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confessio amantis-第8节

小说: confessio amantis 字数: 每页4000字

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And in hire temple thanne were;
To reule and to ministre there
After the lawe which was tho;
Above alle othre Prestes tuo。    810
This Duck; which thoghte his love gete;
Upon a day hem tuo to mete
Hath bede; and thei come at his heste;
Wher that thei hadde a riche feste;
And after mete in prive place
This lord; which wolde his thonk pourchace;
To ech of hem yaf thanne a yifte;
And spak so that be weie of schrifte
He drowh hem unto his covine;
To helpe and schape how he Pauline     820
After his lust deceive myhte。
And thei here trowthes bothe plyhte;
That thei be nyhte hire scholden wynne
Into the temple; and he therinne
Schal have of hire al his entente:
And thus acorded forth thei wente。
Now lest thurgh which ypocrisie
Ordeigned was the tricherie;
Wherof this ladi was deceived。
These Prestes hadden wel conceived     830
That sche was of gret holinesse;
And with a contrefet simplesse;
Which hid was in a fals corage;
Feignende an hevenely message
Thei come and seide unto hir thus:
〃Pauline; the god Anubus
Hath sent ous bothe Prestes hiere;
And seith he woll to thee appiere
Be nyhtes time himself alone;
For love he hath to thi persone:    840
And therupon he hath ous bede;
That we in Ysis temple a stede
Honestely for thee pourveie;
Wher thou be nyhte; as we thee seie;
Of him schalt take avisioun。
For upon thi condicioun;
The which is chaste and ful of feith;
Such pris; as he ous tolde; he leith;
That he wol stonde of thin acord;
And forto bere hierof record     850
He sende ous hider bothe tuo。〃
Glad was hire innocence tho
Of suche wordes as sche herde;
With humble chiere and thus answerde;
And seide that the goddes wille
Sche was al redy to fulfille;
That be hire housebondes leve
Sche wolde in Ysis temple at eve
Upon hire goddes grace abide;
To serven him the nyhtes tide。   860
The Prestes tho gon hom ayein;
And sche goth to hire sovereign;
Of goddes wille and as it was
Sche tolde him al the pleine cas;
Wherof he was deceived eke;
And bad that sche hire scholde meke
Al hol unto the goddes heste。
And thus sche; which was al honeste
To godward after hire entente;
At nyht unto the temple wente;    870
Wher that the false Prestes were;
And thei receiven hire there
With such a tokne of holinesse;
As thogh thei syhen a godesse;
And al withinne in prive place
A softe bedd of large space
Thei hadde mad and encourtined;
Wher sche was afterward engined。
Bot sche; which al honour supposeth;
The false Prestes thanne opposeth;   880
And axeth be what observance
Sche myhte most to the plesance
Of godd that nyhtes reule kepe:
And thei hire bidden forto slepe
Liggende upon the bedd alofte;
For so; thei seide; al stille and softe
God Anubus hire wolde awake。
The conseil in this wise take;
The Prestes fro this lady gon;
And sche; that wiste of guile non;   890
In the manere as it was seid
To slepe upon the bedd is leid;
In hope that sche scholde achieve
Thing which stod thanne upon bilieve;
Fulfild of alle holinesse。
Bot sche hath failed; as I gesse;
For in a closet faste by
The Duck was hid so prively
That sche him myhte noght perceive;
And he; that thoghte to deceive;     900
Hath such arrai upon him nome;
That whanne he wolde unto hir come;
It scholde semen at hire yhe
As thogh sche verrailiche syhe
God Anubus; and in such wise
This ypocrite of his queintise
Awaiteth evere til sche slepte。
And thanne out of his place he crepte
So stille that sche nothing herde;
And to the bedd stalkende he ferde;     910
And sodeinly; er sche it wiste;
Beclipt in armes he hire kiste:
Wherof in wommanysshe drede
Sche wok and nyste what to rede;
Bot he with softe wordes milde
Conforteth hire and seith; with childe
He wolde hire make in such a kynde
That al the world schal have in mynde
The worschipe of that ilke Sone;
For he schal with the goddes wone;   920
And ben himself a godd also。
With suche wordes and with mo;
The whiche he feigneth in his speche;
This lady wit was al to seche;
As sche which alle trowthe weneth:
Bot he; that alle untrowthe meneth;
With blinde tales so hire ladde;
That all his wille of hire he hadde。
And whan him thoghte it was ynowh;
Ayein the day he him withdrowh   930
So prively that sche ne wiste
Wher he becom; bot as him liste
Out of the temple he goth his weie。
And sche began to bidde and preie
Upon the bare ground knelende;
And after that made hire offrende;
And to the Prestes yiftes grete
Sche yaf; and homward be the Strete。
The Duck hire mette and seide thus:
〃The myhti godd which Anubus     940
Is hote; he save the; Pauline;
For thou art of his discipline
So holy; that no mannes myht
Mai do that he hath do to nyht
Of thing which thou hast evere eschuied。
Bot I his grace have so poursuied;
That I was mad his lieutenant:
Forthi be weie of covenant
Fro this day forth I am al thin;
And if thee like to be myn;    950
That stant upon thin oghne wille。〃
Sche herde his tale and bar it stille;
And hom sche wente; as it befell;
Into hir chambre; and ther sche fell
Upon hire bedd to wepe and crie;
And seide: 〃O derke ypocrisie;
Thurgh whos dissimilacion
Of fals ymaginacion
I am thus wickedly deceived!
Bot that I have it aperceived    960
I thonke unto the goddes alle;
For thogh it ones be befalle;
It schal nevere eft whil that I live;
And thilke avou to godd I yive。〃
And thus wepende sche compleigneth;
Hire faire face and al desteigneth
With wofull teres of hire ije;
So that upon this agonie
Hire housebonde is inne come;
And syh how sche was overcome    970
With sorwe; and axeth what hire eileth。
And sche with that hirself beweileth
Welmore than sche dede afore;
And seide; 〃Helas; wifhode is lore
In me; which whilom was honeste;
I am non other than a beste;
Now I defouled am of tuo。〃
And as sche myhte speke tho;
Aschamed with a pitous onde
Sche tolde unto hir housebonde   980
The sothe of al the hole tale;
And in hire speche ded and pale
Sche swouneth welnyh to the laste。
And he hire in hise armes faste
Uphield; and ofte swor his oth
That he with hire is nothing wroth;
For wel he wot sche may ther noght:
Bot natheles withinne his thoght
His herte stod in sori plit;
And seide he wolde of that despit   990
Be venged; how so evere it falle;
And sende unto hise frendes alle。
And whan thei weren come in fere;
He tolde hem upon this matiere;
And axeth hem what was to done:
And thei avised were sone;
And seide it thoghte hem for the beste
To sette ferst his wif in reste;
And after pleigne to the king
Upon the matiere of this thing。     1000
Tho was this wofull wif conforted
Be alle weies and desported;
Til that sche was somdiel amended;
And thus a day or tuo despended;
The thridde day sche goth to pleigne
With many a worthi Citezeine;
And he with many a Citezein。
Whan themperour it herde sein;
And knew the falshed of the vice;
He seide he wolde do justice:    1010
And ferst he let the Prestes take;
And for thei scholde it noght forsake;
He put hem into questioun;
Bot thei of the suggestioun
Ne couthen noght a word refuse;
Bot for thei wolde hemself excuse;
The blame upon the Duck thei leide。
Bot therayein the conseil seide
That thei be noght excused so;
For he is on and thei ben tuo;    1020
And tuo han more wit then on;
So thilke excusement was non。
And over that was seid hem eke;
That whan men wolden vertu seke;
Men scholde it in the Prestes finde;
Here ordre is of so hyh a kinde;
That thei be Duistres of the weie:
Forthi; if eny man forsueie
Thurgh hem; thei be noght excusable。
And thus be lawe resonable    1030
Among the wise jugges there
The Prestes bothe dampned were;
So that the prive tricherie
Hid under fals Ipocrisie
Was thanne al openliche schewed;
That many a man hem hath beschrewed。
And whan the Prestes weren dede;
The temple of thilke horrible dede
Thei thoghten purge; and thilke ymage;
Whos cause was the pelrinage;     1040
Thei drowen out and als so faste
Fer into Tibre thei it caste;
Wher the Rivere it hath defied:
And thus the temple purified
Thei have of thilke horrible Sinne;
Which was that time do therinne。
Of this point such was the juise;
Bot of the Duck was other wise:
For he with love was bestad;
His dom was noght so harde lad;     1050
For Love put reson aweie
And can noght se the rihte weie。
And be this cause he was respited;
So that the deth him was acquited;
Bot for al that he was exiled;
For he his love hath so beguiled;
That he schal nevere come ayein:
For who that is to trowthe unplein;
He may noght failen of vengance。
And ek to take remembrance    1060
Of that Ypocrisie hath wroght
On other half; men scholde noght
To lihtly lieve al that thei hiere;
Bot thanne scholde a wisman stiere
The Schip; whan suche wyndes blowe:
For ferst thogh thei beginne lowe;
At ende thei be noght menable;
Bot al tobreken Mast and Cable;
So that the Schip with sodein blast;
Whan men lest wene; is overcast;    1070
As now fulofte a man mai se:
And of old time how it hath be
I finde a gret experience;
Wherof to take an evidence
Good is; and to be war also
Of the peril; er him be wo。
Of hem that ben so derk withinne;
At Troie also if we beginne;
Ipocrisie it hath betraied:
For whan t

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