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the origins of contemporary france-4-第136节

小说: the origins of contemporary france-4 字数: 每页4000字

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'128' Ibid。  (Petition of the commune of La Rochelle; Fructidor 25;

that of Painb?uf; Fructidor 9; that of the municipality of Nantes;

Thermidor 14; that of Rouen; Fructidor 1。) … Ibid。; AF。;II; 72。

(Letter of the commune of Bayonne; Fructidor 1。) 〃Penury of provisions

for more than two years。  。  。  。  The municipality; the past six

months; is under the cruel necessity of reducing its subjects to half…

a…pound of corn…bread per day。  。  。  。  at the rate of twenty…five

sous the pound; although the pound costs over five francs。〃 After the

suppression of the 〃maximum 〃 it loses about twenty…five thousand

francs per day。

'129' Ibid。  (Letter of Representative Porcher; Caen; Prairial 24;

Messidor 3 and 26。  Letter of the municipality of Caen; Messidor 3。)

'130' Ibid。  AF。;II。; 71。  (Letter of the municipality of Auxerre;

Messidor 19。) 〃We have kept alive thus far through all sorts of

expedients as if by miracle。  It has required incalculable efforts;

great expenditure; and really supernatural means to accomplish it。

But there is still one month between this and the end of Thermidor。

How are we going to live! Our people; the majority of whom are farmers

and artisans; are rationed at half…a…pound a day for each person and

this will last but ten or twelve days at most。〃

'131' Meissner; 〃Voyage à Paris;〃 339。  〃There was not a morsel of

bread in our inn。  I went myself to five or six bakeries and pastry

shops and found them all stripped。〃 He finds in the last one about a

dozen of small Savoy biscuits for which he pays fifteen francs。  …

See; for the military proceedings of the government in relation to

bread; the orders of the Committee of Public Safety; most of them by

the hand of Lindet; AF。; II。; 68…74。

'132' Schmidt; 〃Tableaux de Paris;〃 vols。  II。  and III 。;passim。

'133' Archives Nationales; AF。;II。; 68。  (Orders of Vent?se 20; year

III。  ; Germinal 19 and 20; Messidor 8; etc。)

'134' ibid。  Orders of Niv?se 5 and 22。

'135' Ibid。  Orders of Pluvi?se 19; Vent?se 5; Floréal 4 and 24。  (The

fourteen brewers which the Republic keeps agoing for itself at Dunkirk

are excepted。) … The proceedings are the same in relation to other

necessary articles; … returns demanded of nuts; rape…seed; and other

seeds or fruits producing oil; also the hoofs of cattle and sheep;

with requisitions for every other article entering into the

manufacture of oil; and orders to keep oil…mills agoing。  〃All

administrative bodies will see that the butchers remove the fat from

their meat before offering it for sale; that they do not themselves

make candles out of it; and that they do not sell it to soap…

factories; etc。  〃 … (Orders of Veridémiaire 28; year III。)  The

executive committee will collect eight hundred yoke of oxen and

distribute them among the dealers in hay in order to transport wood

and coal from the woods and collieries to the yards。  They will

distribute proportionately eight hundred sets of wheels and harness。

The wagoners will be paid and guarded the same as military convoys;

and drafted as required。  To feed the oxen; the district

administrators will take by pre…emption the necessary fields and

pasturages; etc。〃 (Orders of Pluvi?se 10; year III。)

'136' Moniteur; XXIV。; 397。  … Schmidt; 〃Tableaux de Paris。〃 (Reports

of Frimaire 16; year IV。) 〃Citizens in the departments wonder how it

is that Paris costs them five hundred and forty six millions per month

merely for bread when they are starving。  This isolation of Paris; for

which all the benefits of the Revolution are exclusively reserved。

has the worst effect on the public mind。〃 … Meissner; 345。

'137' Mercier; 〃Paris Pendant la Révolution;〃 I。; 355…357。  … Schmidt;

〃Pariser Zustande;〃 I。; 224。  (The Seine is frozen over on November 23

and January 23; the thermometer standing at sixteen degrees

(Centigrade) below zero。) … Schmidt; 〃Tableaux de Paris。〃 (Reports of

the Police; Pluvi?se 2; 3 and 4。)

'138' Schmidt; 〃Pariser Zustande;〃 I。; 228; and following pages。

(February 25; the distribution of bread is reduced to one and one…half

pounds per person; March 17; to one and onehalf pounds for workmen and

one pound for others。  Final reduction to one…quarter of a pound;

March 31。) … Ibid。; 251; for ulterior rates。  … Dufort de Cheverney;

(MS。  Mémoires; August; 1795。) M。 de Cheverney takes up his quarters

at the old Louvre with his friend Sedaine。  〃I had assisted them with

food all I could: they owned to me that; without this; they would have

died of starvation notwithstanding their means。〃

'139' Schmidt; 〃Tableaux de Paris。〃 (Reports of Germinal 15 and 27;

and Messidor 28; year III。; Brumaire 14 and Frimaire 23; year IV。) …

Ibid。  (Germinal 15; year III。) Butter is at eight francs the pound;

eggs seven francs for four ounces。  … Ibid。; (Messidor 19) bread is at

sixteen francs the pound; (Messidor 28) butter at fourteen francs the

pound; (Brumaire 29) flour at 14;000 francs the bag of 325 pounds。

'140' Ibid。  (Report of Germinal 12; year III。) 〃The eating houses and

pastry…cooks are better supplied than ever。〃 ?〃Memoires (manuscript)

of M。 de Cheverney。〃 〃My sister…in…law; with more than forty thousand

livres income; registered in the 'Grand Ledger;' was reduced to

cultivating her garden; assisted by her two chambermaids。  M。 de

Richebourg; formerly intendant…general of the Post…Office; had to sell

at one time a clock and at another time a wardrobe to live on。  'My

friends;' he said to us one day; 'I have been obliged to put my clock

in the pot。' 〃 … Schmidt。  (Report of Frimaire 17; year IV。) 〃A

frequenter of the Stock…Exchange sells a louis at five thousand

francs。  He dines for one thousand francs and loudly exclaims: 'I have

dined at four francs ten sous。  They are really superb; these

assignats! I couldn't have dined so well formerly at twelve francs。'〃

'141' Schmidt。  (Reports of Frimaire 9; year IV。) 〃The reports

describe the sad condition of those who; with small incomes and having

sold their clothes; are selling their furniture; being; so to say; at

their last piece; and; soon without anything; are reduced to the last

extremity by committing suicide。〃 … Ibid。; Frimaire 2; 〃The rentier is

ruined; not being able to buy food。  Employees are all in the same

situation。〃 … Naturally; the condition of employees and rentiters

grows worse with the depreciation of assignats。  Here are house…

keeping accounts at the end of 1795。  (Letter of Beaumarchais' sister

Julie to his wife; December; 1794。  〃Beaumarchais et son temps;〃 by De

Lomenie; p。486。) 〃When you gave me those four thousand francs

(assignats); my dear friend; my heart went pit…a…pat。  I thought that

I should go crazy with such a fortune。  I put them in my pocket at

once and talked about other things so as to get the idea out of my

mind。  On returning to the house; get some wood and provisions as

quick as possible before prices go higher! Dupont (the old domestic)

started off and did his best。  But the scales fell from my eyes on

seeing; not counting food for a month; the result of those 4;275


     1 load of wood                                       1460 francs

     9 pounds of candles; from 8 to 100 francs per pound   900

     4 pounds of sugar; at 100 francs per pound            400

     3 measures of grain; at 40 francs                     120

     7 pounds oil; at 100 francs                           700

     12 wicks; at 5 francs                                  60

     1 1/2 bushels potatoes; at 200 francs per bushel      300

     1 month's washing                                     215

     1 pound ground powder                                  70

     2 ounces pomatum (formerly 3 sous; now 25 francs)      50

Sub…total                                                    4;275 francs

There remains the month's supply of butter and eggs;

 as you know; 200 francs; meat 25 or 30 francs; and

other articles in proportion                               507

There was no bread for two days。 。 。 I have bought only

four pounds the last two days; at 45 francs                180

Total                                                    5;022 francs。

〃When I think of this royal outlay; as you call it; which makes me

spend from18;000 to 20;000 francs for nothing; I wish the devil had

the system。。。  。  10;000 francs which I have scattered about the past

fortnight; alarm and trouble me so much that I do not know how to

calculate my income in this way。  In three days the difference (in the

value of assignats) has sent wood up from 4;200 to 6;500 francs; and

extras in proportion so that; as I wrote you; a load piled up and put

away costs me 7;100 francs。  Every week now; the pot…au…feu and other

meats for ragouts; without any butter; eggs and other details; cost

from seven to eight hundred francs。  Washing also goes up so fast that

eight thousand francs do not suffice。  All this

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