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biographical study of a. w. kinglake-及13准

弌傍 biographical study of a. w. kinglake 忖方 耽匈4000忖

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How could one clear harp察men asked themselves as they read察have  produced so diverse tones拭 The riddle is solved when we learn that  the first part only was from Kinglake's pen此having vindicated his  friend's ability and good faith察her right to speak and to be heard  attentively察he left the survey of her views察with which he  probably disagreed察to the originally assigned reviewer。  The  article察Madame Novikoff tells us in the ;Nouvelle Revue察─was  received AVEC UNE STUPEFACTION UNANIME。  It formed the general talk  for many days察was attributed to Lord Salisbury察was supposed to  have been inspired by Prince Gortschakoff。  The name standing  against it in Messrs。 Murray's books察as they kindly inform me察is  that of a writer still alive察and better known now than then察but  they never heard that Kinglake had a hand in it察the editor would  seem to have kept his secret even from the publishers。  Kinglake  sent the article in proof to the lady察hoped that the facts he had  imparted and the interpolations he had inserted would please her察 he could have made the attack on Russia more pointed had he written  it察she would think the leniency shows a fault on the right side察 he did not know the writer of this latter part。  He begged her to  acquaint her friends in Moscow what an important and majestic organ  is ;The Quarterly察─how weighty therefore its laudation of herself。   She recalls his bringing her soon afterwards an article on her察 written察he said察in an adoring tone by Laveleye in the ;Revue des  Deux Mondes察─and directing her to a paper in ;Fraser察─by Miss  Pauline Irby察a passionate lover of the ;Slav ragamuffins察─and a  worshipper of Madame Novikoff。  He quotes with delight Chenery's  approbation of her ;Life of Skobeleff;察he spoke of you ;with a  gleam of kindliness in his eyes which really and truly I had never  observed before。;  ;The Times; quotes her as the ;eloquent  authoress of 'Russia and England';察 fancy that from your enemy  you are getting even 'The Times' into your net。;  A later article  on O。 K。 contains some praise察but more abuse。  Hayward is angry  with it察Kinglake thinks it more friendly than could have been  expected ;to YOU察a friend of ME察their old open enemy此the sugar´ plums were meant for you察the sprinklings of soot for me。;

Besides ;Russia and England; Madame Novikoff is the author of  ;Friends or Foes拭  is Russia wrong拭─and of a ;Life of Skobeleff察─ the hero of Plevna and of Geok Tepe。  From her natural endowments  and her long familiarity with Courts察she has acquired a capacity  for combining察controlling察entertaining social ;circles; which  recalls LES SALONS D'AUTREFOIS察the drawing´rooms of an Ancelot察a  Le Brun察a Recamier。  Residing in several European capitals察she  surrounds herself in each with persons intellectually eminent察in  England察where she has long spent her winters察Gladstone察Carlyle  and Froude察Charles Villiers察Bernal Osborne察Sir Robert Morier察 Lord Houghton察and many more of the same high type察formed her  court and owned her influence。

Kinglake first met her at Lady Holland's in 1870察and mutual liking  ripened rapidly into close friendship。  During her residences in  England few days passed in which he did not present himself at her  drawing´room in Claridge's Hotel此when absent in Russia or on the  Continent察she received from him weekly letters察though he used to  complain that writing to a lady through the POSTE RESTANTE was like  trying to kiss a nun through a double grating。  These letters察all  faithfully preserved察I have been privileged to see察they remind  me察in their mixture of personal with narrative charm察of Swift's  ;Letters to Stella;察except that Swift's are often coarse and  sometimes prurient察while Kinglake's chivalrous admiration for his  friend察though veiled occasionally by graceful banter察is always  respectful and refined。  They even imitate occasionally the ;little  language; of the great satirist察if Swift was Presto察Kinglake is  ;Poor dear me;察if Stella was M。 D。察Madame Novikoff is ;My dear  Miss。;  This last endearment was due to an incident at a London  dinner table。  A story told by Hayward察seasoned as usual with GROS  SEL察amused the more sophisticated English ladies present察but  covered her with blushes。  Kinglake perceived it察and said to her  afterwards察 I thought you were a hardened married woman察I am glad  that you are not察I shall henceforth call you MISS。;  Sometimes he  rushes into verse。  In answer to some pretended rebuff received  from her at Ryde he writes

;There was a young lady of Ryde察so awfully puffed up by pride察She felt grander by far than the Son of the Czar察And when he said察'Dear察come and walk on the pier察Oh please come and walk by my side' The answer he got察was 'Much better not' from that awful young  lady of Ryde。;

Oftenest察the letters are serious in their admiring compliments察 they speak of her superb organization of health and life and  strength and joyousness察the delightful sunshine of her presence察 her decision and strength of will察her great qualities and great  opportunities此 away from you the world seems a blank。;  He is glad  that his Great Eltchi has been made known to her察the old statesman  will be impressed察he feels sure察by her ;intense life察 graciousness and grace察intellect carefully masked察musical faculty  in talk察with that heavenly power of coming to an end。;  He sends  playfully affectionate messages from other members of the  GERONTAION察as he calls it察the group of aged admirers who formed  her inner court察echoing their laments over the universality of her  patronage。  ;Hayward can pardon your having an ambassador or two at  your FEET察but to find the way to your HEART obstructed by a crowd  of astronomers察Russ´expansionists察metaphysicians察theologians察 translators察historians察poets察  this is more than he can endure。   The crowd reduces him察as Ampere said to Mme。 Recamier察to the  qualified blessing of being only CHEZ VOUS察from the delight of  being AVEC VOUS。  He hails and notifies additions to the list of  her admirers察quotes enthusiastic praise of her from Stansfeld and  Charles Villiers察warm appreciation from Morier察Sir Robert Peel察 Violet Fane。  He rallies her on her victims察jests at Froude's  lover´like GALANTERIE ´ ;Poor St。 Anthony how he hovered round the  flame;察  at the devotion of that gay Lothario察Tyndall察whose  approaching marriage will察he thinks察clip his wings for  flirtation。  ;It seems that at the Royal Institution察or whatever  the place is called察young women look up to the Lecturers as  priests of Science察and go to them after the lecture in what  churchmen would call the vestry察and express charming little doubts  about electricity察and pretty gentle disquietudes about the solar  system此and then the Professors have to give explanations察  and  then察somehow察at the end of a few weeks察they find they have  provided themselves with chaperons for life。;  So he pursues the  list of devotees察her son will tell her that Caesar summarized his  conquests in this country by saying VENI察VIDI察VICI察but to her it  is given to say察VENI察VIDEBAR察VICI。

On two subjects察theology and politics察Madame Novikoff was察as we  have seen察passionately in earnest。  Himself at once an amateur  casuist and a consistent Nothingarian察whose dictum was that  ;Important if true; should be written over the doors of churches察 he followed her religious arguments much as Lord Steyne listened to  the contests between Father Mole and the Reverend Mr。 Trail。  He  expresses his surprise in all seriousness that the Pharisees察a  thoughtful and cultured set of men察who alone among the Jews  believed in a future state察should have been the very men to whom  our Saviour was habitually antagonistic。  He refers more lightly  and frequently to ;those charming talks of ours about our  Churches;察he thinks they both know how to EFFLEURER the surface of  theology without getting drowned in it。  Of existing Churches he  preferred the English察as ;the most harmless going;察disliked the  Latin Church察especially when intriguing in the East察as  persecuting and as schismatic察and therefore as no Church at all。   Roman Catholics察he said察have a special horror of being called  ;schismatic察─and that is察of course察a good reason for so calling  them。  He would not permit the use of the word ;orthodox察─because察 like a parson in the pulpit察it is always begging the question。  He  refused historical reverence to the Athanasian Creed察and was  delighted when Stanley's review in ;The Times; of Mr。 Ffoulkes'  learned book showed it to have been written by order of Charles the  Great in 800 A。D。 as what Thorold Rogers used to call ;an election  squib。;  In the ;Filioque; controversy察once dear to Liddon and to  Gladstone察now察I suppose察obsolete for the English mind察but which  relates to the chief dividing tenet of East from West察he showed an  interest humorous rather than reverent察took pains to acquaint  himself with the views held on it by Dollinger and the old  Catholics察noted with amusement the perplexity of London ladies as  to the meaning of the word when quoted in the much´read ;Quarterly;  article察declaring their belief to be that it 

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