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louisa of prussia and her times-第78节

小说: louisa of prussia and her times 字数: 每页4000字

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victories into defeats; while they render our checks in the same way
only more disastrous and decisive。 I am entirely opposed to placing
any more archdukes at the head of our armies。 Fortunately; I have
succeeded in getting rid of Archduke Charles; and I hope that
Archduke John; too; will be badly beaten at no distant period; so
that we may remove him; like his brother; from his position at the
head of his troops。 It will never do。 Well〃 he interrupted himself
in his soliloquy; casting an angry glance on his private secretary;
Hudlitz; who was just entering the room〃well; why do you disturb
me without being called for?〃

〃Pardon me; your excellency;〃 said Hudlitz; humbly; 〃but your
excellency had instructed me to inform you immediately of the
arrival of the custodian of the imperial library; whom your
excellency had sent for。〃

〃And he is there now?〃 asked Thugut。

〃Yes; your excellency; Mr。 Muller; the aulic councillor and
custodian of the imperial library is waiting in the anteroom。〃

〃Admit him; then; 〃said Thugut; waving his hand toward the door。

Hudlitz limped out; and a few minutes later the announced visitor
appeared on the threshold of the door。 He was a little; slender man;
with a stooping form; which had not been bent; however; by the
burden of years; but by the burden of learning; of night…watches and
untiring studies。 His head; covered with a pig…tail wig; according
to the fashion of that period; was slightly bent forward。 His
expansive forehead was indicative of the philosophical turn of his
mind; his large eyes were beaming with deep feeling; his pleasing;
yet not handsome features; were expressive to an almost touching
degree; of infinite gentleness and benevolence; and a winning smile
was playing constantly on his thin lips。

This smile; however; disappeared now that he felt the small;
piercing eyes of the minister resting upon his countenance。 Hat in
hand; and without uttering a word; he remained standing at the door;
he only raised his head a little; and his eyes were fixed on the
minister with a calm and proud expression。

〃You are the aulic councillor; Johannes Muller?〃 asked Thugut; after
a short pause; in a somewhat harsh voice。

〃Yes; I am Johannes Muller;〃 said the latter; and the smile had
already returned to his lips。 〃I thank your excellency for this
salutary question。〃

〃What do you mean by that; sir?〃 asked Thugut; wonderingly。 〃Why do
you call my question salutary?〃

〃Because it involves a good lesson; your excellency; and because it
informs me that they are wrong who; from motives of mistaken
benevolence; would persuade me that I was a well…known person; and
that everybody in Vienna was familiar with my name。 It is always
wholesome for an author to be reminded from time to time of his
insignificance and littleness; for it preserves him from giving way
to pride; and pride is always the first symptom of mental

Thugut fixed his eyes with a sullen air on the countenance of the
savant。  〃Do you want to give me a lesson?〃 he asked; angrily。

〃By no means; your excellency;〃 said Johannes Muller; calmly; 〃I
only wished to mention the reason why I was grateful to you for your
question。 And now I trust your excellency will permit me the
questionto what am I indebted for the honor of being called to
your excellency?〃

〃Well; I wished to make your acquaintance; Mr。 Aulic Councillor;〃
said Thugut。 〃I wished no longer to remain the only inhabitant of
Vienna who had not seen the illustrious historian of Switzerland and
the author of the 'Furstenbund。' 'Footnote: 〃The League of the
Princes;〃 one of the celebrated works of Johannes von Muller。' You
see; sir; I know your works at least; even though I did not know
your person。〃

〃And your excellency did not lose any thing by not knowing the
latter; for it is a person that is not worth the trouble to become
acquainted with。 We men of learning are less able to speak with our
tongues than with our pens; and our desk alone is our rostrum。〃

〃And there you are a powerful and most impressive orator; Mr。 Aulic
Councillor!〃 exclaimed Thugut; in a tone of unaffected and cordial

An air of joyful surprise overspread the gentle face of Johannes
Muller; and he cast a glance of heart…felt gratitude on the

Thugut noticed this glance。 〃You are surprised that I am able to
appreciate your merits so correctly and yet suffered years to elapse
without inviting you to call on me? I am a poor man; overburdened
with business and harassed with the dry details of my
administration; and the direction of political affairs leaves me no
leisure to be devoted to literature。〃

〃At least not to German literature;〃 said Muller; quickly; 〃but
every one knows your excellency to be a profound connoisseur of
oriental languages; and it is well known; too; that you devote a
great deal of attention to them; notwithstanding the immense burden
of business constantly weighing you down。〃

Thugut smiled; and his harsh features assumed a milder expression。
Johannes Muller; without intending it perhaps; had touched the chord
that sounded most sweetly to Thugut's ears; he had flattered him by
referring to his profound oriental studies。

〃Well;〃 he said; 〃you see I am taking likewise a lively interest in
German literature; for I invited you to come and see me; and you are
a German author; and one of the most illustrious at that。 Now; sir;
let us speak frankly and without circumlocution; as two men of
science ought to do。 Let us mutually forget our titles and official
positions; and chat confidentially with each other。 Come; my dear
sir; let us sit down in these two arm…chairs and talk like two
German gentlemen; that is; frankly and sincerely。 Nobody is here to
hear us; and I give you my word of honor nobody shall learn a word
of what we are going to say to each other。 Perfect irresponsibility
and impunity for every thing that will be spoken during this
interview。 Are you content with this; and will you promise me to
open your mind freely to me?〃

〃I promise it; your excellency; and shall reply truthfully and
fearlessly to whatever questions you may address to me; provided I
am able to tell you the truth。〃

〃Yes; sir;〃 replied Thugut; shrugging his shoulders。 〃Every thing
has two sides; and both are true according to the stand…point from
which one is looking at them。 You have two sides yourself; sir; and
they are contrasting very strangely with each other。 You are a
native of Switzerland; and yet you depict the Hapsburg princes in
your works with more genuine enthusiasm than any of our Austrian
historians。 You are a republican; and yet you are serving a
monarchy; the forms of which seem to agree with you exceedingly
well。 You belong to the orthodox reformed church; and yet you have
written 'The Voyages of the Popes;' and 'The Letters of Two Catholic
Prelates。' You are a friend of justice; and yet you have even
discovered good and praiseworthy qualities in that tyrannous King of
France; Louis XI。 Now tell me; sir; which is your true side; and
what you really are?〃

〃I am a man;〃 said Johannes Muller; gently; 〃I commit errors and
have my failings like all men; my heart is vacillating; but not my
head。 With my head I am standing above all parties; and above all
individual feelings; hence I am able to write 'The Voyages of the
Popes;' and 'The Letters of Two Catholic Prelates;' although; as
your excellency stated; I am a member of the orthodox reformed
church; and hence I am able to praise the Hapsburgs and serve a
monarchy; although I am a republican。 But my heart does not stand
above the contending parties; my heart loves mankind; and takes pity
on their failings; hence it is able to discover praiseworthy
qualities even in Louis XI。 of France; for in the BAD king; it
constantly follows the vestiges of the man whom nature created good
and humane。〃

〃Those are the views of Jean Jacques Rousseau!〃 exclaimed Thugut;
contemptuously; 〃but these views are inapplicable to the world and
to practical life; he who desires to derive advantages from men;
first; of all things; must avail himself of their bad qualities and
flatter them。 To hold intercourse with perfectly virtuous men is
tedious and unprofitable; fortunately; however; there are very few
of them。 I should have no use whatever for such patterns of virtue;
and; instead of admiring them; I should try to annihilate them。 He
who is to be a welcome tool for me; must either have a stain by
which I may catch him at the slightest symptom of disobedience; like
an insect tied to a string; and draw him back to me; or he must be
so narrow…minded and ignorant as not to understand me fully; and to
be unable to divine and penetrate my hidden thoughts and
intentions。〃 'Footnote: Thugut's own words。Vide Hormayer;
〃Lebensbilder aus dein Befreiungskrieg;〃 voi。 i。; p。 322。'

〃In that case I must hope never to be a welcome tool of your
excellency;〃 said Muller; gravely。

〃Are you so sure of your virtue? Are you unconscious of any stain on
your character?〃

〃If principles be virtue; yes; in that case I am sure of my virtue;〃
said Muller; calmly。 〃I shall never be unfaithful to my principl

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