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frederick the great and his family-第107节

小说: frederick the great and his family 字数: 每页4000字

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e the whole village will envy you your gay young partner。 But now; my son;〃 he continued gravely; 〃tell me of our king; and how is it that he has declared peace so suddenly; and whether he has been victorious or the reverse。〃

〃I know nothing of the king〃 said Charles Henry; 〃I was not near him; but in the division of the Duke of Brunswick。〃

〃I know that; my son; but the duke would not proclaim peace without the knowledge and consent of the king。〃

〃Oh; father; they will compel the king to make peace;〃 cried Charles Henry。 〃And as for the Duke of Brunswick; he has given up the attack against Wesel and has withdrawn to Westphalia; and the French are in possession of the entire lowlands; which; it is to be hoped; they will retain。〃

〃You hope that?〃 asked his father; with astonishment。

〃Well; yes; father。 The French king is now; and perhaps will always be; the lord of Cleve; and; as his subjects; we must wish him success; and hope that he will always conquer the King of Prussia。〃

〃What do you say; my son?〃 asked the old man; with a bewildered expression。 〃I fear you are right。 The French are our masters now; and; as our king has declared peace with France; we have the unhappiness of being French subjects。 May God protect us from such a fate! It would be fearful if we dared not call the great heroking our king; and; if we should live to see the day when our sons should be compelled; as French soldiers; to go to battle against their king。 Only think; Charles Henry; you would not be allowed to wear your fine Prussian uniform on Sundays; and it is so becoming to you; and is as good as new。 But how is it; my son; that they have left you the uniform? They are usually taken from the released soldiers and put amongst the army stores。〃

〃We all came home in our Prussian uniforms;〃 said Charles Henry; 〃but of course we will lay them aside to…day。〃

〃Why to…day?〃

〃Because we are French subjects; and therefore it is not proper for us to wear the uniform of the enemy; the King of Prussia。 That is also the reason why we have returned home。 When we learned that Cleve had fallen into the possession of the French; we knew that we were no longer the subjects of the King of Prussia; and we dared not fight under his flag against the French; whose subjects we had become。 We considered that; and we thought how much it would injure you all here in Brunen if it were known that your sons were in the army of the Prussian king。 Principally on that account we determined to return home; and we left our regiment yesterday morning; which was on the point of marching off to Minden; and we walked the entire day and half the night。 We slept a few hours in a forest; and at the break of day we recommenced our journey。 And now; father; that I have seen you; and you know every thing; I will go to my room and take off this uniform; and become a peasant once more。〃 He sought to leave the room hastily; for the amazed; horror…struck expression of his father was most disagreeable to him。

But Buschman placed his hand so heavily upon his son's arm that he was compelled to remain。 〃Say it is a jest; Charles;〃 he cried; in an excited voice。 〃It is not possible for my son; the brother of my six hero…boys; to speak thus! It is merely a jest; Charles。 You wished to joke with your old father。 It is not true that you have deserted the flag of our king; put an end to this cruel jest; Charles Henry; and show me your leave of absence which every honest soldier obtains before leaving his regiment。 Do you hear; Charles Henry? Show it to me quickly。〃 He extended his trembling hand toward his son; while with the other he still held his arm in a powerful grasp。

〃Father;〃 said Charles Henry; fiercely; 〃I have no such paper。 It is as I told you; we have left the Prussian army because we are no longer the subjects of the King of Prussia; and it is not necessary for us to remain in the service。 We wish to become peasants once more。〃

〃You lie! you lie!〃 cried his father。 〃You are no deserterit is impossible that my son should be a deserter。〃

〃No; father; I am no deserter;〃 returned his son; defiantly; as he freed his arm from the old man's grasp。 〃I am no deserterI have only done my duty as a subject of the French king。 I have left the flag of the enemy; and I am here ready and willing to obey my new master as a true subject。 That is all I have to say; father; and I believe when you consider; you will see that I was right; and that you will be pleased for me to take off the Prussian uniform and remain with you。〃 He did not wait for his father's answer; but left the room hastily; as if he feared to be again detained。

The old man arose to follow him; but his feet refused their accustomed office; with a deep groan; he sank upon his chair; and as the scalding tears streamed from his eyes; he murmured: 〃Oh; my God! my son is a deserter! Why did you permit me to live to see this shame? Why did you not close my eyes that they might not meet this disgrace?〃



The clear bell of the village church was sounding for mass; calling the pious inhabitants of Brunen to worship in the temple of God。 All the hut…doors were opening; and men and women in Sunday attire wending their way in solemn stillness to church。 They were followed by their childrenthe maidens with downcast; modest eyes; the boys with bright and joyous faces; proud of the thought that they were old enough to go to church。

From the distant farm came the servants; two and two; up the broad chestnut alley; greeting here and there the church…goers; and walking on with them; chatting softly。 They all remained standing a short time under the great linden; waiting until the bell ceased; until the church…door was opened and the minister appeared with the sacristan and the four choir…boys。 Not until then were they allowed to enter the church。

A bright…looking crowd was assembled under the linden; it seemed as if all the inhabitants of the village were there。 All felt the necessity of visiting God's house to…day to thank Him for the safe return of their sons; brothers; and lovers。 The twelve boys who had returned were under the linden in their handsomest Sunday attire。 But why did they stand alone? Why was such a wide space left between them and the other villagers? Why did the men avoid looking at them? Why did the maidens step timidly back and remain silent when they approached and tried to speak with them? Why were they all whispering together; pointing at the boys and turning their backs upon them when they drew near?

〃Leave them alone;〃 whispered one of the boys to the others; 〃they will be more friendly this afternoon when the music is playing and the wine and cake is handed。〃

〃There is my father; and I must go and meet him;〃 said Charles Henry; as he hastened toward the old man who was approaching the square。

All drew back from Charles Henry; and as he stood opposite his father; like actors upon the stage they found themselves alone amongst the spectators; who were gazing at them with breathless expectation。

〃Good…morning; father;〃 said Charles Henry; with forced gayety; as he offered his hand to his father。 〃You slept so late to…day; and went to bed so early yesterday; that I have not been able to speak to you since our first greeting。 So I bid you good…morrow now。〃

The old man looked quietly at him; but he did not take the proffered hand; and tried to pass him。

〃Father;〃 continued Charles Henry; 〃you must be tired; our hut lies at the other end of the village; and that is a long walk for your old legs。 Rest yourself on me; father; and allow your son to lead you to church。〃 He stretched forth his hand to take the old man's arm; but Buschman pushed it back; and passed him; without looking; without even speaking to him。

Charles Henry sprang after him。 〃Father;〃 he cried; 〃do you not hear me? Can you〃

The old man did not really appear to hear him; for he walked toward the village justice with a quiet; unmoved face; as the latter advanced to meet him。

〃Friend;〃 said Buschman; in a loud; firm voice; 〃I am fatigued with my walk; will you lend me your arm?〃

He leaned heavily upon the offered arm; and walked quickly onward。 All heard these words; but only the justice saw the tears which rolled down his pale; sunken cheeks。

〃You were very harsh; father;〃 murmured the justice; as they walked on。

〃Were you more forgiving?〃 said the old man; with a trembling voice。 〃Was not your son amongst the twelve; and did you speak to him; or look at him?〃

〃He did not pass the night in my house; I drove him away!〃 said the justice gloomily。

〃Oh; oh!〃 sighed the old man; 〃how bitter is our grief! We love our children most when they give us most sorrow; but it must be so; friend; we cannot act otherwise。 Let us enter the church; and pray God to give us strength to do what is right。〃

Supported by the justice; he entered the churchyard; while from the other side the minister; followed by the sacristan and the choirboys; was just appearing。

〃See;〃 murmured the justice; 〃our good old minister has not come to… day to preach to us; but has sent his assistant。 There is certainly some disagreeable order of the archbishop to read to us;

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