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小说: tw.togreenangeltower2 字数: 每页4000字

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nto the torchlight; the Norns gathered whispering on the hilltop above Hasu Vale。 Gradually he summoned a vision of the great wheel; and a naked body prisoned upon it。
       Me! he exulted。 Me; Simon! I'm still alive! 
       The figure hanging on the wheel's rim was shadowy and without much form; like a crudely carved image of Usires on His Tree; but Simon could feel the intangible connection between it and him。 He tried to give the shape a face; but could not remember his own features。
I've lost myself。 The realization crawled over him like a blanket of killing frost。 I don't remember what I look like…I don't have a face!
       The figure on the wheel; even the wheel itself; wavered and became indistinct。
       No! He clung to the wheel; willing its circular shadow to stay before his mind's eye。 No! I'm real。 I'm alive。 My name is Simon!
       He struggled to remember how he had looked in Jiriki's mirror…but first had to draw up the memory of the mirror itself; its cool feel beneath' his fingers; the delicate smoothness of its carvings。 It had warmed at his touch until it felt like a living thing。
       Suddenly he could recall his own face prisoned in the Sithi glass。 His red hair was thick and unkempt; slashed by a white streak; down his cheek from eye to jaw ran the mark of the dragon's blood。 The eyes did not reveal all that went on behind them。 It was not a boy who looked back from Jiriki's mirror; but a rawboned young man。 It was his own face; Simon realized; his own face returned to him。
       He narrowed his will; straining to force his own features onto the shadowy form hanging on the wheel。 As the mask of his face grew upon the dim figure; everything else became clearer; too。 The forge chamber grew out of the indistinct gray nothing; faint and ghostly; but unquestionably a real place from which Simon was separated only by some short; indefinable distance。 Hope flooded back into his heart。
But no matter how he tried; he could not push any farther。 He wanted desperately to return…even to the wheel…yet it remained tantalizingly out of reach: the more he struggled; the greater the distance seemed between the Simon that floated in the dreamworld and his empty; slumbering body;
I can't reach it! Defeat pulled at him。 I can't。 With that realization; his vision of the wheel dimmed; then vanished。 The phantom forge evaporated as well; leaving him adrift once more in the colorless void。 He summoned up the strength to try again; but this time could bring into existence only the faintest glimmering of the world he had left behind。 It faded swiftly。 Furious; despairing; he tried again and again; but was unable to break through。 At last; his will flagged。 He was defeated。 He belonged to the void。 I'm lost。。。。

       For a while Simon knew nothing but hollowness and hopeless pain。
       He did not know if he had slept or passed over into some other realm; but when he could feel himself think again; something else had finally e to share the emptiness。 A single mote of light glowed faintly before him; like a candle flame seen through a thick fog。 
       〃Leieth!? Leieth; is that you?〃
       The spark did not move。 Simon willed himself toward the gleam of light。
       At first he could not say if it grew nearer; or whether; like a star on the horizon; it remained remote and beyond reach no matter how he traveled。 But even though Simon could not be sure that the spark was any closer; things began to change around him。 Where once there had been only airy nothingness; he now began to see faint lines and shapes which gradually became sharper and more distinct until at last he could make out the forms of trees and stones…but all were transparent as water。 He was passing along a hillside; but the very earth below him and the vegetation that shrouded it seemed only scarcely more real than the void that stretched overhead in place of the sky。 He seemed to be moving through a landscape of clear glass; but when he lost his way for a moment and stepped into a rock in his path; he passed through it。
Am I the ghost? Or is it this place?
The light was nearer。 Simon could see its warm glow reflected faintly in the fog of tree…shapes that ringed it round。 He moved closer。
       The radiance hovered on the edge of a ghostly valley; perched at the end of a jut of translucent stone。 It was cradled in the arms of a dim; smoky figure。 As he drew closer; the phantom turned。 Ghost or angel or demon; it had the face of a woman。 The eyes widened; although they did not quite seem to see him。
〃Who is there?〃 The shadowy woman's face did not move; but there was no question in his mind that it was she who spoke。 Her voice was reassuringly human。
       〃I am; I'm lost。〃 Simon thought of how he would feel; approached in this deathly emptiness by a stranger。 〃I mean no harm。〃
       A ripple passed through the woman's form; and for a moment the gleam of light she cradled against her breast glowed more brightly。 Simon felt it as a spreading warmth inside him and was strangely forted。 〃I know you;〃 she said slowly。 〃You came to me once before。〃
       He could make no sense of that。 〃I am Simon。 Who are you? What is this place?〃
〃My name is Maegwin。〃 She sounded uneasy。 〃And this is the land of the gods。 But surely you know both those things。 You were the gods' messenger。〃
Simon had no idea what she meant; but he was desperately hungry for the pany of another creature; even this ghost…woman。 〃I am lost;〃 he repeated。 〃May I stay here and talk to you?〃 It seemed somehow important that he have her permission。
〃Of course;〃 she said; but the uncertainty had not left her voice。 〃Please; be wele。〃
For a moment he could see her more clearly; her sorrowful face was framed by thick hair and the hood of a long cloak。 〃You are very beautiful;〃 he said。
       Maegwin laughed; something Simon felt more than heard。 〃In case I had forgotten; you have reminded me that I am far from the life I knew。〃 There was a pause。 The glowing light pulsed。 〃You say you are lost?〃
〃I am。 It's hard to explain; but I am not here…at least; the rest of me is not。〃 He considered telling her more; but was hesitant to open himself pletely even to this melancholy; harmless…seeming spirit。 〃Why are you here?〃
〃I wait。〃 Maegwin's voice was regretful。 〃I do not know who or what I am waiting for。 But I know that is what I do。〃
       For a time the two of them did not speak。 The valley shimmered below; pellucid as mist。
       〃It all seems so far away;〃 Simon said at last。 〃All the things that seemed so important。〃
〃If you listen;〃 Maegwin replied; 〃you can hear the music。〃
Simon listened; but heard absolutely nothing。 That in itself was astonishing; and for a moment he was overwhelmed。 There was nothing at all…no wind; no bird…song; no soft babble of voices; not even the muffled bumping of his own heart。 He had never imagined a quiet so absolute; a peace so deep。 After all the madness and uproar of his life; he seemed to have e to the still center of things。
       〃I fear this place a little;〃 he said。 〃I'm afraid that if I stay here too long; I won't even want to go back to my life。〃
       He could feel Maegwin's surprise。 〃Your life? Are you not already long dead? When you came to me before; I thought you must be an ancient hero。〃 She made an unhappy sound。 〃What have I done? Could it be that you did not know you were dead?〃 
       〃Dead?〃 Shock and fury and more than a little terror surged through him。 〃I'm not dead! I'm still alive; I just can't get back。 I'm alive!〃
       〃Then what are you doing here with me?〃 There was something very strange in her voice。
〃I don't know。 But I'm alive!〃 And although he said it in part to bat his own sudden apprehension; he felt it; too…ties that had grown weak but were nevertheless quite real still bound him to the waking world and his lost body。
〃But surely only the dead e here? Only the dead; like me?〃
〃No。 The dead go on。〃 Simon thought of Leieth flying free and knew he spoke truly。 〃This is a waiting place…a between…place。 The dead go on。〃
       〃But how can that be; when I 。。。〃 Maegwin suddenly fell silent。
Simon's frightened anger did not dissipate; but he felt the flame of his life still inside him; a flame that had dimmed but had not yet blown out; and he was forted。 He knew he was alive。 That was all he had to cling to; but it was everything。
       He felt something strange beside him。 Maegwin was crying; not in sounds; but in great shuddering movements that caused her entire being to waver and almost dissipate; like breeze…stirred smoke。
〃What's wrong?〃 As odd and unsettling as all this was; he did not want to lose her; but she had bee alarmingly insubstantial。 Even the light she bore seemed to have grown fainter。 〃Maegwin? Why are you crying?〃
       〃I have been such a fool;〃 she keened。 〃Such a fool!〃
〃What do you mean?〃 He tried to reach out to her; to take her hand; but the two of them could not touch。 Simon looked down and saw nothing where his body should be。 It was odd; but in this dreamlike place it did not seem as terrifying as it might have elsewhere。 He wondered how he looked to Maegwin。 〃Why have you been a fool?〃
〃Because I thought I knew all。 Because I thought even 

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