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selected writings-第32节

小说: selected writings 字数: 每页4000字

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run away; but it pursued its irresistible course; and despite my

efforts and despite my anger; I could not even retard its pace。

As I was resisting in desperation that insuperable force; I was

thrown to the ground。 It then rolled me over; trailed me along

the gravel; and the rest of my furniture; which followed it;

began to march over me; tramping on my legs and injuring them。

When I loosed my hold; other articles had passed over my body;

just as a charge of cavalry does over the body of a dismounted


Seized at last with terror; I succeeded in dragging myself out of

the main avenue; and in concealing myself again among the

shrubbery; so as to watch the disappearance of the most cherished

objects; the smallest; the least striking; the least unknown

which had once belonged to me。

I then heard; in the distance; noises which came from my

apartments; which sounded now as if the house were empty; a loud

noise of shutting of doors。 They were being slammed from top to

bottom of my dwelling; even the door which I had just opened

myself unconsciously; and which had closed of itself; when the

last thing had taken its departure。 I took flight also; running

toward the city; and only regained my self…composure; on reaching

the boulevards; where I met belated people。 I rang the bell of a

hotel were I was known。 I had knocked the dust off my clothes

with my hands; and I told the porter that I had lost my bunch of

keys; which included also that to the kitchen garden; where my

servants slept in a house standing by itself; on the other side

of the wall of the inclosure which protected my fruits and

vegetables from the raids of marauders。

I covered myself up to the eyes in the bed which was assigned to

me; but could not sleep; and I waited for the dawn listening to

the throbbing of my heart。 I had given orders that my servants

were to be summoned to the hotel at daybreak; and my valet de

chambre knocked at my door at seven o'clock in the morning。

His countenance bore a woeful look。

〃A great misfortune has happened during the night; Monsieur;〃

said he。

〃What is it?〃

〃Somebody has stolen the whole of Monsieur's furniture; all;

everything; even to the smallest articles。〃

This news pleased me。 Why? Who knows? I was complete master of

myself; bent on dissimulating; on telling no one of anything I

had seen; determined on concealing and in burying in my heart of

hearts a terrible secret。 I responded:

〃They must then be the same people who have stolen my keys。 The

police must be informed immediately。 I am going to get up; and I

will join you in a few moments。〃

The investigation into the circumstances under which the robbery

might have been committed lasted for five months。 Nothing was

found; not even the smallest of my knickknacks; nor the least

trace of the thieves。 Good gracious! If I had only told them what

I knewIf I had saidI should have been locked upI; not the

thievesfor I was the only person who had seen everything from

the first。

Yes! but I knew how to keep silence。 I shall never refurnish my

house。 That were indeed useless。 The same thing would happen

again。 I had no desire even to re…enter the house; and I did not

re…enter it; I never visited it again。 I moved to Paris; to the

hotel; and consulted doctors in regard to the condition of my

nerves; which had disquieted me a good deal ever since that awful


They advised me to travel; and I followed their counsel。


I began by making an excursion into Italy。 The sunshine did me

much good。 For six months I wandered about from Genoa to Venice;

from Venice to Florence; from Florence to Rome; from Rome to

Naples。 Then I traveled over Sicily; a country celebrated for its

scenery and its monuments; relics left by the Greeks and the

Normans。 Passing over into Africa; I traversed at my ease that

immense desert; yellow and tranquil; in which camels; gazelles;

and Arab vagabonds roam aboutwhere; in the rare and transparent

atmosphere; there hover no vague hauntings; where there is never

any night; but always day。

I returned to France by Marseilles; and in spite of all its

Provencal gaiety; the diminished clearness of the sky made me

sad。 I experienced; in returning to the Continent; the peculiar

sensation of an illness which I believed had been cured; and a

dull pain which predicted that the seeds of the disease had not

been eradicated。

I then returned to Paris。 At the end of a month I was very

dejected。 It was in the autumn; and I determined to make; before

winter came; an excursion through Normandy; a country with which

I was unacquainted。

I began my journey; in the best of spirits; at Rouen; and for

eight days I wandered about; passive; ravished; and enthusiastic;

in that ancient city; that astonishing museum of extraordinary

Gothic monuments。

But one afternoon; about four o'clock; as I was sauntering slowly

through a seemingly unattractive street; by which there ran a

stream as black as the ink called 〃Eau de Robec;〃 my attention;

fixed for the moment on the quaint; antique appearance of some of

the houses; was suddenly attracted by the view of a series of

second…hand furniture shops; which followed one another; door

after door。

Ah! they had carefully chosen their locality; these sordid

traffickers in antiquities; in that quaint little street;

overlooking the sinister stream of water; under those tile and

slate…pointed roofs on which still grinned the vanes of bygone


At the end of these grim storehouses you saw piled up sculptured

chests; Rouen; Sevres; and Moustier's pottery; painted statues;

others of oak; Christs; Virgins; Saints; church ornaments;

chasubles; capes; even sacred vases; and an old gilded wooden

tabernacle; where a god had hidden himself away。 What singular

caverns there are in those lofty houses; crowded with objects of

every description; where the existence of things seems to be

ended; things which have survived their original possessors;

their century; their times; their fashions; in order to be bought

as curiosities by new generations。

My affection for antiques was awakened in that city of

antiquaries。 I went from shop to shop; crossing in two strides

the rotten four plank bridges thrown over the nauseous current

of the 〃Eau de Robec。〃

Heaven protect me! What a shock! At the end of a vault; which was

crowded with articles of every description and which seemed to be

the entrance to the catacombs of a cemetery of ancient furniture;

I suddenly descried one of my most beautiful wardrobes。 I

approached it; trembling in every limb; trembling to such an

extent that I dared not touch it; I put forth my hand; I

hesitated。 Nevertheless it was indeed my wardrobe; a unique

wardrobe of the time of Louis XIII。; recognizable by anyone who

had seen it only once。 Casting my eyes suddenly a little farther;

toward the more somber depths of the gallery; I perceived three

of my tapestry covered chairs; and farther on still; my two Henry

II。 tables; such rare treasures that people came all the way from

Paris to see them。

Think! only think in what a state of mind I now was! I advanced;

haltingly; quivering with emotion; but I advanced; for I am

braveI advanced like a knight of the dark ages。

At every step I found something that belonged to me; my brushes;

my books; my tables; my silks; my arms; everything; except the

bureau full of my letters; and that I could not discover。

I walked on; descending to the dark galleries; in order to ascend

next to the floors above。 I was alone; I called out; nobody

answered; I was alone; there was no one in that housea house as

vast and tortuous as a labyrinth。

Night came on; and I was compelled to sit down in the darkness on

one of my own chairs; for I had no desire to go away。 From time

to time I shouted; 〃Hallo; hallo; somebody。〃

I had sat there; certainly; for more than an hour when I heard

steps; steps soft and slow; I knew not where。 I was unable to

locate them; but bracing myself up; I called out anew; whereupon

I perceived a glimmer of light in the next chamber。

〃Who is there?〃 said a voice。

〃A buyer;〃 I responded。

〃It is too late to enter thus into a shop。〃

〃I have been waiting for you for more than an hour;〃 I answered。

〃You can come back to…morrow。〃

〃To…morrow I must quit Rouen。〃

I dared not advance; and he did not come to me。 I saw always the

glimmer of his light; which was shining on a tapestry on which

were two angels flying over the dead on a field of battle。 It

belonged to me also。 I said:

〃Well; come here。〃

〃I am at your service;〃 he answered。

I got up and went toward him。

Standing in the center of a large room; was a little man; very

short; and very fat; phenomenally fat; a hideous phenomenon。

He had a singular straggling beard; 

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