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king was willing to make a great sacrifice。 

     ;When the king asked what sacrifice he should make he was told by 

the guardians of the temple that he must sacrifice to the goddess his two 

children察  Phrixus   and   Helle。   Those   who   were   around   the   king察  to   save 

themselves      from    famine    after  famine察   clamored     to  have   the   children 

sacrificed。 Athamas察to save his people察consented to the sacrifice。 

     ;They went toward the king's palace。 They found Helle by the bank of 

the   river   washing   clothes。    They   took    her  and   bound    her。  They   found 

Phrixus察half naked察digging in a field察and they took him察too察and bound 

him。 That night they left brother and sister in the same prison。 Helle wept 

over    Phrixus察   and   Phrixus    wept   to  think   that  he  was    not  able   to  do 

anything to save his sister。 

     ;The servants of the palace went to Nephele察and they mocked at her察


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telling her that her children would be sacrificed on the morrow。 Nephele 

nearly   went   wild   in   her   grief。   And   then察  suddenly察  there   came   into   her 

mind   the   thought   of   a   creature   that   might   be   a   helper   to   her   and   to   her 


     ;This   creature   was   a   ram   that   had   wings   and   a   wonderful   fleece   of 

gold。    The    god   of   the  sea察  Poseidon察    had    sent   this  wonderful      ram   to 

Athamas and Nephele as a marriage gift。 And the ram had since been kept 

in a special fold。 

     ;To that fold Nephele went。 She spent the night beside the ram praying 

for   its   help。   The   morning   came   and   the   children   were   taken   from   their 

prison   and   dressed   in   white察  and   wreaths   were   put   upon   their   heads   to 

mark   them   as   things   for   sacrifice。   They   were   led   in   a   procession   to   the 

temple of Artemis。 Behind that procession King Athamas walked察his head 

bowed in shame。 

     ;But Queen Ino's head was not bowed察rather she carried it high察for 

her thought was all upon her triumph。 Soon Phrixus and Helle would be 

dead察  and   then察  whatever   happened察  her   own   children   would   reign   after 

Athamas in Thebes。 

     ;Phrixus and Helle察thinking they were taking their last look at the sun察

went on。 And even then Nephele察holding the horns of the golden ram察was 

making her last prayer。 The sun rose and as it did the ram spread out its 

great   wings   and   flew   through   the   air。   It   flew   to   the   temple   of Artemis。 

Down   beside   the   altar   came   the   golden   ram察  and   it   stood   with   its   horns 

threatening those  who came。 All   stopped   in   surprise。  Still   the  ram  stood 

with threatening head and great golden wings spread out。 Then Phrixus ran 

from  those   who   were   holding   him  and   laid   his   hands   upon   the   ram。   He 

called to Helle and she察too察came to the golden creature。 Phrixus mounted 

on the ram and he pulled Helle up beside him。 Then the golden ram flew 

upward。 Up察up察it went察and with the children upon its back it became like 

a star in the day´lit sky。 

     ;Then      Queen     Ino察  seeing    the   children    saved    by   the   golden    ram察

shrieked and fled away from that place。 Athamas ran after her。 As she ran 

and as he followed hatred for her grew up within him。 Ino ran on and on 


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until she came to the cliffs that rose over the sea。 Fearing Athamas who 

came behind her she plunged down。 But as she fell she was changed by 

Poseidon察     the  god   of  the   sea。  She   became     a  seagull。   Athamas察     who 

followed her察was changed also察he became the sea eagle that察with beak 

and talons ever ready to strike察flies above the sea。 

     ;And the golden ram with wings outspread flew on and on。 Over the 

sea it flew while the wind whistled around the children。 On and on they 

went察  and   the   children   saw   only   the   blue   sea   beneath   them。   Then   poor 

Helle察looking downward察grew dizzy。 She fell off the golden ram before 

her brother could take hold of her。 Down she fell察and still the ram flew on 

and on。  She   was   drowned in that sea。 The people   afterward named   it   in 

memory of her察calling it 'Hellespont''Helle's Sea。' 

     ;On and on the ram flew。 Over a wild and barren country it flew and 

toward a river。 Upon that river a white city was built。 Down the ram flew察

and alighting on the ground察stood before the gate of that city。 It was the 

city of Aea察in the land of Colchis。 

     ;The king was in the street of the city察and he joined with the crowd 

that gathered around the strange golden creature that had a youth upon its 

back。   The   ram   folded   its   wings   and   then   the   youth   stood   beside   it。   He 

spoke  to   the  people察 and then   the king Aeetes   was his   namespoke   to 

him察asking him from what place he had come察and what was the strange 

creature upon whose back he had flown。 

     ;To the king and to the people Phrixus told his story察weeping to tell of 

Helle   and   her   fall。   Then   King Aeetes   brought   him   into   the   city察  and   he 

gave him a place in the palace察and for the golden ram he had a special 

fold made。 

     ;Soon after the ram died察and then King Aeetes took its golden fleece 

and hung it upon an oak tree that was in a place dedicated to Ares察the god 

of war。  Phrixus   wed   one of   the  daughters of   the king察 and   men   say  that 

afterward he went back to Thebes察his own land。 

     ;And as for the Golden Fleece it became the greatest of King Aeetes's 

treasures。 Well indeed does he guard it察and not with armed men only察but 

with magic powers。 Very strong and very cunning is King Aeetes察and a 


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terrible task awaits those who would take away from him that Fleece of 

Gold。;     So Alcimide spoke察sorrowfully telling to the women the story of 

the Golden Fleece that her son Jason was going in quest of。 So she spoke察

and the night waned察and the morning of the sailing of the Argo came on。 

     And   when   the   Argonauts   beheld   the   dawn   upon   the   high   peaks   of 

Pelion they arose and poured out wine in offering to Zeus察the highest of 

the gods。 Then Argo herself gave forth a strange cry察for the beam from 

Dodona that had been formed into her prow had endued her with life。 She 

uttered   a   strange   cry察  and   as   she   did   the   heroes   took   their   places   at   the 

benches察one after the other察as had been arranged by lot察and Tiphys察the 

helmsman察went to the steering place。 To the sound of Orpheus's lyre they 

smote with oars the rushing sea water察 and the   surge broke over the oar 

blades。 The sails were let out and the breeze came into them察piping shrilly察

and   the   fishes   came   darting   through   the   green   sea察  great   and   small察  and 

followed them察gamboling along the watery paths。 And Chiron察the king´ 

centaur察came down from the Mountain Pelion察and standing with his feet 

in   the   foam   cried   out察   Good   speed察  O   Argonauts察  good   speed察  and   a 

sorrowless return。; 

                     THE BEGINNING OF THINGS 

     Orpheus   sang   to   his lyre察  Orpheus the   minstrel察 who   knew  the   ways 

and the stories of the gods察out in the open sea on the first morning of the 

voyage Orpheus sang to them of the beginning of things。 

     He   sang   how   at   first   Earth   and   Heaven   and   Sea   were   all   mixed   and 

mingled together。 There was neither Light nor Darkness then察but only a 

Dimness。 This was Chaos。 And from Chaos came forth Night and Erebus。 

From Night was born Aether察the Upper Air察and from Night and Erebus 

wedded there was born Day。 

     And    out   of  Chaos    came    Earth察  and   out  of   Earth   came    the  starry 

Heaven。 And   from   Heaven   and   Earth   wedded   there   were   born   the Titan 

gods   and   goddessesOceanus察  Coeus察  Crius察  Hyperion察  Iapetus察  Theia察


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Rhea察Themis察Mnemosyne察gold´crowned Phoebe察and lovely Tethys。 And 

then Heaven and Earth had for their child Cronos察the most cunning of all。 

     Cronos wedded Rhea察and from Cronos and Rhea were born the gods 

who were different from the Titan gods。 

     But Heaven and Earth had other childrenCottus察Briareus察and Gyes。 

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