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the prophet of berkeley square-第34节

小说: the prophet of berkeley square 字数: 每页4000字

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Capricornus had time to correct his sister's Latin。

〃It was Miss Minerva;〃 said the Prophet。 〃We happened to meet her。〃

〃Indeed; sir。 Run away; my pretties; and don't eat more than one each;

or mater familias will not approve。

Then; as the little ones disappeared into the shadows of the region

above; he added to the Prophet;

〃You've nearly been the death of Madame; sir。〃

〃I'm sure I'm very sorry;〃 said the Prophet。

〃Sorrow is no salve; sir; no salve at all。 Were it not for her books I

fear we might have lost her。〃

〃Good gracious!〃

〃Mercifully her books have comforted her。 She is resting among them

now。 Madame is possessed of a magnificent library; sir; encyclopaedic

in its scope and cosmopolitan in its point of view。 In it are

represented every age and every race since the dawn of letters;

thousands upon thousands of authors; sir; Rabelais and Dean Farrar;

Lamb and the Hindoos; Mettlelink and the pith of the great philosophers

such as John Oliver Hobbes; Locke; Hume and Earl Spencer; the biting

sarcasm of Hiny; the pathos of Peps; the oratorical master…strokes of

such men as Gladstone; Demosthenes and Keir Hardie; the romance of

Kipling; sir; of Bret Harte and Danty Rossini; the poetry of Kempis a

Browning and of Elizabeth Thomas Barrettall; all are there bound in

Persian calf。 Among these she seeks for solace。 To these she flies in

hours of anguish。〃

〃Does she indeed?〃 said the Prophet; feeling thoroughly overwhelmed。

〃She desires me to take you to her at once; sir; there to confer and〃

he lowered his voice and trembled visibly〃to arrange measures for the

protection of my life。〃

The Prophet found himself wishing that he had been less precipitate in

covertly alluding to Sir Tiglath's long desire of assault and battery;

but before he had time to wish anything for more than half a minute;

Mr。 Sagittarius had guided him ceremoniously across the hall and was

turning the handle of a door that was decorated with black and scarlet


〃Here; sir;〃 he whispered; 〃you will find Madame surrounded by the

authors whom she loves; by their portraits; their biographies and their

writings。 Here she communes with the great philosophers; sir; the

poets; the historians and the humourists of the entire world; from the

earliest days down to this very momentin Persian calf; sir。〃

He gazed awfully at the Prophet; and gently opened the door of this

temple of the intellect。

The Prophet expected to find himself ushered into a gigantic chamber;

lined from floor to ceiling with shelves that groaned beneath their

burden of the literature of genius。 Indeed he had; in fancy; beheld

even the chairs and couches covered with stacks of volumes; the very

floor littered with the choicest productions of the brains of the dead

and living。 His surprise was; therefore; very great when; on passing

through the door; he beheld Madame Sagittarius reposing at full length

upon a maroon sofa in a small apartment; whose bare walls; were

entirely innocent of book…shelves。 Indeed the only thing of the sort

which was visible was a dwarf revolving bookcase which stood beside the

sofa; and contained some twenty volumes bound; as Mr。 Sagittarius had

stated; in Persian calf; each of these volumes being numbered and

adorned with a label on which was printed in letters of gold; 〃The

Library of Famous Literature: Edited by Dr。 Carter。 Tasty Tit…bits from

all Times。〃

〃Madame; sir; in her library;〃 whispered Mr。 Sagittarius by the door。

〃She is absorbed; sir; and does not notice us。〃

In truth Madame Sagittarius did appear to be absorbed in thought; or

something else; for her eyes were closed; her mouth was open; and a

sound of regular breathing filled the little room。

〃She is thinking out some problem; sir;〃 continued Mr。 Sagittarius。

〃She is communing with the mighty dead。 Sophronia; my love; Sophronia;

Capricornus has brought the gentleman according to your orders。 Sophy!


His final utterances; which were somewhat strident caused Madame

Sagittarius to come away from her communion with the mighty dead with a

loud ejaculation of the nature of a snort combined with a hissing

whistle; to kick up her indoor kid boots into the air; turn upon her

right elbow; and present a countenance marked with patches of red and

white; and a pair of goggling; and yet hazy; eyes to the intruders upon

her intellectual exertions。

〃Mr。 Vivian has come; Sophronia; according to your directions。〃

Madame uttered a second snort; brought her feet to the floor; arranged

her face in a dignified expression with one fair hand; breathed

heavily; and finally bowed to the Prophet with majestic reserve and

remarked; with the professional click;

〃I was immersed in thought and did not perceive your entrance。 /Mens

invictus manetur/。 Be seated; I beg。〃

Here certain very elaborate contortions and swellings of her

interesting countenance suggested that she was repressing a good…sized

yawn; and she was obliged to rearrange her features with both hands

before she could continue。

〃Thought conquers matter; as PlautoI should say as Platus very

rightly obesrved。〃

〃Quite so;〃 assented the Prophet; trying to live up to the library; but

scarcely succeeding。

〃Even in the days of the great Juvenile;〃 proceeded Madame; 〃to whose

satires I owe much〃here she laid a loving hand upon Vol。 2 of the

〃Library of Famous Literature。〃〃Long ere the days when Lord Lytton

and his Caxtons introduced us to the blessings of the printing press

there were doubtless ladies who; like myself; could forget the

treachery and the lies of men in silent communion with the brains of

the departed。 Far better to be Milton's 'Il Penserosero' than Lord

Byron's 'L'Allegra!' 〃

To this pronounciamento; which was interrupted several times by more

alarming contortions of the brain…worker's face; the Prophet replied

with a vague affirmative; while Mr。 Sagittarius whispered;

〃Her whole knowledge; sir; comes straight from there〃pointing towards

the dwarf bookcase。 〃She brought it on the instalment system。 Dr。

Carter has made her what she is! That man; sir; deserves to be

canonised。 Eight guineas and a half; sir; and such a result!〃

〃Such a result!〃 the Prophet whispered back。

By this time Madame Sagittarius had apparently ceased to commune with

the dead; for her striking face assumed a more normal expression of

feminine bitterness as she realised who was before her; and she

exclaimed sharply;

〃Oh; so you've come at last; Mr。 Vivian! And pray what have you to say?

What about the rashes? And what is this danger that threatens Mr。


〃We'd better take the danger first; my dear;〃 said Mr。 Sagittarius;

with grave anxiety。

〃Very well。 Not that it should be the most important to one who wears

the /toga virilibus/!〃

〃True; my love。 Still; to take it first will clear the ground; I think;

and set me more at ease。 Well; sir?〃

Thus adjured; the Prophet resolved to make a clean breast of Sir

Tiglath's declarations; and he therefore replied;

〃I thought it only right to wire to you as I did; having learnt that

there is in London a gentleman; an eminent man; who has for five…and…

forty years been seeking for Malkiel with the avowed intention of


〃Oh what; sir; of what?〃 said Mr。 Sagittarius with trembling lips。

〃Of doing him violence;〃 replied the Prophet; impressively。

〃What is the gent's name?〃 said Mr。 Sagittarius; in great agitation。

〃His name! /Nomen volens/!〃 added Madame。

〃That;〃 said the Prophet; 〃I prefer not to say at present。〃

〃But why should he desire to?〃

〃Because you are a prophet。〃

〃There; Jupiter!〃 cried Madame; with flushed spitefulness。 〃What have I

always said! All prophets are what they call outsiders/hors

d'oeuvres/; neither more nor less。〃

〃I know; my love; I know。 But how should this gent recognise me for a

prophet? I'm sure my dress; my manner; are those of an outside broker;

as I have often told you; Sophy。 How〃

〃The gentleman has not yet recognised you;〃 said the Prophet。 〃At the

moment he believes you to be an American syndicate。〃

〃Thank mercy!〃 ejaculated Mr。 Sagittarius。

〃But one can never tell;〃 added the Prophet。 〃He might find out。〃

〃Nonsense!〃 cried Madame at this juncture。 〃We might quite well have

gone to the square yesterday as I always suspected。 But you are so

timid; Jupiter。 /Timeo DanDan/well; /Dan/ something or other; as

Virgil so truly says。〃

〃Cautious; Sophronia; only cautious; for your and the children's


〃I call a man who's afraid even when he's passing everywhere as an

American syndicate a cowardly custard;〃 rejoined Madame; who appeared

to be suffering under that peculiar form of flushed irritability which

is apt to follow on heavy thought; indulged in to excess in a recumbent

position during

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