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louisa of prussia and her times-第23节

小说: louisa of prussia and her times 字数: 每页4000字

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lieutenant…colonel by the hand。 〃You love me and are an honest man;
I shall; therefore; always hear the truth from you。 But you shall
inform yourself also of the state of public opinion concerning
myself and my government; weigh the judgment passed on me and my
counsellors; and if you believe it to be correct; then discuss it
with men whom you know to be impartial and able to speak
understandingly of the matter。 Having thus ascertained public
opinion and familiarized yourself with every thing; I expect you to
lay the matter before me and tell me your opinion firmly and
unreservedly。 I shall never question your good intentions; but
always endeavor to profit by your advice。 And I shall now directly
give you a trial。 What do you think of the congress which met a few
weeks ago at Eastadt; and at which the German empire is to negotiate
a treaty of peace with France?〃

〃Your majesty; I believe it will be good for all of us to live at
peace with France;〃 exclaimed Herr von Kockeritz; earnestly。 〃If
Prussia should quarrel with France; it would only afford Austria an
opportunity to carry out its long…standing designs upon Bavaria;
while Prussia would be occupied elsewhere; and in order not to be
hindered by Prussia in doing so; Austria; who now has just concluded
so favorable a treaty of peace with France at Campo Formio; would
become the ally of France and thus strengthen her old hostility
toward Prussia。 A war between Austria and Prussia would be the
unavoidable consequence; the whole of Germany would dissolve itself
into parties favorable or hostile to us; and this state of affairs
would give France an opportunity and a pretext to carry out her own
predatory designs against Germany; and; while we would be fighting
battles perhaps in Silesia and Bavaria; to seize the left bank of
the Rhine。〃

〃I am entirely of your opinion;〃 exclaimed the king。 〃I am very glad
to find my views in complete harmony with yours。〃

It is true Lieutenant…Colonel von Kockeritz was well aware of this;
for all he had said just now was nothing but a repetition of what
the king; while yet a crown prince; had often told him in their
confidential conversations。 But of this he took good care not to
remind the king; and merely bowed with a grateful smile。

〃Yes;〃 added the king; 〃like you; I believe prudence and sound
policy command us to remain at peace with France; and to form a
closer alliance with this power。 That is the only way for us to
prevent Austria from realizing her schemes of aggrandizement
Austria; not France; is dangerous to us; the latter is our natural
ally; and the former our natural adversary。 Every step forward made
by Austria in Germany; forces Prussia a step backward。 Let Austria
enlarge her territory in the south; toward Italy; but never shall I
permit her to extend her northern and western frontiers farther into
Germany。 The peace of Campo Formio has given Venice to the Austrians
but they never shall acquire Bavaria。 It is Prussia's special task
to induce France not to permit it; and; precisely for that reason;
we must force a closer alliance with France。 That; my dear
Kockeritz; is my view of the political course that we should pursue
in future。 Peace abroad and peace at home! No violent commotions and
convulsions; no rash innovations and changes。 New institutions
should gradually and by their own inherent force grow from the
existing ones; for only in that case we may be sure that they really
have taken root。 I shall not head the world in the capacity of a
creative and original reformer; but I shall always take pains to
adopt such reforms as have proven valuable; and gradually to
transform and improve such institutions as at present may be
defective and objectionable。 And in all these endeavors; my dear
Kockeritz; you shall be my adviser and assistant。 Will you promise
me your aid?〃

He looked earnestly and anxiously at the lieutenant…colonel and gave
him his hand。

〃I promise it to your majesty;〃 exclaimed Herr von Kockeritz;
gravely; and grasping the king's hand。

〃Well;〃 said the king; 〃with this solemn pledge you may enter upon
your official position; and I am satisfied that my choice has been a
judicious one。 Remain what you are; sir; an upright; honest man! As
far as I am concerned; you may always be sure of my heart…felt
gratitude; on the other hand; however; you should remember that you
not only oblige me personally; but that I request you; as it were;
in the name of the state; to labor for the latter。 At some future
time you will gain the sweet conviction and satisfaction that you
have done not a little for the welfare of the commonwealth and
thereby earned the thankfulness of every well…meaning patriot。 I am
sure there cannot be a sweeter reward for a man of true honor and
ambition like yourself。〃'Footnote: Vide the king's letter to
Lieutenant…Colonel von Kockeritz'



It was yet early in the morning; the blinds of all the windows in
the Taubenstrasse were as yet firmly closed; and only in a single
house an active; bustling life prevailed。 At its door there stood a
heavy travelling…coach which a footman was busily engaged in loading
with a large number of trunks; boxes; and packages。 In the rooms of
the first story people were very active; industrious hands were
assiduously occupied with packing up things generally; straw was
wrapped around the furniture; and then covered with linen bags。 The
looking…glasses and paintings were taken from the walls and laid
into wooden boxes; the curtains were removed from the windows; and
every thing indicated that the inmates of the house were not only
about to set out on a journey; but entirely to give up their former
mode of living。

Such was really the case; and while the servants filled the
anterooms and the halls with the noise of their preparations; those
for whom all this bustle and activity took place were in their
parlor; in a grave and gloomy mood。

There were two of thema lady; scarcely twenty…four years of age;
and a gentleman; about twelve years older。 She was a delicate and
lovely woman; with a pale; sad face; while he was a vigorous; stout
man with full; round features; and large vivacious eyes which at
present tried to look grave and afflicted without being able to do
so; she wore a travelling…dress; while his was an elegant morning

Both of them had been silent for awhile; standing at the window; or
rather at different windows; and witnessing the removal of the
trunks and packages to the travelling…coach。 Finally; the lady; with
a deep sigh; turned from the window and approached the gentleman who
had likewise stepped back into the room。

〃I believe the trunks are all in the carriage; and I can set out
now; Frederick;〃 she said; in a low and tremulous voice。

He nodded; and extended his hand toward her。 〃And you are not angry
with me; Julia?〃 he asked。

She did not take his hand; but only looked up to him with eyes full
of eloquent grief。 〃I am not angry;〃 she said。 〃I pray to God that
He may forgive you。〃

〃And will YOU forgive me; too; Julia? For I know I have sinned
grievously against you。 I have made you shed many tearsI have
rendered you wretched and miserable for two years; and these two
years will cast a gray shadow over your whole future。 When you first
entered this room; you were an innocent young girl with rosy cheeks
and radiant eyes; and now; as you leave it forever; you are a poor;
pale woman with a broken heart and dimmed eyes。〃 〃A DIVORCED wife;
that is all;〃 she whispered; almost inaudibly。 〃I came here with a
heart overflowing with happinessI leave you now with a heart full
of wretchedness。 I came here with the joyous resolution and fixed
purpose to render you a happy husband; and I leave you now with the
painful consciousness that I have not bestowed upon you that
happiness which I sought so earnestly to obtain for myself。 Ah; it
is very sad and bitter to be under the necessity of accepting this
as the only result of two long years!〃

〃Yes; it is very sad;〃 he said; sighing。 〃But after all; it is no
fault of ours。 There was a dissonance in our married life from the
start; and for that reason there never could be any genuine harmony
between us。 This dissonancewell; at the present hour I may confess
it to you; toothis dissonance simply was the fact that I never
loved you!〃

A convulsive twitching contracted the pale lips of the poor lady。
〃You were a great hypocrite; then;〃 she whispered; 〃for your words;
your solemn vows never made me suspect it。〃

〃Yes; I was a hypocrite; a wretch; a coward!〃 he exclaimed;
impetuously。 〃They overwhelmed me with exhortations; supplications;
and representations。 They knew so well to flatter me with the idea
that the beautiful; wealthy; and much…courted heiress; Julia Gilly;
had fallen in love with me; the poor; unknown Frederick Gentz; the
humble military counsellor。 They knew so well to depict to me the
triumph I would obtain by marrying you; to the great chagrin of all
your other suitors。 Flattery intoxicates me; and a success; a
triumph over others; fills me with the wildest delight。 My father
spoke of my debts; my creditors th

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