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the prophet of berkeley square-第27节

小说: the prophet of berkeley square 字数: 每页4000字

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Rest〃 '/〃

〃No! No!〃 ejaculated the Prophet; pale with horror at this revelation。

〃/Rest/; Crampton Vale; N。 I lose them in the shadows。 The next day I

call and find your grandmother is dying from the noise made by boys

bringing you private telegrams。 And then you tell me; meMinerva

Partridgethat you have no double life! Yes; you can let him get up

now; please。〃

The cabman permitted the horse to do so and they again struggled

funereally forward。 The Prophet was still very pale。

〃I suppose it is useless tovery well;〃 he said。 〃My life is double。〃


〃But only lately; quite lately。〃

〃Never mind that。 Oh! How glad I am that you have had the courage too!

You will soon get into it; as I did。 But you should have all your

telegrams and so forth directed to Jellybrand's。〃

〃It's too late;〃 replied the Prophet; dejectedly。 〃Too late。 I do wish

that horse wouldn't fall down so continually! It's most monotonous。〃

〃The poor man naturally wants the extra sixpence。 I think I shall give

him a shilling。 But now who is Mr。 Sagittarius?〃

〃Who is he?〃

〃Yes。 I've seen him several times at Jellybrand's; and when I first met

him I though he was an outside broker。〃

〃You! Was it on the pier at Margate?〃

〃Certainly not! Really; Mr。 Vivian! even in my double life I

occasionally draw the line。〃

〃I beg your pardon。 Ithe horse confuses me。〃

〃Well; he's stopped knocking now and will be up in another minute。 Who

did you say Mr。 Sagittarius was?〃

〃I didn't say he was anybody; but he's a man。〃

〃I'd guessed that。〃

〃And an acquaintance of mine。〃


〃I'm afraid it's going to rain。〃

〃It generally does in Knightsbridge。 Yes?〃

〃Is Sir Tiglath likely to be in?〃

〃He knows I'm coming。 Well; you haven't told me who Mr。 Sagittarius


〃Lady Enid;〃 said the Prophet; desperately; 〃I know very little of Mr。

Sagittarius beyond the fact that he's a man; which I've already

informed you of。〃

〃Is he an outside broker?〃


〃Then he's Malkiel。 You can't deny it。〃

〃I can deny anything;〃 said the Prophet; who; already upset by the

events of the day; was now goaded almost to desperation。 〃I can and

and must。 There's the horse down again!〃

〃I shall have to give the man one and sixpence。 Are your going to keep

your promise to Mrs。 Merillia and Sir Tiglath?〃

To this question the Prophet determined to give a direct answer; in

order to draw Lady Enid away from the more dangerous subjects。

〃No;〃 he said; with a spasm of pain。

〃I knew you wouldn't be able to。〃


〃Because when one's once been really and truly silly it's impossible

not to repeat the act; absolutely impossible。 You'll never stop now。

You'll go on from one thing to another; as I do。〃

〃I cannot think that prophecy is silly;〃 said the Prophet; with some


She looked at him with frank admiration。

〃You're worse than I am! It's splendid!〃


〃Why; yes。 You're foolish enough to think your silly acts sensible。 I

wish I could get to that。 Then perhaps I could impose on Sir Tiglath

more easily too。〃

She considered this idea seriously; as they started on again; and

gradually got free of the little crowd that had been sitting on the

horse's head。

〃I must impose upon him;〃 she said。 〃And you've got to help me。〃

〃I!〃 cried the Prophet; feeling terribly unequal to everything。 〃I

cannot possibly consent〃

〃Yes; dear Mr。 Vivian; you can。 And if two thoroughly silly people

can't impose upon one sensible old man; it will be very strange indeed。

And now I'm going to tell you what I hadn't time to tell you


She leaned forward and tapped sharply on the rattling glass in front of

the cab。 The cabman; bending down; twisted his whiskers towards her。

〃Don't go too fast。〃

〃I can't get 'im to fall down agyne; lydy。 'E's too tired。〃

〃I daresay。 But don't let him walk quite so fast。〃

She drew back。

〃Mr。 Vivian;〃 she saidand the Prophet thought she had never looked

more sensible than now; as she began this revelation〃Mr。 Vivian;

among the silly people I have met in my dear double life; who do you

think are the very silliest?〃

〃The anti…vaccinators?〃

〃No。 Besides; they so often have small…pox and become quite sensible。〃

〃The atheists?〃

〃I used to think so; but not now。 And most of those I knew are Roman

Catholics at present。〃

〃The women who don't desire to be slaves?〃

〃There aren't any。〃

〃The tearers of Paderewski's hair?〃

〃I so seldom meet them; because they all live out in the suburbs。〃

〃The tight…lacers?〃

〃They get red noses; poor things; and disappear。 They're not permanent

enough to count as the very silliest。〃

〃I give it up。〃

〃The Spiritualists and the Christian Scientists。 That's why I love them

best; and spend most of my double life with them。 How you would get on

with them! How much at ease you would be in their midst!〃

〃Really! But aren't they in opposite camps?〃

〃Dear things! They often think so; I believe。 But really they aren't。

Half the Christian Scientists begin as Spiritualists。 And a great many

Spiritualists were once Christian Scientists。〃

〃Which are you?〃

〃Both; of course。〃

〃Dear me!〃

〃As you will be when you've got thoroughly into your double life。 Well;

my greatest friendin my double life; you understandis a Mrs。 Vane

Bridgeman; a Christian Scientist and Spiritualist。 She is very rich;

and magnificently idiotic。 She supports all foolish charities。 She has

almshouses for broken…down mediums on Sunnington Common in Kent。 She

has endowed a hospital for sick fortune…tellers。 She gave five hundred

pounds to the home for indigent thought…readers; and nearly as much to

the 'Palmists' Seaside Retreat' at Millaby Bay near Dover。 I don't know

how many Christian Science Temples she hasn't erected; or subscribed

liberally to。 She turns every table in her house。 She won't leave even

one alone。 Her early breakfasts for star…gazers are famous; and it's

impossible to dine with her without sitting next to a horoscope…caster;

or being taken into dinner; of courseby a crystal diviner or a


〃A nose…prophet! What's that?〃

〃A person who tells your fortune by the shape of your nose。〃

〃Oh; I see。〃

〃Well; you understand now that there's no sillier person in London than

dear Mrs。 Bridgeman?〃

〃Oh; quite。〃

〃She's done a great deal for me; more than I can ever repay。〃


〃Yes; in introducing me to the real inner circles of idiotcy。 Well; in

return; I've sworn〃

〃You too!〃

〃What do you mean?〃

〃Oh; nothing。 I beg your pardon。 Please go on。〃

She looked at him curiously; and continued。

〃I've swornthat is; pledged my honour; you know〃

〃I know! I know!〃

〃To introduce her to at least one thoroughly sensible persona man;

she prefers。〃

〃And you've chosen?〃

〃Sir Tiglath; because he's the only one I know。 Once; I confess; I

thought of you。〃

〃Of me!〃

〃Yes; but of course I didn't really know you then。〃

She looked at him with genuine regard。 The Prophet scarcely knew

whether to feel delighted or distressed。

〃Now; you see; Mr。 Vivian; if Sir Tiglath found out for certain that I

was Miss Minerva; he might discover my double life; and if he did that;

he is so sensible that I am sure he would never speak to me again; and

I could not fulfil my vow to dear Mrs。 Bridgeman。〃

〃I quite see。〃

〃Nor my other vow to myself。〃

〃Which one?〃

〃Oh; never mind。〃

〃I won't。〃

〃He only said that about partridges in January; I find; because he

happened to see one of my letters in Jellybrand's window。 He doesn't

associate that letter with me。 So it ought to be all right; and I've

arranged my campaign。〃

〃But what can I?〃

She smiled at him with some Scottish craft。

〃Don't bother。 You've got to be my aide…de…camp; that's all。 Ah; here

we are!〃

For at this moment the horse; with a great effort succeeded in falling

down; for the last time; before the astronomer's door。



On being shown; by an elderly housekeeper with a Berlin wool fringe;

into an old…fashioned oval book…room; Lady Enid and the Prophet

discovered the astronomer sitting there /tete…a…tete/ with a muffin;

which lay on a china plate surrounded by manuscripts; letters;

pamphlets; books and blotting…paper。 He was engaged in tracing lines

upon an immense sheet of foolscap with the aid of a ruler and a pair of

compasses; and when he perceived his visitors; he merely rolled his

glassy eyes at them; shook his large head as if in rebuke; and then

returned to his occupation without uttering a word。

Lady Enid was in nowise abashed。 She l

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