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three men in a boat-第21节

小说: three men in a boat 字数: 每页4000字

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time everything else was ready; the tea was waiting。  Then we lit the 

lantern; and squatted down to supper。

We wanted that supper。

For five…and…thirty minutes not a sound was heard throughout the length 

and breadth of that boat; save the clank of cutlery and crockery; and the 

steady grinding of four sets of molars。  At the end of five…and…thirty 

minutes; Harris said; 〃Ah!〃 and took his left leg out from under him and 

put his right one there instead。

Five minutes afterwards; George said; 〃Ah!〃 too; and threw his plate out 

on the bank; and; three minutes later than that; Montmorency gave the 

first sign of contentment he had exhibited since we had started; and 

rolled over on his side; and spread his legs out; and then I said; 〃Ah!〃 

and bent my head back; and bumped it against one of the hoops; but I did 

not mind it。  I did not even swear。

How good one feels when one is full … how satisfied with ourselves and 

with the world!  People who have tried it; tell me that a clear 

conscience makes you very happy and contented; but a full stomach does 

the business quite as well; and is cheaper; and more easily obtained。  

One feels so forgiving and generous after a substantial and well…digested 

meal … so noble…minded; so kindly…hearted。

It is very strange; this domination of our intellect by our digestive 

organs。  We cannot work; we cannot think; unless our stomach wills so。  

It dictates to us our emotions; our passions。  After eggs and bacon; it 

says; 〃Work!〃  After beefsteak and porter; it says; 〃Sleep!〃  After a cup 

of tea (two spoonsful for each cup; and don't let it stand more than 

three minutes); it says to the brain; 〃Now; rise; and show your strength。  

Be eloquent; and deep; and tender; see; with a clear eye; into Nature and 

into life; spread your white wings of quivering thought; and soar; a god…

like spirit; over the whirling world beneath you; up through long lanes 

of flaming stars to the gates of eternity!〃

After hot muffins; it says; 〃Be dull and soulless; like a beast of the 

field … a brainless animal; with listless eye; unlit by any ray of fancy; 

or of hope; or fear; or love; or life。〃  And after brandy; taken in 

sufficient quantity; it says; 〃Now; come; fool; grin and tumble; that 

your fellow…men may laugh … drivel in folly; and splutter in senseless 

sounds; and show what a helpless ninny is poor man whose wit and will are 

drowned; like kittens; side by side; in half an inch of alcohol。〃

We are but the veriest; sorriest slaves of our stomach。  Reach not after 

morality and righteousness; my friends; watch vigilantly your stomach; 

and diet it with care and judgment。  Then virtue and contentment will 

come and reign within your heart; unsought by any effort of your own; and 

you will be a good citizen; a loving husband; and a tender father … a 

noble; pious man。

Before our supper; Harris and George and I were quarrelsome and snappy 

and ill…tempered; after our supper; we sat and beamed on one another; and 

we beamed upon the dog; too。  We loved each other; we loved everybody。  

Harris; in moving about; trod on George's corn。  Had this happened before 

supper; George would have expressed wishes and desires concerning 

Harris's fate in this world and the next that would have made a 

thoughtful man shudder。

As it was; he said: 〃Steady; old man; ‘ware wheat。〃

And Harris; instead of merely observing; in his most unpleasant tones; 

that a fellow could hardly help treading on some bit of George's foot; if 

he had to move about at all within ten yards of where George was sitting; 

suggesting that George never ought to come into an ordinary sized boat 

with feet that length; and advising him to hang them over the side; as he 

would have done before supper; now said: 〃Oh; I'm so sorry; old chap; I 

hope I haven't hurt you。〃

And George said: 〃Not at all;〃 that it was his fault; and Harris said no; 

it was his。

It was quite pretty to hear them。

We lit our pipes; and sat; looking out on the quiet night; and talked。

George said why could not we be always like this … away from the world; 

with its sin and temptation; leading sober; peaceful lives; and doing 

good。  I said it was the sort of thing I had often longed for myself; and 

we discussed the possibility of our going away; we four; to some handy; 

well…fitted desert island; and living there in the woods。

Harris said that the danger about desert islands; as far as he had heard; 

was that they were so damp: but George said no; not if properly drained。

And then we got on to drains; and that put George in mind of a very funny 

thing that happened to his father once。  He said his father was 

travelling with another fellow through Wales; and; one night; they 

stopped at a little inn; where there were some other fellows; and they 

joined the other fellows; and spent the evening with them。

They had a very jolly evening; and sat up late; and; by the time they 

came to go to bed; they (this was when George's father was a very young 

man) were slightly jolly; too。  They (George's father and George's 

father's friend) were to sleep in the same room; but in different beds。  

They took the candle; and went up。  The candle lurched up against the 

wall when they got into the room; and went out; and they had to undress 

and grope into bed in the dark。  This they did; but; instead of getting 

into separate beds; as they thought they were doing; they both climbed 

into the same one without knowing it … one getting in with his head at 

the top; and the other crawling in from the opposite side of the compass; 

and lying with his feet on the pillow。

There was silence for a moment; and then George's father said:


〃What's the matter; Tom?〃 replied Joe's voice from the other end of the 


〃Why; there's a man in my bed;〃 said George's father; 〃here's his feet on 

my pillow。〃

〃Well; it's an extraordinary thing; Tom;〃 answered the other; 〃but I'm 

blest if there isn't a man in my bed; too!〃

〃What are you going to do?〃 asked George's father。

〃Well; I'm going to chuck him out;〃 replied Joe。

〃So am I;〃 said George's father; valiantly。

There was a brief struggle; followed by two heavy bumps on the floor; and 

then a rather doleful voice said:

〃I say; Tom!〃


〃How have you got on?〃

〃Well; to tell you the truth; my man's chucked me out。〃

〃So's mine!  I say; I don't think much of this inn; do you?〃

〃What was the name of that inn?〃 said Harris。

〃The Pig and Whistle;〃 said George。  〃Why?〃

〃Ah; no; then it isn't the same;〃 replied Harris。

〃What do you mean?〃 queried George。

〃Why it's so curious;〃 murmured Harris; 〃but precisely that very same 

thing happened to MY father once at a country inn。  I've often heard him 

tell the tale。  I thought it might have been the same inn。〃

We turned in at ten that night; and I thought I should sleep well; being 

tired; but I didn't。  As a rule; I undress and put my head on the pillow; 

and then somebody bangs at the door; and says it is half…past eight: but; 

to…night; everything seemed against me; the novelty of it all; the 

hardness of the boat; the cramped position (I was lying with my feet 

under one seat; and my head on another); the sound of the lapping water 

round the boat; and the wind among the branches; kept me restless and 


I did get to sleep for a few hours; and then some part of the boat which 

seemed to have grown up in the night … for it certainly was not there 

when we started; and it had disappeared by the morning … kept digging 

into my spine。  I slept through it for a while; dreaming that I had 

swallowed a sovereign; and that they were cutting a hole in my back with 

a gimlet; so as to try and get it out。  I thought it very unkind of them; 

and I told them I would owe them the money; and they should have it at 

the end of the month。  But they would not hear of that; and said it would 

be much better if they had it then; because otherwise the interest would 

accumulate so。  I got quite cross with them after a bit; and told them 

what I thought of them; and then they gave the gimlet such an 

excruciating wrench that I woke up。

The boat seemed stuffy; and my head ached; so I thought I would step out 

into the cool night…air。  I slipped on what clothes I could find about … 

some of my own; and some of George's and Harris's … and crept under the 

canvas on to the bank。

It was a glorious night。  The moon had sunk; and left the quiet earth 

alone with the stars。  It seemed as if; in the silence and the hush; 

while we her children slept; they were talking with her; their sister … 

conversing of mighty mysteries in voices too vast and deep for childish 

human ears to catch the sound。

They awe us; these strange stars; so cold; so clear。  We are as children 


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