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how to tell stories to children-第17节

小说: how to tell stories to children 字数: 每页4000字

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read。  Tap! tap! went the little hammers; stitch; stitch; went the thread; and the little elves were hard at work。  No one ever worked so fast as they。  In almost no time all the shoes were stitched and finished。  Then the tiny elves took hold of each other's hands and danced round the shoes on the bench; till the shoemaker and his wife had hard work not to laugh aloud。 But as the clock struck two; the little creatures whisked away out of the window; and left the room all as it was before。

The shoemaker and his wife looked at each other; and said; 〃How can we thank the little elves who have made us happy and prosperous?〃

〃I should like to make them some pretty clothes;〃 said the wife; 〃they are quite naked。〃

〃I will make the shoes if you will make the coats;〃 said her husband。

That very day they set about it。  The wife cut out two tiny; tiny coats of green; two weeny; weeny waistcoats of yellow; two little pairs of trousers; of white; two  bits of caps; bright red (for every one knows the elves love bright colors); and her husband made two little pairs of shoes with long; pointed toes。  They made the wee clothes as dainty as could be; with nice little stitches and pretty buttons; and by Christmas time; they were finished。

On Christmas eve; the shoemaker cleaned his bench; and on it; instead of leather; he laid the two sets of gay little fairy… clothes。  Then he and his wife hid away as before; to watch。

Promptly at midnight; the little naked elves came in。  They hopped upon the bench; but when they saw the little clothes there; they laughed and danced for joy。 Each one caught up his little coat and things and began to put them on。  Then they looked at each other and made all kinds of funny motions in their delight。 At last they began to dance; and when the clock struck two; they danced quite away; out of the window。

They never came back any more; but from that day they gave the shoemaker and his wife good luck; so that they never needed any more help。


'1' Adapted from the story as told in Fables and Folk Tales From an Eastern Forest; by Walter Skeat。

Once the Otter came to the Mouse…deer and said; 〃Friend Mouse…deer; will you please take care of my babies while I go to the river; to catch fish?〃

〃Certainly;〃 said the Mouse…deer; 〃go along。〃

But when the Otter came back from the river; with a string of fish; he found his babies crushed flat。

〃What does this mean; Friend Mouse… deer?〃 he said。  〃Who killed my children while you were taking care of them?〃

〃I am very sorry;〃 said the Mouse…deer; 〃but you know I am Chief Dancer of the War…dance; and the Woodpecker came and sounded the war…gong; so I danced。 I forgot your children; and trod on them。〃

〃I shall go to King Solomon;〃 said the Otter; 〃and you shall be punished。〃

Soon the Mouse…deer was called before King Solomon。

〃Did you kill the Otter's babies?〃 said the king。

〃Yes; your Majesty;〃 said the Mouse… deer; 〃but I did not mean to。〃

〃How did it happen?〃 said the king。

〃Your Majesty knows;〃 said the Mouse… deer; 〃that I am Chief Dancer of the War…dance。  The Woodpecker came and sounded the war…gong; and I had to dance; and as I danced I trod on the Otter's children。〃

〃Send for the Woodpecker;〃 said King Solomon。  And when the Woodpecker came; he said to him; 〃Was it you who sounded the war…gong?〃

〃Yes; your Majesty;〃 said the Woodpecker; 〃but I had to。〃

〃Why?〃 said the king。

〃Your Majesty knows;〃 said the Woodpecker; 〃that I am Chief Beater of the War…gong; and I sounded the gong because I saw the Great Lizard wearing his sword。〃

〃Send for the Great Lizard;〃 said King Solomon。  When the Great Lizard came; he asked him; 〃Was it you who were wearing your sword?〃

〃Yes; your Majesty;〃 said the Great Lizard; 〃but I had to。〃

〃Why?〃 said the king。

〃Your Majesty knows;〃 said the Great Lizard; 〃that I am Chief Protector of the Sword。  I wore my sword because the Tortoise came wearing his coat of mail。〃

So the Tortoise was sent for。

〃Why did you wear your coat of mail?〃 said the king。

〃I put it on; your Majesty;〃 said the Tortoise; 〃because I saw the King…crab trailing his three…edged pike。〃

Then the King…crab was sent for。

〃Why were you trailing your three… edged pike?〃 said King Solomon。

〃Because; your Majesty;〃 said the Kingerab; 〃I saw that the Crayfish had shouldered his lance。〃

Immediately the Crayfish was sent for。

〃Why did you shoulder your lance?〃 said the king。

〃Because; your Majesty;〃 said the Crayfish; 〃I saw the Otter coming down to the river to kill my children。〃

〃Oh;〃 said King Solomon; 〃if that is  the case; the Otter killed the Otter's children。 And the Mouse…deer cannot be held; by the law of the land!〃


'1' From The singing Leaves; by Josephine Preston Peabody (Houghton; Mifflin and Co。)。

 I like to lie and wait to see    My mother braid her hair。  It is as long as it can be;    And yet she doesn't care。  I love my mother's hair。

 And then the way her fingers go;    They look so quick and white;  In and out; and to and fro;    And braiding in the light;  And it is always right。

 So then she winds it; shiny brown;  Around her head into a crown;    Just like the day before。  And then she looks and pats it down;    And looks a minute more;  While I stay here all still and cool。  Oh; isn't morning beautiful?


Do you know what a Brahmin is?  A Brahmin is a very good and gentle kind of man who lives in India; and who treats all the beasts as if they were his brothers。 There is a great deal more to know about Brahmins; but that is enough for the story。

One day a Brahmin was walking along a country road when he came upon a Tiger; shut up in a strong iron cage。  The villagers had caught him and shut him up there for his wickedness。

〃Oh; Brother Brahmin; Brother Brahmin;〃 said the Tiger; 〃please let me out; to get a little drink!  I am so thirsty; and there is no water here。〃

〃But Brother Tiger;〃 said the Brahmin; 〃you know if I should let you out; you would spring on me and eat me up。〃

〃Never; Brother Brahmin!〃 said the Tiger。  〃Never in the world would I do such an ungrateful thing!  Just let me out a little minute; to get a little; little drink of water; Brother Brahmin!〃

So the Brahmin unlocked the door and let the Tiger out。  The moment he was out he sprang on the Brahmin; and was about to eat him up。

〃But; Brother Tiger;〃 said the Brahmin; 〃you promised you would not。  It is not fair or just that you should eat me; when I set you free。〃

〃It is perfectly right and just;〃 said the Tiger; 〃and I shall eat you up。〃

However; the Brahmin argued so hard that at last the Tiger agreed to wait and ask the first five whom they should meet; whether it was fair for him to eat the Brahmin; and to abide by their decision。

The first thing they came to; to ask; was an old Banyan Tree; by the wayside。 (A banyan tree is a kind of fruit tree。)

〃Brother Banyan;〃 said the Brahmin; eagerly; 〃does it seem to you right or just that this Tiger should eat me; when I set him free from his cage?〃

The Banyan Tree looked down at them and spoke in a tired voice。

〃In the summer;〃 he said; 〃when the sun is hot; men come and sit in the cool of my shade and refresh themselves with the  fruit of my branches。  But when evening falls; and they are rested; they break my twigs and scatter my leaves; and stone my boughs for more fruit。  Men are an ungrateful race。  Let the Tiger eat the Brahmin。〃

The Tiger sprang to eat the Brahmin; but the Brahmin said;

〃Wait; wait; we have asked only one。 We have still four to ask。〃

Presently they came to a place where an old Bullock was lying by the road。  The Brahmin went up to him and said;

〃Brother Bullock; oh; Brother Bullock; does it seem to you a fair thing that this Tiger should eat me up; after I have just freed him from a cage?〃

The Bullock looked up; and answered in a deep; grumbling voice;

〃When I was young and strong my master used me hard; and I served him well。  I carried heavy loads and carried them far。  Now that I am old and weak and cannot work; he leaves me without food or water; to die by the wayside。  Men are a thankless lot。  Let the Tiger eat the Brahmin。〃

The Tiger sprang; but the Brahmin spoke very quickly:

〃Oh; but this is only the second; Brother Tiger; you promised to ask five。〃

The Tiger grumbled a good deal; but at last he went on again with the Brahmin。 And after a time they saw an Eagle; high overhead。  The Brahmin called up to him imploringly;

〃Oh; Brother Eagle; Brother Eagle! Tell us if it seems to you fair that this Tiger should eat me up; when I have just saved him from a frightful cage?〃

The Eagle soared slowly overhead a moment; then he came lower; and spoke in a thin; clear voice。

〃I live high in the air;〃 he said; 〃and I do no man any harm。  Yet as often as they find my eyrie; men stone my young and rob my nest and shoot at me with arrows。 Men are a cruel breed。  Let the Tiger eat the Brahmin!〃

The Tiger sprang upon the Brahmin; to eat him up; and this time the Brahmin had very hard work to persuade him to wait。  At last he did persuade him; how

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