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when the world shook-第68节

小说: when the world shook 字数: 每页4000字

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length the huge stone moved but very slowly。

〃Be ready to follow me;〃 cried Yva again; and we rose to our

feet; that is; Bickley and I did; but poor Bastin was semi…

comatose。 The stone stopped and Yva sprang from it to a rock

platform level with which it lay。 We followed; dragging Bastin

between us。 As we did so something hit me gently on the head。 It

was Bastin's lamp; which I seized。

〃We are safe。 Sit down and rest;〃 said Yva; leading us a few

paces away。

We obeyed and presently by the dim light saw the stone begin to

stir again; this time upwards。 In another twenty seconds it was

away on its never…ending journey。

〃Does it always go on like that?〃 said Bastin; sitting up and

staring after it。

〃Tens of thousands of years ago it was journeying thus; and

tens of thousands of years hence it will still be journeying; or

so I think;〃 she replied。 〃Why not; since the strength of the

draught never changes and there is nothing to wear it except the


Somehow the vision of this huge stone; first loosed and set in

motion by heaven knows what agency; travelling from aeon to aeon

up and down that shaft in obedience to some law I did not

understand; impressed my imagination like a nightmare。 Indeed I

often dream of it to this day。

I looked about me。 We were in some cavernous place that could

be but dimly seen; for here the light that flowed down the shaft

from the upper caves where it was mysteriously created; scarcely

shone; and often indeed was entirely cut off; when the ever…

journeying stone was in the narrowest parts of the passage。 I

could see; however; that this cavern stretched away both to right

and left of us; while I felt that from the left; as we sat facing

the shaft; there drew down a strong blast of fresh air which

suggested that somewhere; however far away; it must open on to

the upper world。 For the rest its bottom and walls seemed to be

smooth as though they had been planed in the past ages by the

action of cosmic forces。 Bickley noticed this the first and

pointed it out to me。 We had little time to observe; however; for

presently Yva said:

〃If you are rested; friends; I pray you light those lamps of

yours; since we must walk a while in darkness。〃

We did and started; still travelling downhill。 Yva walked ahead

with me and Tommy who seemed somewhat depressed and clung close

to our heels。 The other two followed; arguing strenuously about I

know not what。 It was their way of working off irritation and


I asked Yva what was about to happen; for a great fear

oppressed me。

〃I am not sure; Beloved;〃 she answered in a sweet and gentle

voice; 〃who do not know all Oro's secrets; but as I think; great

things。 We are now deep in the bowels of the world; and

presently; perhaps; you will see some of its mighty forces

whereof your ignorant races have no knowledge; doing their

everlasting work。〃

〃Then how is it that we can breathe here?〃 I asked。 〃Because

this road that we are following connects with the upper air or

used to do so; since once I followed it。 It is a long road and

the climb is steep; but at last it leads to the light of the

blessed sun; nor are there any pitfalls in the path。 Would that

we might tread it together; Humphrey;〃 she added with passion;

〃and be rid of mysteries and the gloom; or that light which is

worse than gloom。〃

〃Why not?〃 I asked eagerly。 〃Why should we not turn and flee?〃

〃Who can flee from my father; the Lord Oro?〃 she replied。 〃He

would snare us before we had gone a mile。 Moreover; if we fled;

by tomorrow half the world must perish。〃

〃And how can we save it by not flying; Yva?〃

〃I do not know; Humphrey; yet I think it will be saved;

perchance by sacrifice。 That is the keystone of your faith; is it

not? Therefore if it is asked of you to save the world; you will

not shrink from it; will you; Humphrey?〃

〃I hope not;〃 I replied; without enthusiasm; I admit。 Indeed it

struck me that a business of this sort was better fitted to

Bastin than to myself; or at any rate to his profession。 I think

she guessed my thoughts; for by the light of the lamp I saw her

smile in her dazzling way。 Then after a swift glance behind her;

she turned and suddenly kissed me; as she did so calling down

everlasting blessings on my head and on my spirit。 There was

something very wonderful about this benediction of Yva's and it

thrilled me through and through; so that to it I could make no


Next moment it was too late to retreat; for our narrowing

passage turned and we found ourselves in a wondrous place。 I call

it wondrous because of it we could see neither the beginning nor

the end; nor the roof; nor aught else save the rock on which we

walked; and the side or wall that our hands touched。 Nor was this

because of darkness; since although it was not illuminated like

the upper caverns; light of a sort was present。 It was a very

strange light; consisting of brilliant and intermittent flashes;

or globes of blue and lambent flame which seemed to leap from

nowhere into nowhere; or sometimes to hang poised in mid air。

〃How odd they are;〃 said the voice of Bastin behind me。 〃They

remind me of those blue sparks which jump up from the wires of

the tramways in London on a dark night。 You know; don't you;

Bickley? I mean when the conductor pulls round that long stick

with an iron wheel on the top of it。〃

〃Nobody but you could have thought of such a comparison;

Bastin;〃 answered Bickley。 〃Still; multiplied a thousandfold they

are not unlike。〃

Nor indeed were they; except that each blue flash was as big as

the full moon and in one place or another they were so continuous

that one could have read a letter by their light。 Also the effect

of them was ghastly and most unnatural; terrifying; too; since

even their brilliance could not reveal the extent of that

gigantic hollow in the bowels of the world wherein they leapt to

and fro like lightnings; or hung like huge; uncanny lanterns。

Chapter XXV


〃The air in this place must be charged with some form of

electricity; but the odd thing is that it does not seem to harm

us;〃 said Bickley in a matter…of…fact fashion as though he were

determined not to be astonished。

〃To me it looks more like marsh fires or St。 Elmo lights;

though how these can be where there is no vapour; I do not know;〃

I answered。

As I spoke a particularly large ball of flame fell from above。

It resembled a shooting star or a meteor more than anything else

that I had ever seen; and made me wonder whether we were not

perhaps standing beneath some inky; unseen sky。

Next moment I forgot such speculations; for in its blue light;

which made him terrible and ghastly; I perceived Oro standing in

front of us clad in a long cloak。

〃Dear me!〃 said Bastin; 〃he looks just like the devil; doesn't

he; and now I come to think of it; this isn't at all a bad

imitation of hell。〃

〃How do you know it is an imitation?〃 asked Bickley。

〃Because whatever might be the case with you; Bickley; if it

were; the Lady Yva and I should not be here。〃

Even then I could not help smiling at this repartee; but the

argument went no further for Oro held up his hand and Yva bent

the knee in greeting to him。

〃So you have come; all of you;〃 he said。 〃I thought that

perhaps there were one or two who would not find courage to ride

the flying stone。 I am glad that it is not so; since otherwise he

who had shown himself a coward should have had no share in the

rule of that new world which is to be。 Therefore I chose yonder

road that it might test you。〃

〃Then if you will be so good as to choose another for us to

return by; I shall be much obliged to you; Oro;〃 said Bastin。

〃How do you know that if I did it would not be more terrible;

Preacher? How do you know indeed that this is not your last

journey from which there is no return?〃

〃Of course I can't be sure of anything; Oro; but I think the

question is one which you might more appropriately put to

yourself。 According to your own showing you are now extremely old

and therefore your end is likely to come at any moment。 Of

course; however; if it did you would have one more journey to

make; but it wouldn't be polite for me to say in what direction。〃

Oro heard; and his splendid; icy face was twisted with sudden

rage。 Remembering the scene in the temple where he had grovelled

before his god; uttering agonised; unanswered prayers for added

days; I understood the reason of his wrath。 It was so great that

I feared lest he should kill Bastin (who only a few hours before;

be it remembered; had tried to kill him) then and there; as

doubtless he could have done if he wished。 Fortunately; if he

felt it; the impulse passed。

〃Miserable fool!〃 he said。 〃I warn you to keep a watch upon

your words。 Yesterday you would h

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