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Hicks received a ball in his jaw; and was half choked by a quantity

of carroty whisker forced down his throat with the ball。

2。  Capt。 Macgillicuddy; B。N。I。; 。 。 Cornet Gahagan。  I was run

through the body; but the sword passed between the ribs; and

injured me very slightly。

3。  Capt。 Macgillicuddy; B。N。I。; 。 。 Mr。 Mulligatawny; B。C。S。;

Deputy…Assistant Vice Sub…Controller of the Boggleywollah Indigo

grounds; Ramgolly branch。

Macgillicuddy should have stuck to sword's…play; and he might have

come off in his second duel as well as in his first; as it was; the

civilian placed a ball and a part of Mac's gold repeater in his

stomach。  A remarkable circumstance attended this shot; an account

of which I sent home to the 〃Philosophical Transactions:〃 the

surgeon had extracted the ball; and was going off; thinking that

all was well; when the gold repeater struck thirteen in poor

Macgillicuddy's abdomen。  I suppose that the works must have been

disarranged in some way by the bullet; for the repeater was one of

Barraud's; never known to fail before; and the circumstance

occurred at SEVEN o'clock。*

* So admirable are the performances of these watches; which will

stand in any climate; that I repeatedly heard poor Macgillicuddy

relate the following fact。  The hours; as it is known; count in

Italy from one to twenty…four: the day Mac landed at Naples his

repeater rung the Italian hours; from one to twenty…four; as soon

as he crossed the Alps it only sounded as usual。G。 O'G。 G。

I could continue; almost ad infinitum; an account of the wars which

this Helen occasioned; but the above three specimens will; I should

think; satisfy the peaceful reader。  I delight not in scenes of

blood; heaven knows; but I was compelled in the course of a few

weeks; and for the sake of this one woman; to fight nine duels

myself; and I know that four times as many more took place

concerning her。

I forgot to say that Jowler's wife was a half…caste woman; who had

been born and bred entirely in India; and whom the Colonel had

married from the house of her mother; a native。  There were some

singular rumors abroad regarding this latter lady's history: it was

reported that she was the daughter of a native Rajah; and had been

carried off by a poor English subaltern in Lord Clive's time。  The

young man was killed very soon after; and left his child with its

mother。  The black Prince forgave his daughter and bequeathed to

her a handsome sum of money。  I suppose that it was on this account

that Jowler married Mrs。 J。; a creature who had not; I do believe;

a Christian name; or a single Christian quality: she was a hideous;

bloated; yellow creature; with a beard; black teeth; and red eyes:

she was fat; lying; ugly; and stingyshe hated and was hated by

all the world; and by her jolly husband as devoutly as by any

other。  She did not pass a month in the year with him; but spent

most of her time with her native friends。  I wonder how she could

have given birth to so lovely a creature as her daughter。  This

woman was of course with the Colonel when Julia arrived; and the

spice of the devil in her daughter's composition was most carefully

nourished and fed by her。  If Julia had been a flirt before; she

was a downright jilt now; she set the whole cantonment by the ears;

she made wives jealous and husbands miserable; she caused all those

duels of which I have discoursed already; and yet such was the

fascination of THE WITCH that I still thought her an angel。  I made

court to the nasty mother in order to be near the daughter; and I

listened untiringly to Jowler's interminable dull stories; because

I was occupied all the time in watching the graceful movements of

Miss Julia。

But the trumpet of war was soon ringing in our ears; and on the

battle…field Gahagan is a man!  The Bundelcund Invincibles received

orders to march; and Jowler; Hector…like; donned his helmet and

prepared to part from his Andromache。  And now arose his

perplexity: what must be done with his daughter; his Julia?  He

knew his wife's peculiarities of living; and did not much care to

trust his daughter to her keeping; but in vain he tried to find her

an asylum among the respectable ladies of his regiment。  Lady Gutch

offered to receive her; but would have nothing to do with Mrs。

Jowler; the surgeon's wife; Mrs。 Sawbone; would have neither mother

nor daughter; there was no help for it; Julia and her mother must

have a house together; and Jowler knew that his wife would fill it

with her odious blackamoor friends。

I could not; however; go forth satisfied to the campaign until I

learned from Julia my fate。  I watched twenty opportunities to see

her alone; and wandered about the Colonel's bungalow as an informer

does about a public…house; marking the incomings and the outgoings

of the family; and longing to seize the moment when Miss Jowler;

unbiassed by her mother or her papa; might listen; perhaps; to my

eloquence; and melt at the tale of my love。

But it would not doold Jowler seemed to have taken all of a

sudden to such a fit of domesticity; that there was no finding him

out of doors; and his rhubarb…colored wife (I believe that her skin

gave the first idea of our regimental breeches); who before had

been gadding ceaselessly abroad; and poking her broad nose into

every menage in the cantonment; stopped faithfully at home with her

spouse。  My only chance was to beard the old couple in their den;

and ask them at once for their cub。

So I called one day at tiffin:old Jowler was always happy to have

my company at this meal; it amused him; he said; to see me drink

Hodgson's pale ale (I drank two hundred and thirty…four dozen the

first year I was in Bengal)and it was no small piece of fun;

certainly; to see old Mrs。 Jowler attack the currie…bhaut;she was

exactly the color of it; as I have had already the honor to remark;

and she swallowed the mixture with a gusto which was never

equalled; except by my poor friend Dando apropos d'huitres。  She

consumed the first three platefuls with a fork and spoon; like a

Christian; but as she warmed to her work; the old hag would throw

away her silver implements; and dragging the dishes towards her; go

to work with her hands; flip the rice into her mouth with her

fingers; and stow away a quantity of eatables sufficient for a

sepoy company。  But why do I diverge from the main point of my


Julia; then; Jowler; and Mrs。 J。 were at luncheon: the dear girl

was in the act to sabler a glass of Hodgson as I entered。  〃How do

you do; Mr。 Gagin?〃 said the old hag; leeringly。  〃Eat a bit o'

currie…bhaut;〃and she thrust the dish towards me; securing a heap

as it passed。  〃What! Gagy my boy; how do; how do?〃 said the fat

Colonel。  〃What! run through the body?got well againhave some

Hodgsonrun through your body too!〃and at this; I may say;

coarse joke (alluding to the fact that in these hot climates the

ale oozes out as it were from the pores of the skin) old Jowler

laughed: a host of swarthy chobdars; kitmatgars; sices; consomahs;

and bobbychies laughed too; as they provided me; unasked; with the

grateful fluid。  Swallowing six tumblers of it; I paused nervously

for a moment; and then said

〃Bobbachy; consomah; ballybaloo hoga。〃

The black ruffians took the hint and retired。

〃Colonel and Mrs。 Jowler;〃 said I solemnly; 〃we are alone; and you;

Miss Jowler; you are alone too; that isI meanI take this

opportunity to(another glass of ale; if you please)to express;

once for all; before departing on a dangerous campaign〃(Julia

turned pale)〃before entering; I say; upon a war which may stretch

in the dust my high…raised hopes and me; to express my hopes while

life still remains to me; and to declare in the face of heaven;

earth; and Colonel Jowler; that I love you; Julia!〃  The Colonel;

astonished; let fall a steel fork; which stuck quivering for some

minutes in the calf of my leg; but I heeded not the paltry

interruption。  〃Yes; by yon bright heaven;〃 continued I; 〃I love

you; Julia!  I respect my commander; I esteem your excellent and

beauteous mother; tell me; before I leave you; if I may hope for a

return of my affection。  Say that you love me; and I will do such

deeds in this coming war as shall make you proud of the name of

your Gahagan。〃

The old woman; as I delivered these touching words; stared;

snapped; and ground her teeth; like an enraged monkey。  Julia was

now red; now white; the Colonel stretched forward; took the fork

out of the calf of my leg; wiped it; and then seized a bundle of

letters which I had remarked by his side。

〃A cornet!〃 said he; in a voice choking with emotion; 〃a pitiful;

beggarly Irish cornet aspire to the hand of Julia Jowler!  Gag;

Gahagan; are you mad; or laughing at us?  Look at these letters;

young manat these letters; I sayone hundred and twenty…four

epistles from every part of India (n

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