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speeches-literary & social-第32节

小说: speeches-literary & social 字数: 每页4000字

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assure them that every one present … that every speaker … would

have a patient hearing; whatever his opinions might be。

'The proceedings concluded with a very cordial and hearty vote of

thanks to Mr。 Dickens for taking the chair on the occasion。'

Mr。 Dickens briefly returned thanks; and expressed the belief that

their very calm and temperate proceedings would finally result in

the establishment of relations of perfect amity between the

employers and the employed; and consequently conduce to the general

welfare of both。


'On Saturday evening; November 2; 1867; a grand complimentary

farewell dinner was given to Mr。 Dickens at the Freemasons' Tavern

on the occasion of his revisiting the United States of America。

Lord Lytton officiated as chairman; and proposed as a toast … 〃A

Prosperous Voyage; Health; and Long Life to our Illustrious Guest

and Countryman; Charles Dickens〃。  The toast was drunk with all the

honours; and one cheer more。  Mr。 Dickens then rose; and spoke as


NO thanks that I can offer you can express my sense of my reception

by this great assemblage; or can in the least suggest to you how

deep the glowing words of my friend the chairman; and your

acceptance of them; have sunk into my heart。  But both combined

have so greatly shaken the composure which I am used to command

before an audience; that I hope you may observe in me some traces

of an eloquence more expressive than the richest words。  To say

that I am fervently grateful to you is to say nothing; to say that

I can never forget this beautiful sight; is to say nothing; to say

that it brings upon me a rush of emotion not only in the present;

but in the thought of its remembrance in the future by those who

are dearest to me; is to say nothing; but to feel all this for the

moment; even almost to pain; is very much indeed。  Mercutio says of

the wound in his breast; dealt him by the hand of a foe; that …

〃'Tis not so deep as a well; nor so wide as a church door; but 'tis

enough; 'twill serve。〃  I may say of the wound in my breast; newly

dealt to me by the hands of my friends; that it is deeper than the

soundless sea; and wider than the whole Catholic Church。  I may

safely add that it has for the moment almost stricken me dumb。  I

should be more than human; and I assure you I am very human indeed;

if I could look around upon this brilliant representative company

and not feel greatly thrilled and stirred by the presence of so

many brother artists; not only in literature; but also in the

sister arts; especially painting; among whose professors living and

unhappily dead; are many of my oldest and best friends。  I hope

that I may; without presumption; regard this thronging of my

brothers around me as a testimony on their part that they believe

that the cause of art generally has been safe in my keeping; and

that it has never been falsely dealt with by me。  Your resounding

cheers just now would have been but so many cruel reproaches to me

if I could not here declare that; from the earliest days of my

career down to this proud night; I have always tried to be true to

my calling。  Never unduly to assert it; on the one hand; and never;

on any pretence or consideration; to permit it to be patronized in

my person; has been the steady endeavour of my life; and I have

occasionally been vain enough to hope that I may leave its social

position in England better than I found it。  Similarly; and equally

I hope without presumption; I trust that I may take this general

representation of the public here; through so many orders;

pursuits; and degrees; as a token that the public believe that;

with a host of imperfections and shortcomings on my head; I have as

a writer; in my soul and conscience; tried to be as true to them as

they have ever been true to me。  And here; in reference to the

inner circle of the arts and the outer circle of the public; I feel

it a duty to…night to offer two remarks。  I have in my duty at odd

times heard a great deal about literary sets and cliques; and

coteries and barriers; about keeping this man up; and keeping that

man down; about sworn disciples and sworn unbelievers; and mutual

admiration societies; and I know not what other dragons in the

upward path。  I began to tread it when I was very young; without

influence; without money; without companion; introducer; or

adviser; and I am bound to put in evidence in this place that I

never lighted on these dragons yet。  So have I heard in my day; at

divers other odd times; much generally to the effect that the

English people have little or no love of art for its own sake; and

that they do not greatly care to acknowledge or do honour to the

artist。  My own experience has uniformly been exactly the reverse。

I can say that of my countrymen; though I cannot say that of my


And now passing to the immediate occasion of your doing me this

great honour; the story of my going again to America is very easily

and briefly told。  Since I was there before a vast and entirely new

generation has arisen in the United States。  Since I was there

before most of the best known of my books have been written and

published; the new generation and the books have come together and

have kept together; until at length numbers of those who have so

widely and constantly read me; naturally desiring a little variety

in the relationship between us; have expressed a strong wish that I

should read myself。  This wish; at first conveyed to me through

public channels and business channels; has gradually become

enforced by an immense accumulation of letters from individuals and

associations of individuals; all expressing in the same hearty;

homely; cordial unaffected way; a kind of personal interest in me …

I had almost said a kind of personal affection for me; which I am

sure you would agree with me it would be dull insensibility on my

part not to prize。  Little by little this pressure has become so

great that; although; as Charles Lamb says; my household gods

strike a terribly deep root; I have torn them from their places;

and this day week; at this hour; shall be upon the sea。  You will

readily conceive that I am inspired besides by a natural desire to

see for myself the astonishing change and progress of a quarter of

a century over there; to grasp the hands of many faithful friends

whom I left there; to see the faces of the multitude of new friends

upon whom I have never looked; and last; not least; to use my best

endeavour to lay down a third cable of intercommunication and

alliance between the old world and the new。  Twelve years ago; when

Heaven knows I little thought I should ever be bound upon the

voyage which now lies before me; I wrote in that form of my

writings which obtains by far the most extensive circulation; these

words of the American nation:… 〃I know full well; whatever little

motes my beamy eyes may have descried in theirs; that they are a

kind; large…hearted; generous; and great people。〃  In that faith I

am going to see them again; in that faith I shall; please God;

return from them in the spring; in that same faith to live and to

die。  I told you in the beginning that I could not thank you

enough; and Heaven knows I have most thoroughly kept my word。  If I

may quote one other short sentence from myself; let it imply all

that I have left unsaid; and yet most deeply feel。  Let it; putting

a girdle round the earth; comprehend both sides of the Atlantic at

once in this moment; and say; as Tiny Tim observes; 〃God bless us

every one。〃


'Mr。 Dickens gave his last Reading at Boston; on the above date。

On his entrance a surprise awaited him。  His reading…stand had been

decorated with flowers and palm…leaves by some of the ladies of the

city。  He acknowledged this graceful tribute in the following

words:… 〃Before allowing Dr。 Marigold to tell his story in his own

peculiar way; I kiss the kind; fair hands unknown; which have so

beautifully decorated my table this evening。〃  After the Reading;

Mr。 Dickens attempted in vain to retire。  Persistent hands demanded

〃one word more。〃  Returning to his desk; pale; with a tear in his

eye; that found its way to his voice; he spoke as follows:…'

LADIES AND GENTLEMEN; … My gracious and generous welcome in

America; which can never be obliterated from my remembrance; began

here。  My departure begins here; too; for I assure you that I have

never until this moment really felt that I am going away。  In this

brief life of ours; it is sad to do almost anything for the last

time; and I cannot conceal from you; although my face will so soon

be turned towards my native land; and to all that makes it dear;

that it is a sad consideration with me that in a very few moments

from this time; this brilliant hall and all that it contains; will

fade from my view … for ever 

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