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the ragged trousered philanthropists-及7准

弌傍 the ragged trousered philanthropists 忖方 耽匈4000忖

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cult to find some excuse。

`Well' Hunter said at last in a doubtful察hesitating kind of way察 I'm afraid not察Newman。  We're about full up。'

He ceased speaking and remained waiting for the other to say something more。  He did not look at the man察but stooped down察fidgeting with the mechanism of the bicycle as if adjusting it。

`Things have been so bad this summer' Newman went on。  `I've had rather a rough time of it。  I would be very glad of a job even if it was only for a week or so。'

There was a pause。  After a while察Hunter raised his eyes to the other's face察but immediately let them fall again。 `Well' said he察 I might ´ perhaps ´ be able to let you have a day or two。  You can come here to this job' and he nodded his head in the direction of the house where the men were working。  `Tomorrow at seven。  Of course you know the figure' he added as Newman was about to thank him。  `Six and a half。'

Hunter spoke as if the reduction were already an accomplished fact。 The man was more likely to agree察if he thought that others were already working at the reduced rate。

Newman was taken by surprise and hesitated。  He had never worked under price察indeed察he had sometimes gone hungry rather than do so察but now it seemed that others were doing it。  And then he was so awfully hard up。  If he refused this job he was not likely to get another in a hurry。  He thought of his home and his family。  Already they owed five weeks' rent察and last Monday the collector had hinted pretty plainly that the landlord would not wait much longer。  Not only that察but if he did not get a job how were they to live拭 This morning he himself had had no breakfast to speak of察only a cup of tea and some dry bread。  These thoughts crowded upon each other in his mind察but still he hesitated。  Hunter began to move off。 `Well' he said察 if you like to start you can come here at seven in the morning。'  Then as Newman still hesitated he added impatiently察 Are you coming or not'

`Yes察sir' said Newman。

`All right' said Hunter察affably。  `I'll tell Crass to have a kit ready for you'

He nodded in a friendly way to the man察who went off feeling like a criminal。

As Hunter resumed his march察well pleased with himself察the fifth man察who had been waiting all this time察came to meet him。  As he approached察Hunter recognized him as one who had started work for Rushton & Co early in the summer察but who had left suddenly of his own accord察having taken offence at some bullying remark of Hunter's。

Hunter was glad to see this man。  He guessed that the fellow must be very hard pressed to come again and ask for work after what had happened。

`Any chance of a job察sir'

Hunter appeared to reflect。

`I believe I have room for one' he said at length。  `But you're such an uncertain kind of chap。  You don't seem to care much whether you work or not。  You're too independent察you know察one can't say two words to you but you must needs clear off。'

The man made no answer。

`We can't tolerate that kind of thing察you know' Hunter added。  `If we were to encourage men of your stamp we should never know where we are。'

So saying察Hunter moved away and again proceeded on his journey。

When he arrived within about three yards of the gate he noiselessly laid his machine against the garden fence。  The high evergreens that grew inside still concealed him from the observation of anyone who might be looking out of the windows of the house。  Then he carefully crept along till he came to the gate post察and bending down察he cautiously peeped round to see if he could detect anyone idling察or talking察or smoking。  There was no one in sight except old Jack Linden察who was rubbing down the lobby doors with pumice´stone and water。  Hunter noiselessly opened the gate and crept quietly along the grass border of the garden path。  His idea was to reach the front door without being seen察so that Linden could not give notice of his approach to those within。  In this he succeeded and passed silently into the house。  He did not speak to Linden察to do so would have proclaimed his presence to the rest。  He crawled stealthily over the house but was disappointed in his quest察for everyone he saw was hard at work。  Upstairs he noticed that the door of one of the rooms was closed。

Old Joe Philpot had been working in this room all day察washing off the old whitewash from the ceiling and removing the old papers from the walls with a broad bladed察square topped knife called a stripper。 Although it was only a small room察Joe had had to tear into the work pretty hard all the time察for the ceiling seemed to have had two or three coats of whitewash without ever having been washed off察and there were several thicknesses of paper on the walls。  The difficulty of removing these papers was increased by the fact that there was a dado which had been varnished。  In order to get this off it had been necessary to soak it several times with strong soda water察and although Joe was as careful as possible he had not been able to avoid getting some of this stuff on his fingers。  The result was that his nails were all burnt and discoloured and the flesh round them cracked and bleeding。  However察he had got it all off at last察and he was not sorry察for his right arm and shoulder were aching from the prolonged strain and in the palm of the right hand there was a blister as large as a shilling察caused by the handle of the stripping knife。

All the old paper being off察Joe washed down the walls with water察and having swept the paper into a heap in the middle of the floor察he mixed with a small trowel some cement on a small board and proceeded to stop up the cracks and holes in the walls and ceiling。  After a while察feeling very tired察it occurred to him that he deserved a spell and a smoke for five minutes。  He closed the door and placed a pair of steps against it。  There were two windows in the room almost opposite each other察these he opened wide in order that the smoke and smell of his pipe might be carried away。  Having taken these precautions against surprise察he ascended to the top of the step ladder that he had laid against the door and sat down at ease。  Within easy reach was the top of a cupboard where he had concealed a pint of beer in a bottle。  To this he now applied himself。  Having taken a long pull at the bottle察he tenderly replaced it on the top of the cupboard and proceeded to `hinjoy' a quiet smoke察remarking to himself

`This is where we get some of our own back。'

He held察however察his trowel in one hand察ready for immediate action in case of interruption。

Philpot was about fifty´five years old。  He wore no white jacket察only an old patched apron察his trousers were old察very soiled with paint and ragged at the bottoms of the legs where they fell over the much´patched察broken and down´at´heel boots。  The part of his waistcoat not protected by his apron was covered with spots of dried paint。  He wore a coloured shirt and a `dickey' which was very soiled and covered with splashes of paint察and one side of it was projecting from the opening of the waistcoat。  His head was covered with an old cap察heavy and shining with paint。  He was very thin and stooped slightly。  Although he was really only fifty´five察he looked much older察for he was prematurely aged。

He had not been getting his own back for quite five minutes when Hunter softly turned the handle of the lock。  Philpot immediately put out his pipe and descending from his perch opened the door。  When Hunter entered Philpot closed it again and察mounting the steps察went on stripping the wall just above。  Nimrod looked at him suspiciously察wondering why the door had been closed。  He looked all round the room but could see nothing to complain of。  He sniffed the air to try if he could detect the odour of tobacco察and if he had not been suffering a cold in the head there is no doubt that he would have perceived it。  However察as it was he could smell nothing but all the same he was not quite satisfied察although he remembered that Crass always gave Philpot a good character。

`I don't like to have men working on a job like this with the door shut' he said at length。  `It always gives me the idear that the man's 'avin a mike。  You can do what you're doin' just as well with the door open。'

Philpot察muttering something about it being all the same to him ´ shut or open ´ got down from the steps and opened the door。  Hunter went out again without making any further remark and once more began crawling over the house。

Owen was working by himself in a room on the same floor as Philpot。 He was at the window察burning off with a paraffin torch´lamp those parts of the old paintwork that were blistered and cracked。

In this work the flame of the lamp is directed against the old paint察which becomes soft and is removed with a chisel knife察or a scraper called a shavehook。  The door was ajar and he had opened the top sash of the window for the purpose of letting in some fresh air察because the atmosphere of the room was foul with the fumes of the lamp and the smell of the burning paint察besides being heavy with moisture。 The ceiling had only just been water washed and the walls had just been stripped。  The old paper察saturated with

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