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louisa of prussia and her times-第27节

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maltreat him。 Thus! and thus! To crush it under my heels。 It does me
good。 It relieves me。 At this moment this is the only revenge I can
take against the miserable fellow。〃 'Footnote: Gentz's own words。
Vide 〃Rahel's Umgang;〃 vol ii。; p。 168。'

Herr von Gualtieri laughed uproariously。 〃Ah! that is an entirely
novel jus gentium;〃 he exclaimed; 〃an exceedingly funny jus gentium。
My friend; let me embrace you; you are a glorious fellow!〃

With open arms he approached Gentz and pressed him tenderly;
laughing all the while; to his heart。

Gentz was unable to withstand this kindness and this laughter; and
suddenly forgetting his anger; he boisterously joined his friend's

〃You like my revenge?〃 he asked。

〃Ah! it is admirable; it is the revenge of a genuine Corsican!〃 said
Gualtieri; gravely。

〃Of a Corsican?〃 asked Gentz; shrinking back。 〃That is an ugly
comparison; sir。 I do not want to have any thing in common with that
Corsican; General Bonaparte。 I tell you I am afraid that man will
some day prove a terrible scourge for us。〃

〃And I adore him!〃 exclaimed Gualtieri。 〃He is the resuscitated
Alexander of Macedon; the conqueror of the world; the master of the
world。 He alone has stemmed the tide of revolution in France。 To him
alone the French are indebted for the restoration of order and
tranquillity in their country。 The thirteenth of Vendemiaire is as
heroic a deed; as great a victory; as the battles of Lodi and

〃That may be;〃 said Gentz; morosely。 〃I am no soldier; and do not
like battles and warfare。 And what do we Germans care for the
Corsican? Have we not got enough to do at home? Germany; however; is
so happy and contented that; like the Pharisee; she may look upon
republican France and exclaim: 'I thank thee; my God; that I am not
like this man。'〃

〃You are right;〃 replied Gualtieri。 〃We also stand in need of a
revolution。 In Germany; too; a guillotine must be erectedheads
must fall; and death must hold its bloody harvest。〃

〃Hush; my friend; hush!〃 said Gentz; drawing back in dismay。 〃Did
you merely come to me for the purpose of speaking of such dreadful
matters; while you are well aware that I don't like to hear anybody
allude to bloodshed; murders; and similar horrors?〃

〃I merely wanted to try you a little in order to see whether you are
still the same dear old childish coward;〃 exclaimed Gualtieri;
laughing。 〃The same great child with the strong; manly soul; and the
gentle; weak; and easily moved child's heart。 Now; let me know
quickly what you wanted of the minister of finance; and I shall
reward you then by telling you some good news。 Well; then; what did
you want of Schulenburg?〃

〃I had asked him to lend me five hundred dollars; and to appoint an
hour when I might call for the money。 He named ten o'clock; and I
went to his house; merely to leave it an hour after in a towering
passion and with empty hands。 Oh; it is infamous; it is dreadful! It

At that moment the door opened; and the footman entered。

〃From his excellency。 General von Schulenburg…Kehnert;〃 he said;
delivering to Gentz a small sealed package and a letter。 〃The
servant who brought it has left; as he said no reply was required。〃

Gentz beckoned his servant to withdraw; and he then hastily opened
the package。

〃Twelve fifty…dollar bills!〃 he exclaimed; triumphantly。 〃One
hundred dollars more than I had asked for! That is very kind;

〃May be he does not give it to you; but merely lends it to you;〃
said Gualtieri; smiling。

〃Lend it to me!〃 exclaimed Gentz; scornfully。 〃People don't lend any
money to me; because they know that I am unable to pay it back;
people reward me; sir; they show their gratitude toward me in a
substantial manner; but they are not so mean as to lend me what I
ask for。〃

〃Does the minister tell you so in his letter?〃 asked Gualtieri;

〃Ah! that is true。 I have not yet read the letter;〃 said Gentz;
breaking the seal。 While he was reading it; a slight blush suffused
his cheeks; and an expression of shame overspread his features。
〃Here; read it;〃 he murmured; handing the letter to his friend。

Gualtieri took it and read as follows:

〃My Dear Counsellor;You wished to see me; and I begged you to call
at ten o'clock; although I was overwhelmed with business and hardly
had any time to spare。 Precisely at ten o'clock I was ready to
receive you; for in all matters of business I am a very punctual
man。 However; after vainly waiting for you for half an hour; I
resumed my work。 I had to examine some very complicated accounts;
and could not allow myself to be interrupted after once taking them
up。 Hence I had to ask you to wait; and when; after waiting for half
an hour; like myself; you grew impatient and would not stay any
longer; I sent you word to call again to…morrow。 Now; that I have
concluded my pressing business; however; I hasten to comply with
your request。 You asked me for five hundred dollars; here they are。
Knowing; however; how precious your time is; and that you had to
wait for half an hour through my fault; I take the liberty of adding
one hundred dollars for the time you have lost to…day。 Farewell;
sir; and let me conclude with expressing the hope that you will soon
again delight the world and myself with one of your excellent



〃I believe;〃 said Gualtieri; returning the letter to Gentz; 〃I
believe the minister wanted to teach you a lesson。 He made you wait
in order to teach you the necessity of being punctual。〃

〃And I shall not forget the lesson。〃

〃You will be punctual hereafter?〃

〃On the contrary。 This time I was half an hour behind time; and he
paid me one hundred dollars for it。 Hereafter I shall be an hour too
late; he will make me wait an hour and pay me two hundred dollars
for it。 I believe that is sound arithmetic。 Don't look at me so
scornfully; Gualtieri; this state of affairs will not last for any
length of time; there will be a time at no distant period when no
minister will dare to make me wait in his anteroom; nor to pay me
such petty; miserable sums。 The ministers then will wait in my
anteroom; and will be only too happy if I accept the thousands which
they will offer to me。 I have formed the fixed resolution to obtain
a brilliant position and to coin wealth out of my mind。〃

〃And I am sure you will succeed in accomplishing your purpose;〃 said
Gualtieri。 〃Yes; I am satisfied a brilliant future is in store for
you。 You are a genius such as Germany has not seen heretofore; for
you are a political genius; and you may just as well confess that
Germany greatly lacks politicians who are able to wield their pen
like a pointed two…edged sword; to strike fatal blows in all
directions and obtain victories。 Germany has already fixed her eyes
upon you; and even in England your name is held in great esteem
since you published your excellent translation of Burke's work on
the French Revolution。 The political pamphlets you have issued since
that time; and the excellent political magazine you have
established; have met with the warmest approval; and the public
hopes and expects that you will render great and important services
to the country。 Go on in this manner; my friend; boldly pursue the
path you have entered; and it will become for you a path of glory;
honor; and wealth。〃

Gentz looked at him almost angrily。

〃I hope;〃 he said; 〃you will not believe me to be an avaricious and
covetous man。 I value money merely because it is an instrument
wherewith to procure enjoyment; and because; without it; we are the
slaves of misery; privations; and distress。 Money renders us free;
and now that people would like to set up freedom as the religion of
all nations; every one ought to try to make as much money as
possible; that alone rendering him really free。 The accursed French
Revolution; which has dragged all principles; all laws and old
established institutions under the guillotine; was under the
necessity of leaving one power unharmedthe power of money。 The
aristocracy; the clergy; nay; even royalty had to bleed under the
guillotine; but money never lost its power; its influence; and its
importance。 Money speaks a universal language; and the Sans…culotte
and Hottentot understand it as well as the king; the minister; and
the most beautiful woman。 Money never needs an interpreter; it
speaks for itself。 See; my friend; that is the reason why I love
money and try to make as much as possible; not in order to amass it;
but because with it I can buy the world; love; honor; enjoyment; and
happiness。 But not being one of those who find money in their
cradles; I must endeavor to acquire it and avail myself of the
capital God has given me in my brains。 And that I shall and will do;
sir; but I pledge you my word; never in a base and unworthy manner。
I shall probably make people PAY very large sums of money for my
services; but never shall I SELL myself; all the millions of the
world could not induce me to write AGAINST MY PRINCIPLES; but all
the millions of the world I shall demand; when they ask me to write
FOR MY PRINCIPLES! See; my friend; that is my programme; and you

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