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in the fireless room and thought of the still moist clay察thought

how the water would freeze in the pores and destroy in an hour the

dream of his life。  So the old man rose from his couch and heaped

the bed´clothes reverently round his work。  In the morning when the

neighbors entered the room the sculptor was dead察but the statue

was saved

The Image of Christ that is forming within usthat is life's one

charge。  Let every project stand aside for that。  The spirit of

God who brooded upon the waters thousands of years ago察is busy

now creating men察within these commonplace lives of ours察in the

image of God。  ;Till Christ be formed察─no man's work is finished

no religion crowned察no life has fulfilled its end。  Is the infinite

task begun拭 When察how察are we to be different拭 Time cannot

change men。  Death cannot change men。  Christ can。  Wherefore PUT


Dealing With Doubt。

There is a subject which I think workers amongst young men cannot

afford to keep out of sightI mean the subject of ;Doubt。;  We are

forced to face that subject。  We have no choice。  I would rather

let it alone察but every day of my life I meet men who doubt察and I

am quite sure that most Christian workers among men have innumerable

interviews every year with men who raise skeptical difficulties

about religion。

Now it becomes a matter of great practical importance that we should

know how to deal wisely with these。  Upon the whole察I think these

are the best men in the country。  I speak of my own country。  I speak

of the universities with which I am familiar察and I say that they

men who are perplexedthe men who come to you with serious and

honest difficultiesare the best men。  They are men of intellectual

honesty察and cannot allow themselves to be put to rest by words

or phrases察or traditions察or theologies察but who must get to the

bottom of things for themselves。  And if I am not mistaken

Christ was very fond

of these men。  The outsiders always interested Him察and touched Him。

The orthodox peoplethe PhariseesHe was much less interested

in。  He went with publicans and sinnerswith people who were in

revolt against the respectability察intellectual and religious察of

the day。  And following Him察we are entitled to give sympathetic

consideration to those whom He loved and took trouble with。

First察let me speak for a moment or two about

The origin of doubt。

In the first place察WE ARE BORN QUESTIONERS。  Look at the wonderment

of a little child in its eyes before it can speak。  The child's

great word when it begins to speak is察 Why拭─ Every child is full

of every kind of question察about every kind of thing察that moves

and shines and changes察in the little world in which it lives。

That is the incipient doubt in the nature of man。  Respect doubt

for its origin。  It is an inevitable thing。  It is not a thing to

be crushed。  It is a part of man as God made him。  Heresy is truth

in the making察and doubt is the prelude of knowledge。

Secondly此 THE WORLD IS A SPHINX。  It is a vast riddlean unfathomable

mystery察and on every side there is temptation to questioning。

In every leaf察in every cell of every leaf察there are a hundred

problems。  There are ten good years of a man's life in investigating

what is in a leaf。  God has planned the world to incite men to

intellectual activity。


IS IMPAIRED。  Some say it fell察and the glass is broken。  Some

say prejudice察heredity察or sin察have spoiled its sight察and have

blinded our eyes and deadened our ears。  In any case the instruments

with which we work upon truth察even in the strongest men察are feeble

and inadequate to their tremendous task。

And in the fourth place察ALL RELIGIOUS TRUTHS ARE DOUBTABLE。  There

is no absolute truth for any one of them。  Even that fundamental

truththe existence of a Godno man can prove by reason。  The

ordinary proof for the existence of a God involves either an

assumption察argument in a circle察or a contradiction。  The impression

of God is kept up by experience察not by logic。  And hence察when

the experimental religion of a man察of a community察or of a nation

wanes察religion wanestheir idea of God grows indistinct察and that

man察community or nation becomes infidel。

Bear in mind察then察that all religious truths are doubtableeven

those which we hold most strongly。

What does this brief account of the origin of doubt teach us拭 It

teaches us

Great intellectual humility。

It teaches us sympathy and toleration with all men who venture upon

the ocean of truth to find out a path through it for themselves。

Do you sometimes feel yourself thinking unkind things about your

fellow´students who have intellectual difficulty拭 I know how hard

it is always to feel sympathy and toleration for them察but we must

address ourselves to that most carefully and most religiously。  If

my brother is short´sighted I must not abuse him or speak against

him察I must pity him察and if possible try to improve his sight察or

to make things that he is to look at so bright that he cannot help

seeing。  But never let us think evil of men who do not see as we

do。  From the bottom of our hearts let us pity them察and let us take

them by the hand and spend time and thought over them察and try to

lead them to the true light。

What has been

The church's treatment of doubt

in the past拭 It has been very simple。  ;There is a heretic。  Burn

him ─ That is all。  ;There is a man who has gone off the road。

Bring him back and torture him 

We have got past that physically察have we got past it morally拭 What

does the modern Church say to a man who is skeptical拭 Not ;Burn

him ─but ;Brand him ─ Brand him call him a bad name。  And

in many countries at the present time察a man who is branded as a

heretic is despised察tabooed and put out of religious society察much

more than if he had gone wrong in morals。  I think I am speaking

within the facts when I say that a man who is unsound is looked

upon in many communities with more suspicion and with more pious

horror than a man who now and then gets drunk。  ;Burn him ─  Brand

him ─  Excommunicate him ─ That has been the Church's treatment

of doubt察and that is perhaps to some extent the treatment which

we ourselves are inclined to give to the men who cannot see the

truths of Christianity as we see them。


Christ's treatment

of doubt。  I have spoken already of His strange partiality for the

outsidersfor the scattered heretics up and down the country察of

the care with which He loved to deal with them察and of the respect

in which He held their intellectual difficulties。  Christ never

failed to distinguish between doubt and unbelief。  Doubt is ;CAN'T

BELIEVE;察unbelief is ;WON'T BELIEVE。;  Doubt is honesty察unbelief

is obstinacy。  Doubt is looking for light察unbelief is content with

darkness。  Loving darkness rather than lightthat is what Christ

attacked察and attacked unsparingly。  But for the intellectual

questioning of Thomas察and Philip察and Nicodemus察and the many

others who came to Him to have their great problems solved察He was

respectful and generous and tolerant。

And how did He meet their doubts拭 The Church察as I have said

says察 Brand him ─ Christ said察 Teach him。;  He destroyed by

fulfilling。  When Thomas came to Him and denied His very resurrection

and stood before Him waiting for the scathing words and lashing

for his unbelief察they never came。  They never came  Christ gave

him factsfacts  No men can go around facts。  Christ said察 Behold

My hands and My feet。;  The great god of science at the present

time is a fact。  It words with facts。  Its cry is察 Give me facts。

Found anything you like upon facts and we will believe it。;  The

spirit of Christ was the scientific spirit。  He founded His religion

upon facts察and He asked all men to found their religion upon facts。

Now察get up the facts of Christianity察and take men to the facts。

Theologiesand I am not speaking disrespectfully of theology

theology is as scientific a thing as any other science of factsbut

theologies are

Human versions

of Divine truths察and hence the varieties of the versions and the

inconsistencies of them。  I would allow a man to select whichever

version of this truth he liked AFTERWARDS察but I would ask him

to begin with no version察but go back to the facts and base his

Christian life upon these。

That is the great lesson of the New Testament way of looking at

doubtof Christ's treatment of doubt。  It is not ;Brand him but

lovingly察wisely and tenderly to teach him。  Faith is never opposed

to reason in the New Testament察it is opposed to sight。  You will

find that a principle worth thinking over。  FAITH IS NEVER OPPOSED


With these p

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