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speeches-literary & social-第21节

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No central association at a distance could possibly understand them

as this local association does。  No central association at a

distance could possibly put them in that familiar and easy

communication one with another; as that I; man or boy; eager for

knowledge; in that valley seven miles off; should know of you; man

or boy; eager for knowledge; in that valley twelve miles off; and

should occasionally trudge to meet you; that you may impart your

learning in one branch of acquisition to me; whilst I impart mine

in another to you。  Yet this is distinctly a feature; and a most

important feature; of this society。

On the other hand; it is not to be supposed that these honest men;

however zealous; could; as a rule; succeed in establishing and

maintaining their own institutions of themselves。  It is obvious

that combination must materially diminish their cost; which is in

time a vital consideration; and it is equally obvious that

experience; essential to the success of all combination; is

especially so when its object is to diffuse the results of

experience and of reflection。

Well; ladies and gentlemen; the student of the present profitable

history of this society does not stop here in his learning; when he

has got so far; he finds with interest and pleasure that the parent

society at certain stated periods invites the more eager and

enterprising members of the local society to submit themselves to

voluntary examination in various branches of useful knowledge; of

which examination it takes the charge and arranges the details; and

invites the successful candidates to come to Manchester to receive

the prizes and certificates of merit which it impartially awards。

The most successful of the competitors in the list of these

examinations are now among us; and these little marks of

recognition and encouragement I shall have the honour presently of

giving them; as they come before you; one by one; for that purpose。

I have looked over a few of those examination papers; which have

comprised history; geography; grammar; arithmetic; book…keeping;

decimal coinage; mensuration; mathematics; social economy; the

French language … in fact; they comprise all the keys that open all

the locks of knowledge。  I felt most devoutly gratified; as to many

of them; that they had not been submitted to me to answer; for I am

perfectly sure that if they had been; I should have had mighty

little to bestow upon myself to…night。  And yet it is always to be

observed and seriously remembered that these examinations are

undergone by people whose lives have been passed in a continual

fight for bread; and whose whole existence; has been a constant

wrestle with

〃Those twin gaolers of the daring heart …

Low birth and iron fortune。〃

I could not but consider; with extraordinary admiration; that these

questions have been replied to; not by men like myself; the

business of whose life is with writing and with books; but by men;

the business of whose life is with tools and with machinery。

Let me endeavour to recall; as well as my memory will serve me;

from among the most interesting cases of prize…holders and

certificate…gainers who will appear before you; some two or three

of the most conspicuous examples。  There are two poor brothers from

near Chorley; who work from morning to night in a coal…pit; and

who; in all weathers; have walked eight miles a…night; three nights

a…week; to attend the classes in which they have gained

distinction。  There are two poor boys from Bollington; who begin

life as piecers at one shilling or eighteen…pence a…week; and the

father of one of whom was cut to pieces by the machinery at which

he worked; but not before he had himself founded the institution in

which this son has since come to be taught。  These two poor boys

will appear before you to…night; to take the second…class prize in

chemistry。  There is a plasterer from Bury; sixteen years of age;

who took a third…class certificate last year at the hands of Lord

Brougham; he is this year again successful in a competition three

times as severe。  There is a wagon…maker from the same place; who

knew little or absolutely nothing until he was a grown man; and who

has learned all he knows; which is a great deal; in the local

institution。  There is a chain…maker; in very humble circumstances;

and working hard all day; who walks six miles a…night; three nights

a…week; to attend the classes in which he has won so famous a

place。  There is a moulder in an iron foundry; who; whilst he was

working twelve hours a day before the furnace; got up at four

o'clock in the morning to learn drawing。  〃The thought of my lads;〃

he writes in his modest account of himself; 〃in their peaceful

slumbers above me; gave me fresh courage; and I used to think that

if I should never receive any personal benefit; I might instruct

them when they came to be of an age to understand the mighty

machines and engines which have made our country; England; pre…

eminent in the world's history。〃  There is a piecer at mule…frames;

who could not read at eighteen; who is now a man of little more

than thirty; who is the sole support of an aged mother; who is

arithmetical teacher in the institution in which he himself was

taught; who writes of himself that he made the resolution never to

take up a subject without keeping to it; and who has kept to it

with such an astonishing will; that he is now well versed in Euclid

and Algebra; and is the best French scholar in Stockport。  The

drawing…classes in that same Stockport are taught by a working

blacksmith; and the pupils of that working blacksmith will receive

the highest honours of to…night。  Well may it be said of that good

blacksmith; as it was written of another of his trade; by the

American poet:

〃Toiling; rejoicing; sorrowing;

Onward through life he goes;

Each morning sees some task begun;

Each evening sees its clause。

Something attempted; something done;

Has earn'd a night's repose。〃

To pass from the successful candidates to the delegates from local

societies now before me; and to content myself with one instance

from amongst them。  There is among their number a most remarkable

man; whose history I have read with feelings that I could not

adequately express under any circumstances; and least of all when I

know he hears me; who worked when he was a mere baby at hand…loom

weaving until he dropped from fatigue:  who began to teach himself

as soon as he could earn five shillings a…week:  who is now a

botanist; acquainted with every production of the Lancashire

valley:  who is a naturalist; and has made and preserved a

collection of the eggs of British birds; and stuffed the birds:

who is now a conchologist; with a very curious; and in some

respects an original collection of fresh…water shells; and has also

preserved and collected the mosses of fresh water and of the sea:

who is worthily the president of his own local Literary

Institution; and who was at his work this time last night as

foreman in a mill。

So stimulating has been the influence of these bright examples; and

many more; that I notice among the applications from Blackburn for

preliminary test examination papers; one from an applicant who

gravely fills up the printed form by describing himself as ten

years of age; and who; with equal gravity; describes his occupation

as 〃nursing a little child。〃  Nor are these things confined to the

men。  The women employed in factories; milliners' work; and

domestic service; have begun to show; as it is fitting they should;

a most decided determination not to be outdone by the men; and the

women of Preston in particular; have so honourably distinguished

themselves; and shown in their examination papers such an admirable

knowledge of the science of household management and household

economy; that if I were a working bachelor of Lancashire or

Cheshire; and if I had not cast my eye or set my heart upon any

lass in particular; I should positively get up at four o'clock in

the morning with the determination of the iron…moulder himself; and

should go to Preston in search of a wife。

Now; ladies and gentlemen; these instances; and many more; daily

occurring; always accumulating; are surely better testimony to the

working of this Association; than any number of speakers could

possibly present to you。  Surely the presence among us of these

indefatigable people is the Association's best and most effective

triumph in the present and the past; and is its noblest stimulus to

effort in the future。  As its temporary mouth…piece; I would beg to

say to that portion of the company who attend to receive the

prizes; that the institution can never hold itself apart from them;

… can never set itself above them; that their distinction and

success must be its distinction and success; and that there can be

but one heart beating between them and it。  In particu

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