her察she does not seem to mind it if they do。              She is not always 

fainting察and crying察and sobbing察and wailing察and moaning察like the good 

people in the play are。 

     Oh察  they   do   have   an   unhappy   time   of   itthe   good   people   in   plays 

Then she is the only person in the piece who can sit on the comic man。 

     We   sometimes   think   it   would   be   a   fortunate   thingfor   himif   they 

allowed her to marry and settle down quietly with the hero。                   She might 

make a man of him in time。 


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                   THE SERVANT´GIRL。 

     There are two types of servant´girl to be met with on the stage。              This 

is an unusual allowance for one profession。 

     There is the lodging´house slavey。         She has a good heart and a smutty 

face and is always dressed according to the latest fashion in scarecrows。 

Her   leading   occupation   is   the   cleaning   of   boots。 She   cleans   boots   all 

over the house察at all hours of the day。         She comes and sits down on the 

hero's breakfast´table and cleans them over the poor fellow's food。                She 

comes into the drawing´room cleaning boots。 

     She has her own method of cleaning them察too。             She rubs off the mud察

puts on the blacking察and polishes up all with the same brush。              They take 

an enormous amount of polishing。            She seems to do nothing else all day 

long but walk about shining one boot察and she breathes on it and rubs it till 

you wonder there is any leather left察yet it never seems to get any brighter察

nor察indeed察can you expect it to察for when you look close you see it is a 

patent´leather boot that she has been throwing herself away upon all this 


     Somebody has been having a lark with the poor girl。 

     The   lodging´house   slavey   brushes   her   hair   with   the   boot   brush   and 

blacks the end of her nose with it。 

    We were acquainted with a lodging´house slavey oncea real one察we 

mean。     She   was   the   handmaiden   at   a   house   in   Bloomsbury   where   we 

once hung out。       She was untidy in her dress察 it is   true察but   she had not 

quite that castaway and gone´to´sleep´in´a´dust´bin appearance that we察an 

earnest student of the drama察felt she ought to present察and we questioned 

her one day on the subject。 

     ;How is it察Sophronia察─we said察 that you distantly resemble a human 

being instead of giving one the idea of an animated rag´shop拭              Don't you 

ever polish your nose with the blacking´brush察or rub coal into your head察

or wash your face in treacle察or put skewers into your hair察or anything of 

that sort察like they do on the stage拭─

     She said此     Lord love you察what should I want to go and be a bally 


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idiot like that for拭─

     And we have not liked to put the question elsewhere since then。 

     The other type of servant´girl on the stagethe villa servant´girlis a 

very     different    personage。       She     is  a   fetching    little  thing察   dresses 

bewitchingly察and is always clean。            Her duties are to dust the legs of the 

chairs in the drawing´room。           That is the only work she ever has to do察but 

it must be confessed she does that thoroughly。               She never comes into the 

room without   dusting the legs of   these   chairs察 and she   dusts   them  again 

before she goes out。 

     If anything ought to be free from dust in a stage house察it should be the 

legs of the drawing´room chairs。 

     She   is   going   to   marry   the   man´servant察  is   the   stage   servant´girl察  as 

soon as they have saved   up sufficient out of their   wages to buy a   hotel。 

They  think   they   will   like   to   keep   a   hotel。 They  don't   understand   a   bit 

about the business察which we believe is a complicated one察but this does 

not trouble them in the least。 

     They quarrel a good deal over their love´making察do the stage servant´ 

girl and her young man察and they always come into the drawing´room to 

do it。    They have got the kitchen察and there is t

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