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the ragged trousered philanthropists-及67准

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 through the bloody winder'

At this察everybody pretended to be very frightened察and edged away as far as possible from Philpot。  Easton察who was sitting next to him察got up and crossed over to Owen's vacant seat。  The man on the pail was the only one who did not seem nervous察perhaps he felt safer because he was察as usual察surrounded by a moat。

`Poverty' resumed the lecturer察consists in a shortage of the necessaries of life ´ or rather察of the benefits of civilization。'

`You've said that about a 'undred times before' snarled Crass。

`I know I have察and I have no doubt I shall have to say it about five hundred times more before you understand what it means。'

`Get on with the bloody lecture' shouted the man on the pail。  `Never mind arguin' the point。'

`Well察keep horder察can't you' cried Philpot察fiercely察 and give the man a chance。'

`All these things are produced in the same way' proceeded Owen。 `They are made from the Raw materials by those who work ´ aided by machinery。  When we inquire into the cause of the present shortage of these things察the first question we should ask is ´ Are there not sufficient of the raw materials in existence to enable us to produce enough to satisfy the needs of all

`The answer to this question is ´ There are undoubtedly more than sufficient of all the raw materials。

`Insufficiency of raw material is therefore not the cause。  We must look in another direction。

`The next question is ´ Are we short of labour拭 Is there not a sufficient number of people able and willing to work拭 Or is there not enough machinery

`The answers to these questions are ´ There are plenty of people able and willing to work察and there is plenty of machinery

`These things being so察how comes this extraordinary result拭 How is it that the benefits of civilization are not produced in sufficient quantity to satisfy the needs of all拭 How is it that the majority of the people always have to go without most of the refinements察comforts察and pleasures of life察and very often without even the bare necessaries of existence

`Plenty of materials ´ Plenty of Labour ´ Plenty of Machinery ´ and察nearly everybody going short of nearly everything

`The cause of this extraordinary state of affairs is that although we possess the means of producing more than abundance for all察we also have an imbecile system of managing our affairs。

`The present Money System prevents us from doing the necessary work察and consequently causes the majority of the population to go short of the things that can be made by work。  They suffer want in the midst of the means of producing abundance。  They remain idle because they are bound and fettered with a chain of gold。

`Let us examine the details of this insane察idiotic察imbecile system。'

Owen now asked Philpot to pass him a piece of charred wood from under the grate察and having obtained what he wanted察he drew upon the wall a quadrangular figure about four feet in length and one foot deep。  The walls of the kitchen had not yet been cleaned off察so it did not matter about disfiguring them。

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               This represents the whole of the adult population of the country                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             

`To find out the cause of the shortage in this country of the things that can be made by work it is first of all necessary to find out how people spend their time。  Now this square represents the whole of the adult population of this country。  There are many different classes of people察engaged in a great number of different occupations。  Some of them are helping to produce the benefits of civilization察and some are not。  All these people help to consume these things察but when we inquire into their occupations we shall find that although the majority are workers察only a comparatively small number are engaged in actually producing either the benefits of civilization or the necessaries of life。' 。。。

Order being once more restored察the lecturer turned again to the drawing on the wall and stretched out his hand察evidently with the intention of making some addition to it察but instead of doing so lie paused irresolutely察and faltering察let his arm drop down again by his side。

An absolute察disconcerting silence reigned。  His embarrassment and nervousness increased。  He knew that they were unwilling to hear or talk or think about such subjects as the cause of poverty at all。 They preferred to make fun of and ridicule them。  He knew they would refuse to try to see the meaning of what he wished to say if it were at all difficult or obscure。  How was he to put it to them so that they would HAVE to understand it whether they wished to or not。  It was almost impossible。

It would be easy enough to convince them if they would only take a LITTLE trouble and try to understand察but he knew that they certainly would not `worry' themselves about such a subject as this察it was not as if it were some really important matter察such as a smutty story察a game of hooks and rings or shove´ha'penny察something concerning football or cricket察horse´racing or the doings of some Royal personage or aristocrat。

The problem of the cause of poverty was only something that concerned their own and their children's future welfare。  Such an unimportant matter察being undeserving of any earnest attention察must be put before them so clearly and plainly that they would be compelled to understand it at a glance察and it was almost impossible to do it。

Observing his hesitation察some of the men began to snigger。  `'E seems to 'ave got 'isself into a bit of a fog' remarked Crass in a loud whisper to Slyme察who laughed。

The sound roused Owen察who resumed

`All these people help to consume the things produced by labour。  We will now divide them into separate classes。  Those who help to produce察those who do nothing察those who do harm察and those who are engaged in unnecessary work。'

`And' sneered Crass察 those who are engaged in unnecessary talk。'

`First we will separate those who not only do nothing察but do not even pretend to be of any use察people who would consider themselves disgraced if they by any chance did any useful work。  This class includes tramps察beggars察the ;Aristocracy;察 Society; people察great landowners察and generally all those possessed of hereditary wealth。'

As he spoke he drew a vertical line across one end of the oblong。

  ´    Tramps                                                              Beggars                                                             Society                                                             People                                                              Aristoc´                                                            racy                                                                Great                                                               Landowners                                                          All those                                                           possessed                                                           of                                                                  hereditary                                                          wealth                                                             ´

`These people do absolutely nothing except devour or enjoy the things produced by the labours of others。

`Our next division represents those who do work of a kind ´ ;mental; work if you like to call it so ´ work that benefits themselves and harms other people。  Employers ´ or rather Exploiters of Labour察Thieves察Swindlers察Pickpockets察profit seeking share´holders察burglars察Bishops察Financiers察Capitalists察and those persons humorously called ;Ministers; of religion。  If you remember that the word ;minister; means ;servant; you will be able to see the joke。

        1             2   ´´    Tramps      Exploiters                                             Beggars     of Labour                                              Society     Thieves                                                People      Swindlers                                              Aristoc´    Pickpockets                                            racy        Burglars                                               Great       Bishops                                                Landowners  Financiers                                             All those   Capitalists                                            possessed   Share´      

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