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louisa of prussia and her times-第145节

小说: louisa of prussia and her times 字数: 每页4000字

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dismayed; they clasped their hands wonderingly; and shook their
heads anxiously。

The king rang the bell hastily; and ordered the footman; who entered
immediately; to go over to the arsenal and see what was the matter。

In a few minutes he returned; panting and breathless。

〃Well;〃 said the king to him; 〃has an accident occurred?〃

〃Yes; your majesty; not to anybody in the crowd; however。 The statue
of Bellona; which stood on the portal of the arsenal; has suddenly
fallen from the roof。〃

〃Was it shattered?〃 asked the queen; whose cheeks had turned pale。

〃No; your majesty; but its right arm is broken。〃

The king beckoned him to withdraw; and commenced pacing the room。
The queen had returned to the window; and her eyes; which she had
turned toward heaven; were filled with tears。

After a long pause; the king approached her again。 〃Louisa;〃 he
said; in a low voice; 〃will you still go with me? The day is clear
and sunny; not a breath is stirring; and the statue of Bellona falls
from the roof of our arsenal and breaks its arm。 That is a bad omen!
Will you not be warned thereby?〃

The queen gave him her hand; and her eyes were radiant again with
love and joyfulness。 〃Where you go; I shall go;〃 she said;
enthusiastically! 〃Your life is my life; and your misfortunes are my
misfortunes。 I am not afraid of bad omens!〃 'Another bad omen
occurred on that day。 Field…Marshal von Mullendorf; who was to
accompany the troops; after being lifted on the left side of his
charger; fell down on the other。'



It was long after nightfall。 A cold and dismal night。 The mountains
of the forests of Thuringia bordered the horizon with their snow…
clad summits; and a piercing wind was howling over the heights and
through the valleys。

The Prussian army seemed at length to have reached its destination;
and here; on the hills and in the valleys of Jena and Auerstadt; the
great conflict was to be decided; for the Prussian army was now
confronting the legions of Napoleon。

The principal army; with the commander…in…chief; the Duke of
Brunswick; the king; and the staff; was encamped at Auerstadt。

The second army; commanded by the Prince von Hohenlohe; was in the
immediate neighborhood of Jena。

It was still firmly believed that Prussia would accomplish her great
purpose; and defeat Napoleon。 The disastrous skirmish of Saalfeld;
and the death of Prince Louis Ferdinand; had made a bad impression;
but not shaken the general confidence。

It is true; the Prussians were cold; for they had no cloaks; it is
true; they were hungry; for; owing to the sudden lack of bread; they
had received only half rations for the last few days; but their
hearts were still undismayed; and they longed only for one thing
for the decisive struggle。 The decision; at all events; could not
but put an end to their hunger; either by death or by a victory;
which would open to them large army magazines and supplies。

The Prussian troops encamped at Jena stood quietly before their
tents and chatted about the hopes of the next day; they told each
other that Bonaparte with his French; as soon as he had heard that
the Prussians were already at Jena; had hastily left Weimar again
and retreated toward Gera。

〃Then it will be still longer before we get hold of the French;〃
exclaimed several soldiers。 〃We thought we had got him sure at last;
and that he could not escape any more; and when he scented us; he
again found a mouse…hole through which he might get away。〃

〃But we will close this mouse…hole for him; so that he cannot get
out of it;〃 said a powerful voice behind them; and when the soldiers
turned anxiously around; they beheld their general; the Prince von
Hohenlohe; who; walking with his adjutants through the camp; just
reached their tents。

The soldiers faced about and respectfully saluted the general; who
kindly nodded to them。

〃You would be glad then to meet the French soon?〃 he asked the
soldiers; whose conversation he had overheard。

〃Yes; we should be glad;〃 they exclaimed; 〃it would be a holiday for

〃Well; it may happen very soon;〃 said the prince; smiling; and
continued his walk。

〃Long live the Prince von Hohenlohe!〃 shouted the soldiers。 The
prince walked on; everywhere greeting the soldiers and receiving
their salutations; everywhere filling the men with exultation by
promising them that they would soon have a battle and defeat the

Now he stopped in front of the grenadiers; who were drawn up in line
before him。

〃Boys;〃 he said; loudly and joyously; 〃you will have to perform the
heaviest part of the work。 If need be; you must make a bayonet
charge; and I know you will rout the enemy wherever you meet with
him。 I am sure you will do so!〃

〃Yes; we will!〃 shouted the grenadiers; 〃most assuredly we will!
Would we had already got hold of the French!〃

〃We will soon enough;〃 exclaimed the prince; and when he then walked
along the ranks; he asked a tall; broad…shouldered grenadier。 〃Well;
how many French soldiers will you take?〃

〃Five;〃 said the grenadier。

〃And you?〃 said the prince; to another grenadier。

〃Three;〃 he replied。

〃I shall not take less than seven!〃 shouted another。

〃I shall not take less than ten!〃 said still another。

The prince laughed and passed on。

When the night had further advanced; he rode with his staff to a
hill near Kapellendorf; where he had established his headquarters。

From this hill he closely scanned the position of the enemy; whose
camp was marked only by a few lights and bivouac…fires。

〃We shall have nothing to do to…morrow;〃 said the prince; turning to
his officers。 〃It seems the principal army of the French is moving
toward Leipsic and Naumburg。 At the best; we shall have a few
skirmishes of no consequence to…morrow。 We may; therefore; calmly go
to bed; and so may our soldiers。 Good…night; gentlemen。〃

And the prince rode with his adjutants down to his headquarters at
Kapellendorf; to go to bed and sleep。 An hour later; profound
silence reigned in the Prussian camp near Jena。 The soldiers were
sleeping; and so was their general。

And profound silence reigned also in the Prussian camp at Auerstadt。
The king had held a council of war late in the evening; and
conferred with the Duke of Brunswick; Field…Marshal von Mullendorf;
and the other generals about the operations of the following day。
The result of this consultation had been that nobody believed in the
possibility of a battle on the following day; and hence; it had been
decided that the army was quietly to advance; follow the enemy; who
seemed to retreat; and prevent him from crossing the Saale。

The council of war had then adjourned; and the Duke of Brunswick
hastened to his quarters; in order; like the Prince von Hohenlohe;
to go to bed and sleep。

An hour lafer; profound silence reigned also in the Prussian camp at
Auerstadt。 The Duke of Brunswick slept; and so did his soldiers。

The king alone was awake。

With a heavy heart and a gloomy face; he was walking up and down in
his tent。 He felt indescribably lonesome; for his wife was no longer
with him。 Yielding; with bitter tears; to the supplications of her
husband; she had left the camp to…day and gone toward Naumburg。

The king had implored her to go; but his heart was heavy; and when
he at last; late at night; repaired to his couch; slumber kept aloof
from his eyes。

At the same time; while the Prussian army and its generals were
sleeping; a wondrous scene took place not far from them; and a
singular procession moved across the fields at no great distance
from Jena。

Silence; darkness; and fog reigned all around。 But suddenly the fog
parted; and two torch…bearers; with grave faces; appeared
accompanying a man clad in a green overcoat; with white facings;
with a small three…cornered hat on his head; and mounted on a white
horse。 The blaze of the torches illuminated his pale face; his eyes
were as keen as those of an eagle; and seemed to command the fog to
disappear; so that he might see what it was concealing from him。 At
his side; whenever the torches blazed up; two other horsemen; in
brilliant uniforms; were to be seen; but their eyes did not try to
pierce the fog; but to fathom the face of the proud man at their
side; their eyes were fixed on him; on his pale face; on which; even
at this hour of the night; the sun of Austerlitz was shedding his
golden rays。

While the Prussian army and its generals were sleeping; Napoleon was
awake and was arranging the plans for the impending battle。 The
postmaster of Jena and General Denzel were his torch…bearers;
Marshal Lannes and Marshal Soult were his companions。

The Emperor Napoleon was reconnoitering; in the dead of night; the
ground on which he was to gain a battle over the Prussians on the
morrow; as he had recently gained a battle over the Austrians。

Austria had had her Austerlitz; Prussia was to have her Auerstadt
and Jena。

Napoleon had fixed his plan; to…morrow was the day when he would
take revenge on the King of Prussia for the treaty of Potsdam and
the alliance with Russia。

Arriving at the foot of the hill of Jena; the emperor stopped a

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