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padre ignacio(伝蟻性,卅鯉追廉天)-及4准

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´ Page 13´

                         PADRE IGNACIO Or The Song of Temptation 

white and red winethe white fifty years old。 Beneath the quiet shining of 

candles察fresh´cut flowers leaned from vessels of old Mexican and Spanish 


     There at one end of this feast sat the wild察pastoral察gaudy company察

speaking      little   over   their   food察  and   there   at   the   other   the   pale  Padre察

questioning   his   visitor   about   Rachel。   The   mere   name   of   a   street   would 

bring memories crowding to his lips察and when his guest told him of a new 

play   he   was   ready   with   old   quotations   from   the   same   author。 Alfred   de 

Vigny   they   spoke   of察  and   Victor   Hugo察  whom   the   Padre   disliked。   Long 

after the dulce察or sweet dish察when it was the custom for the vaqueros and 

the rest of the retainers to rise and leave the gente fina to themselves察the 

host   sat   on   in   the   empty   hail察  fondly   talking   to   his   guest   of   his   bygone 

Paris and fondly  learning of the   later Paris   that the guest had seen。 And 

thus   the   two   lingered察  exchanging   their   enthusiasms察  while   the   candles 

waned察and the long´haired Indians stood silent behind the chairs。 

     ;But we must go to my piano察─the host exclaimed。 For at length they 

had come to a lusty difference of opinion。 The Padre察with ears critically 

deaf察  and   with   smiling察  unconvinced   eyes察  was   shaking   his   head察  while 

young Gaston sang Trovatore at him察and beat upon the table with a fork。 

     ;Come and convert me察then察─said Padre Ignacio察and he led the way。 

;Donizetti   I   have   always   admitted。   There察  at   least察  is   refinement。   If   the 

world has taken to this Verdi察with his street´band musicBut there察now 

Sit   down   and   convert   me。   Only   don't   crush   my   poor   little   Erard   with 

Verdi's hoofs。 I brought it when I came。 It is behind the times察too。 And察oh察

my dear boy察our organ is still worse。 So old察so old To get a proper one I 

would   sacrifice   even   this   piano   of   mine   in   a   momentonly   the   tinkling 

thing is not worth a sou to anybody except its master。 But there Are you 

quite   comfortable拭─  And   having   seen   to   his   guest's   needs察  and   placed 

spirits and cigars and an ash´tray within his reach察the Padre sat himself 

comfortably        in  his  chair    to  hear   and    expose    the   false   doctrine    of   Il 


     By midnight all of the opera that Gaston could recall had been played 

and sung twice。 The convert sat in his chair no longer察but stood singing by 

the   piano。   The   potent   swing   and   flow   of   rhythms察  the   torrid察  copious 


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                     PADRE IGNACIO Or The Song of Temptation 

inspiration of the South察mastered him。 ;Verdi has grown察─he cried。 ;Verdi 

is become a giant。; And he swayed to the beat of the melodies察and waved 

an   enthusiastic   arm。  He   demanded     every  note。  Why    did  not  Gaston 

remember it all拭But if the barkentine would arrive and bring the whole 

music察then they would have it right And he made Gaston teach him what 

words he knew。 ;'Non ti scorder'; he sang;'non ti scordar di me。' That is 

genius。 But one sees how the world moves when one is out of it。 'A nostri 

monti    ritorneremo'察 home    to  our  mountains。   Ah察  yes察 there  is  genius 

again。; And the exile sighed and his spirit voyaged to distant places察while 

Gaston continued brilliantly with the music of the final scene。 

    Then     the  host   remembered     his   guest。  ;I  am    ashamed    of  my 

selfishness察─he said。 ;It is already to´morrow。; 

    ;I have sat later in less good company察─answered the pleasant Gaston。 

;And I shall sleep all the sounder for making a convert。; 

    ;You have dispensed roadside alms察─said the Padre察smiling察 and that 

should win excellent dreams。; 

    Thus察with courtesies more elaborate than the world has time for at the 

present day察they bade each other good´night and parted察bearing their late 

candles along the quiet halls of the mission。 To young Gaston in his bed 

easy sleep came without waiting察and no dreams at ail。 Outside his open 

window was the quiet察serene darkness察where the stars shone clear察and 

tranquil perfumes hung in the cloisters。 But while the guest lay sleeping all 

night   in  unchanged    position  like  a  child察 up  and  down    between   the 

oleanders went Padre Ignacio察walking until dawn。 Temptation indeed had 

come over the hill and entered the cloisters。 


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                         PADRE IGNACIO Or The Song of Temptation 


     Day   showed   the   ocean's   surface   no   longer   glassy察  but   lying   like   a 

mirror breathed upon察and there between the short headlands came a sail察

gray   and     plain   against   the   flat   water。  The    priest  watched      through    his 

glasses察  and   saw   the   gradual   sun   grow   strong   upon   the   canvas   of   the 

barkentine。      The    message     from    his   world    was    at  hand察  yet   to´day    he 

scarcely   cared   so   much。   Sitting   in   his   garden   yesterday察  he   could   never 

have imagined such a change。 But his heart did not hail the barkentine as 

usual。 Books察music察pale paper察and printthis was all that was coming to 

him察    some   of   its   savor   had   gone察  for   the   siren   voice   of   Life   had   been 

speaking with him face to face察and in his spirit察deep down察the love of 

the    world     was    restlessly   answering       it。  Young     Gaston     showed     more 

eagerness   than   the   Padre   over   this   arrival   of   the   vessel   that   might   be 

bringing Trovatore   in   the   nick   of   time。   Now  he   would have   the   chance察

before he took his leave察to help rehearse the new music with the choir。 He 

would be a missionary察too此a perfectly new experience。 

     ;And you still forgive Verdi the sins of his youth拭─he said to his host。 

;I wonder if you could forgive mine拭─

     ;Verdi has left his behind him察─retorted the Padre。 

     ;But I am only twenty´five ─exclaimed Gaston察pathetically。 

     ;Ah察    don't    go   away     soon ─   pleaded     the    exile。   It  was    the   first 

unconcealed complaint that had escaped him察and he felt instant shame。 

     But Gaston was too much elated with the enjoyment of each new day 

to comprehend the Padre's soul。 The shafts of another's pain might hardly 

pierce the bright armor of his gaiety。 He mistook the priest's entreaty察for 

anxiety about his own happy spirit。 

     ;Stay   here   under   your   care拭─  he   asked。   ;It   would   do   me   no   good察

Padre。 Temptation   sticks   closer   to   me   than   a   brother ─  and   he   gave   that 

laugh   of   his   which   had  disarmed   severer   judges  than   his   host。   ;By  next 

week      I  should   have    introduced     some     sin  or  other   into   your   beautiful 

Garden of Ignorance here。 It will be much safer for your flock if I go and 

join the other serpents at San Francisco。; 


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                        PADRE IGNACIO Or The Song of Temptation 

     Soon after breakfast the Padre had his two mules saddled察and he and 

his guest set forth down the hills together to the shore。 And察beneath the 

spell    and   confidence      of  pleasant察   slow   riding    and   the   loveliness    of 

everything察the young man talked freely of himself。 

     ;And察seriously察─said he察 if I missed nothing else at Santa Ysabel察I 

should long forhow shall I say itfor insecurity察for danger察and of all 

kindsnot   merely  danger   to   the   body。  Within   these   walls察  beneath   these 

sacred bells察you live too safe for a man like me。; 

     ;Too safe ─These echoed words upon the lips of the pale Padre were a 

whisper too light察too deep察for Gaston's heedless ear。 

     ;Why察─  the   young   man   pursued   in   a   spirit   that   was   but   half   levity察

;though I yield often to temptation察at times I have resisted it察and here I 

should miss the very chance to resist。 Your garden could never be Eden for 

me察because temptation is absent from it。; 

     ;Absent ─  Still   lighter察  still   deeper察  was   this   whisper   that   the   Padre 


     ;I must find life察─exclaimed Gaston察 and my fortune at the mines察I 

hope。 I am not a bad fellow察Father。 You can easily guess all the things I do。 

I have never察to my knowledge察harmed any one。 I didn't even try to kill 

my adversary in an affair of honor。 I g

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