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padre ignacio(伝蟻性,卅鯉追廉天)-及2准

梓囚徒貧圭鮗 ○ 賜 ★ 辛酔堀貧和鍬匈梓囚徒貧議 Enter 囚辛指欺云慕朕村匈梓囚徒貧圭鮗 ● 辛指欺云匈競何

     ;There察Felipe ─he said now。 ;Can you do it拭Slower察and more softly察

muchacho mio。 It is about the death of a man察and it should go with our 


     The boy listened。 ;Then the father has played it a tone too low察─said 

he察   for   our  bell   rings   the   note   of   sol察  or   something   very  near   it察  as   the 

father must surely know。; He placed the melody in the right keyan easy 

thing for him察and the Padre was delighted。 

     ;Ah察my Felipe察─he exclaimed察 what could you and I not do if we had 

a better organ Only a little better See above this row of keys would be a 

second row察 and   many  more  stops。 Then we  would   make   such   music  as 

has never yet been heard in California。 But my people are so poor and so 

few And some day I shall have passed from them察and it will be too late。; 

     ;Perhaps察─ventured Felipe察 the Americanos; 

     ;They care nothing for us察Felipe。 They are not of our religionor of 

any religion察from what I can hear。 Don't forget my Dixit Dominus。; 

     The    Padre    retired   once   more    to  the  sacristy察  while    the  horse   that 

brought Temptation came over the hill。 

     The hour of service drew near察and as the Padre waited he once again 

stepped out for a look at the ocean察but the blue triangle of water lay like a 

picture   in   its   frame   of   land察  bare   as   the   sky。   ;I   think察  from   the   color察

though察─said he察 that a little more wind must have begun out there。; 

     The bell rang a last short summons to prayer。 Along the road from the 

south a young rider察leading a pack´animal察ambled into the mission and 

dismounted。  Church   was not   so   much   in   his thoughts   as   food   and察  after 

due   digestion察  a   bed察  but   the   doors   stood   open察  and察  as   everybody   was 

passing     within    them察  more    variety    was   to  be   gained    by   joining   this 


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                        PADRE IGNACIO Or The Song of Temptation 

company than by waiting outside alone until they should return from their 

devotions。 So he seated himself in a corner near the entrance察and after a 

brief察jaunty glance at the sunburned察shaggy congregation察made himself 

as comfortable as might be。 He had not seen a face worth keeping his eyes 

open for。 The simple choir and simple fold察gathered for even´song察paid 

him no attentiona rough American bound for the mines was but an object 

of aversion to them。 

     The    Padre察   of  course察   had   been    instantly   aware     of  the   stranger's 

presence。 To be aware of unaccustomed presences is the sixth sense with 

vicars   of   every   creed   and   heresy察  and   if   the   parish   is   lonely   and   the 

worshipers   few   and   seldom   varying察  a   newcomer   will   gleam   out   like   a 

new book to be read。 And a trained priest learns to read keenly the faces of 

those     who    assemble     to   worship     under    his   guidance。     But   American 

vagrants察  with     no   thoughts    save   of  gold´digging察  and      an  overweening 

illiterate jargon for speech察had long ceased to interest this priest察even in 

his starvation for company and talk from the outside world察and therefore 

after the intoning he sat with his homesick thoughts unchanged察to draw 

both   pain   and   enjoyment   from   the   music   that   he   had   set   to   the   Dixit 

Dominus。 He listened to the tender chorus that opens William Tell察and察as 

the Latin psalm proceeded察pictures of the past rose between him and the 

altar。   One    after  another    came    these   strains   he  had   taken    from   operas 

famous   in   their   day察  until   at   length   the   Padre   was   murmuring   to   some 

music   seldom  long out of   his heartnot the   Latin   verse   which the   choir 

sang察but the original French words此

                               ;Ah察              voile              man               envie察

Voila    mon     seul   desir此                               Rendez      moi    ma   patrie察

Ou laissez moi mourir。; 

     Which may be rendered此

                               But            one          wish           I         implore察

One   wish   is   all   my   cry此                         Give   back   my   native   land 

once more察                                     Give back察or let me die。 

     Then it happened that his eye fell again upon the stranger near the door察

and he skaightway forgot his Dixit Dominus。 The face of the young man 

was   no   longer hidden   by  the slouching position   he   had   at   first taken。   ;I 


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                      PADRE IGNACIO Or The Song of Temptation 

only noticed his clothes at first察─thought the Padre。 Restlessness was plain 

upon    the  handsome     brow察 and   violence   was   in  the  mouth察  but  Padre 

Ignacio    liked  the  eyes。  ;He   is  not  saying  any   prayers察─ he  surmised察

presently。 ;I doubt if he has said any for a long while。 And he knows my 

music。 He is of educated people。 He cannot be American。 And nowyes察

he has takenI think it must be a flower察from his pocket。 I shall have him 

to   dine  with  me。;   And    vespers  ended    with  rosy  clouds   of  eagerness 

drifting across the Padre's brain。 


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                        PADRE IGNACIO Or The Song of Temptation 


     But the stranger made his own beginning。 As the priest came from the 

church察the rebellious young figure was waiting。 ;Your organist tells me察─

he said察impetuously察 that it is you who; 

     ;May I ask with whom I have the great pleasure of speaking拭─said the 

Padre察putting formality to the front and his pleasure out of sight。 

     The   stranger's   face   reddened   beneath   its   sun´beaten   bronze察  and   he 

became aware of the Padre's pale features察molded by refinement and the 

world。     ;I  beg   your   lenience察─   said  he察 with   a  graceful    and   confident 

utterance察  as   of   equal   to   equal。   ;My   name   is   Gaston Villere察  and   it   was 

time I should be reminded of my manners。; 

     The Padre's hand waved a polite negative。 

     ;Indeed察  yes察  Padre。   But   your   music   has   amazed   me。   If   you   carried 

such   associations   asAh   the   days   and   the   nights he   broke   off。   ;To 

come     down     a  California    mountain     and   find  Paris   at  the  bottom    The 

Huguenots察Rossini察HeroldI was waiting for Il Trovatore。; 

     ;Is that something new拭─inquired the Padre察eagerly。 

     The   young   man   gave   an   exclamation。   ;The   whole   world   is   ringing 

with it ─he cried。 

     ;But   Santa   YsabeI   del   Mar   is   a   long   way   from   the   whole   world察─

murmured Padre Ignacio。 

     ;Indeed察it would not appear to be so察─returned young Gaston。 ;I think 

the Comedie Francaise must be round the corner。; 

     A thrill went through the priest at the theater's name。 ;And have you 

been long in America拭─he asked。 

     ;Why察alwaysexcept two years of foreign travel after college。; 

     ;An American ─exclaimed the surprised Padre察with perhaps a tone of 

disappointment   in   his   voice。   ;But   no Americans   who   are   yet   come   this 

way   have   beenhave   been;he   veiled   the   too´blunt   expression   of   his 

thought;have been familiar with The Huguenots察─he finished察making a 

slight bow。 

     Villere    took   his  under´meaning。       ;I  come    from    New     Orleans察─   he 

returned察 and in New Orleans there live many of us who can recognize a´ 


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                        PADRE IGNACIO Or The Song of Temptation 

´who   can   recognize   good   music   wherever   we   hear   it。;   And   he   made   a 

slight bow in his turn。 

     The Padre laughed outright with pleasure and laid his hand upon the 

young   man's   arm。   ;You   have   no   intention   of   going   away   to´morrow察  I 


     ;With your leave察─answered Gaston察 I will have such an intention no 


     It was with the air and gait of mutual understanding that the two now 

walked   on   together   toward   the   Padre's   door。 The   guest   was   twenty´five察

the host sixty。 

     ;And have you been in America long拭─inquired Gaston。 

     ;Twenty years。; 

     ;And at Santa Ysabel how long拭─

     ;Twenty years。; 

     ;I should have thought察─said Gaston察looking lightly at the desert and 

unpeopIed   mountains察   that   now   and   again   you   might   have   wished   to 


     ;Were I your age察─murmured Padre Ignacio察 it might be so。; 

     The evening had now ripened to t

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