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rrel in a cage made of woven pine strips。 〃He sells them;〃 said Nathan Lee。 〃It's like a souk。〃 He touched the volume button。 The sound of haggling rose up。 A line of men stood before several merchants sitting on their heels with little collections of junk spread in front of them。
 〃Sandals? Pine cones?〃 she said。 〃Are those statues of women?〃
 〃Or fetishes。 Made out of bread balls。 They're very creative。 Anything they can find。 They love to barter。 It starts the minute they hit the yard。 They swap and dicker all day long。 It's a way to be together。 A village is forming。 See that man; he's a fortune…teller。 And this guy? He makes bracelets from colored thread and pieces of lamb tendon。 And him? He's the professional ear cleaner。〃
 〃You're not serious。〃
 The man was squatting to one side of his client; plying a wire and a shaved twig with the concentration of a neurosurgeon。 〃You've never been to the Third World;〃 he said。
 〃What's with this one?〃 A man was walking around with twine holding a piece of folded cloth against his forehead。
 〃Headache medicine。 Magic cloth。 One of his friends said a spell into it。 It seems to work for him。〃
 Nathan Lee turned the volume off and sat down again。 Miranda turned from the images and leaned against the table。 〃Cavendish called;〃 she said。 〃He's on the war path。〃
 Nathan Lee tensed。 Ochs had Cavendish。 He had Miranda。 The allegiances were plain。 〃About what?〃 he asked。
 〃He wants to know what's your point with all this?〃 She patted one of the TVs。 〃I told him it's a discovery process。 You're going to ask the clones about the plague。〃
 〃That's ing;〃 Nathan Lee said。 〃There's only so far we can push in a day。〃
 〃Cavendish says it's a stunt。 He wants to shut you down;〃 she said。 〃He issued a deport order on you。〃
 〃What?〃 Nathan Lee was stunned。 The pencil slipped from his fingers。It was over; just like that? He wanted to object。 It was too soon。 He hadn't found his answer yet。 But he had only himself to blame。 He'd let himself be seduced by this alternate reality。 He'd created it; himself。 The clones were none of his business。 They'd lived their lives。 He should have been living his; spending every minute hunting for his enemy。
 〃Ochs;〃 he said。 Maybe there was still time。 He could hide in one of the canyons; or in the forest。 Eventually Ochs had to show himself。 But Nathan Lee knew that was futile。 Security was everywhere。
 〃Ochs?〃 she said。 〃I'm sure he's been whispering his poison about you。 But Cavendish has his own good reasons to rid of you。 You're a threat to his rule。〃
 〃Cavendish? What have I ever done to him?〃 He'd never even met the man; only seen pictures of him。 Depending on who you were talking to; the Director's growing seclusion was due to some disfiguring disease on top of the maladies he already suffered; or a ploy to boost his omnipresence; the sense that he was everywhere and nowhere at any given moment。 Miranda said it was simply the wages of paranoia。 Regardless; Cavendish had strayed from the family of man a long time ago。 He was like one of the physicists' quarks or whiffles; whatever they called their subatomic ricochets。 Chaos theory; but without the theory。
 〃He's convinced I'm trying to overthrow him;〃 said Miranda。 〃Through you。〃
 〃That's absurd。〃
 〃No; he's absolutely right。〃 Miranda smiled。 〃I am using you。 Don't look so shocked。 You're using me。 That's how it goes; right? One big vicious cycle。〃 She didn't sound ruthless; more like a kid trying to act tough。
 〃I'm not much of a weapon;〃 he said。 〃Why should Cavendish worry?〃
 〃The city's ing together。 A shadow city。 A confederacy。 I met with some of the other lab directors。 They're noticing the changes; too。 The monthly stats are ing in。 Fewer people are taking sick leave。 More new experiments are starting up。 Drug overdoses are down。 Morale's up。 It's like a darkness lifting。〃
 〃What does that have to do with me?〃
 〃No one can put their finger on it。 But somehow it has to do with this Year Zero thing;〃 she said。 〃Nothing else correlates。 Science by day; animal sacrifices by night。 People are glued to the tube。 They're invested。 That's not the word。 Enchanted。 Oh;〃 she added; 〃did I mention; human testing has tapered to a fraction of what it was。〃
 〃And you're saying the clones are responsible?〃
 〃They're part of it。 This sea change in attitude all dates to your yard。〃
 〃That's hard to believe。〃 But he felt it himself。 The yard inhabited him。 The little tribe of clones had conquered death。 They had outlived the apocalypse and joined hands。 Paradise was now。
 〃The whole city's tuned in to you。 History and geography teachers are using the tapes to teach children about the customs of first…century Palestine。 Classrooms have adopted different clones to research and write their biographies。 The lunchrooms and coffee bars are full of the latest revelations。 The churches play the Lord's Prayer。〃
 Nathan Lee had heard some of that。 〃Bread and circuses;〃 he dismissed it。
 〃Don't you see? You're threatening the cure。 That's what Cavendish thinks。〃
 〃It's just TV。 The ultimate reality show。〃
 〃No;〃 she said。 〃Cavendish is exactly right。〃 She picked up a rib from Matthew's bone set。 〃You've turned them into human beings。〃
 〃They were to begin with。〃
 〃But we didn't know that;〃 she said。 〃That's the difference。 Already two of the labs have suspended experiments because of you。 Others are talking。 Cavendish understands。 They're trending away from a methodology。 They're self…correcting。 Reeling themselves back from the brink。〃
 〃Human testing?〃 he said。 〃That's part of the culture。 People made that deal with the devil a long time ago。〃
 〃Which is why this is so dangerous;〃 she said。 〃Cavendish is the devil。 It started with him。〃
 〃That's not true;〃 he said。 〃It's part of Los Alamos。 I've heard about the early days。 The bomb years。 Back in the fifties; thousands of dead babies were sent here from around the world; to study the spread of radioactive fallout。 Scientists used to inject themselves with plutonium。 They used to feed it to their own children。〃
 〃That stopped;〃 she said。
 〃It set the precedent。 How much worse does it get?〃Your own child?
 〃I'm not sure how much you know about what's going on。 Nobody talks about the scale of it。〃
 〃Of what?〃
 〃Do you recall that first day you were here;〃 she said。 〃We were walking across the grounds and the ash came down。 You made a joke about snow in July。〃
 Intellectual debris;she had called it。 Instantly he grasped the truth of it。 He was shocked that it had taken him until this moment。 〃Human ashes;〃 he said。
 Miranda nodded。 〃Clones。 Carriers from the cities。 Even infected scientists。 I don't have the numbers。 Thousands;〃 she said。 〃Over the last couple of years; we've done everything possible to keep them out of our heads。 It's our worst nightmare; you know; that we might turn into Auschwitz。〃 She handed the rib to him。 〃Do you see now? You've started something。 Cavendish is losing support for his methods。 He's running out of time。〃
 〃We're all running out of time;〃 he answered。 〃I'm only helping you pass it。〃
 〃I thought so; too; in the beginning。 Like you said; it's just TV。 But it's bee something more。 People are waiting for something to happen。 They think there's some kind of answer waiting for them in the yard。 And that you're going to give it to them。〃
 There were different ways to run with that。 He chose to keep it simple。 〃Clues to the plague? I wouldn't hold my breath;〃 he said。 〃I keep digging。 Maybe they know something; maybe they don't。〃
 〃The clones?〃 she said。 〃They don't have anything to tell us about the plague。 Nothing relevant。 They're one more dead end。 You know that。〃
 Nathan Lee pulled his head back。 He did know it; or had started to suspect it。 None of the clones seemed to know anything about a plague that had not really been a plague two thousand years ago。 Their blood analyses suggested a brush with some early form of Corfu; but it must have been a mild spin…off strain; something that had mutated along the Spice Road。 Whatever it was that had jumped out of the holy relic in Corfu must have originated at some safe distance from the Holy Lands。 The researchers had locked onto the right era; but the wrong reservoir。 Golgotha was not the answer。
 〃What happens now?〃 he asked。 Chin up; he told himself。 Eyes wide open。 Cavendish had spoken。 Nathan Lee was a condemned man。 He tried to imagine how to pick up from here。 Anymore; all roads led to Los Alamos。 Which would he take; where would he go? He felt fattened; sluggish; off course。 His momentum had slipped。
 〃I blocked the deport order。〃 She shrugged。
 He let his breath out。 〃You can do that?〃
 〃The show goes on;〃 she answered。 〃I need you。〃
 〃You want me to keep going with the clones? But you just said they're a dead end。〃
 〃If you look at a map; so is Los Alamos。 But it's still our last; best hope。 And you're helping keep us together。 Up in the light of day。〃
 Up;he suddenly realized;Out。 Out from the darkness of her father's underworld。 That was his use to her。 It wasn't Cavendish she was fighting; but her father。 It didn't seem right; somehow; to use one father against another。

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