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louisa of prussia and her times-第120节

小说: louisa of prussia and her times 字数: 每页4000字

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but with a grave face and careworn air。

〃There is something going on;〃 she whispered; slowly gliding down
the corridor。 〃Yes; there is something going on; and at length I
shall have an opportunity for spying and reporting what I have
discovered。 Well; I get my pay from two men; from the French
governor of Vienna and from Lord Paget。 Would to God I could serve
both of them to…day! As for Lord Paget; I have already some news for
him; for Mr。 von Gentz was with her last night; and remained for two
hours; my mistress then wrote a letter to Major von Brandt; which I
had to dispatch early in the morning。 And this is exactly the point;
concerning which I do not know whether it ought to be reported to my
French customer or to the English lord。 Well; I will consider the
matter。 I will watch every step of hers; for it is certain that
something extraordinary is going on here; and I want to know what it

And; after taking this resolution; Madame Camilla accelerated her
steps to deliver the orders of the princess to the cook。 An hour
later; the lady's maid had finished the toilet of the princess; who
approached the large looking…glass in order to cast a last critical
look on her appearance。

A charming smile of satisfaction overspread her fair face when she
beheld her enchanting image in the glass; and she said; with a
triumphant air; 〃Yes; it is true; this woman is beautiful enough
even to court the favor of an emperor。 Do you not think so; too;
Madame Camilla?〃

Madame Camilla had watched; with a very attentive and grave face;
every word her mistress tittered; but now she hastened to smile。

〃Your highness;〃 she said; 〃if we lived still in the days of the
ancient gods; I would not trust any butterfly nor any bird; nay; not
even a gold…piece; for; behind every thing; I should suspect Jove
disguised; for the purpose of surprising my beautiful mistress。〃

Marianne laughed。 〃Ah; how learned you are;〃 she said。 〃You refer
even to the disguised bull of poor Europa and to the golden rain of
Danae。 But fear not; no disguised god will penetrate into my rooms;
for unhappily the time of gods and demi…gods is past。〃

〃Nevertheless; those arrogant French would like to make the world
believe that M。 Bonaparte had restored that time;〃 said Madame
Camilla; with a contemptuous air; 〃they would like to persuade us
that the son of that Corsican lawyer was a last and belated son of

〃Oh!〃 exclaimed Marianne; triumphantly; 〃the world shall discover
soon enough that he is nothing but a miserable son of earth; and
that his immortality; too; will find sufficient room between six
blackboards。 I know; Camilla; you hate the usurper as ardently; as
bitterly and vindictively as I do; and this hatred is the
sympathetic link uniting me with you。 Well; let me tell you that
your hatred will speedily be gratified; and that your vindictiveness
will be satiated。 Pray to God; Camilla; that He may bless the hand
about to be raised against the tyrant; pray to God that He may
sharpen the dagger which may soon be aimed at his heart! The world
has suffered enough; it is time that it should find an avenger of
its wrongs!〃

〃Major von Brandt;〃 announced a footman; entering the room。

〃Conduct the major to the drawing…room;〃 said Marianne; hastily; 〃I
will join him directly。〃

She cast a last triumphant look on the mirror; and then left the

Madame Camilla watched her; with a scowl; until the door had closed
behind her。 〃Now I know whom I have to inform of her doings;〃 she
muttered。 〃They concern the French governor; I have to take pains;
however; to find out more about her schemes; so that my report may
embrace as much important information as possible。 The better the
news; the better the pay。〃

Marianne had meanwhile gone to the drawing…room。 A tall; elderly
officer; in Austrian uniform; with the epaulets of a major; came to
meet her; and bent down to kiss reverentially the hand which she
offered to him。

Marianne saluted him with a fascinating smile。 〃You have entirely
forgotten me; then; major?〃 she asked。 〃It was necessary for me to
invite you in order to induce you to pay me a visit?〃

〃I did not know whether I might dare to appear before you; most
gracious princess;〃 said the major; respectfully。 〃The last time I
had the honor of waiting on you; I met your highness in the circle
of your distinguished friends who used to be mine; too。 But nobody
had a word of welcome; a pleasant smile for me; and your highness;
it seemed to me; did not notice me during the whole evening。
Whenever I intended to approach you; you averted your face and
entered into so animated a conversation with one of the bystanders;
that I could not venture to interrupt it。 Hence I withdrew; my heart
filled with grief and despair; for I certainly believed that your
highness wished to banish me from your reception…room forever。〃

〃And you consoled yourself for this banishment in the reception…room
of the French governor whom the great Emperor Napoleon had given to
the good city of Vienna; I suppose?〃 asked the princess; with an
arch smile。 〃And you would have never come back to me unless I had
taken the bold resolution to invite you to my house?〃

〃By this invitation you have rendered me the happiest of mortals;
most gracious princess;〃 exclaimed the major; emphatically。 〃You
have reopened to me the gates of Paradise; while; in my despair; I
believed them to be closed against me forever。〃

〃Confess; major;〃 said Marianne; laughing; 〃that you did not make
the slightest attempt to see whether these gates were merely ajar or
really closed。 Under the present circumstances we may speak honestly
and frankly to each other。 You believed me to be an ardent patriot;
one of those furious adversaries of the French and their rule; who
do not look upon Napoleon as a hero and genius; but only as a tyrant
and usurper。 Because I was the intimate friend of Lord Paget and M。
von Gentz; of the Princesses von Carolath and Clary; of the Countess
von Colloredo; and Count Cobenzl; you believed that my political
sentiments coincided with theirs?〃

〃Yes; your highness; indeed that is what I believed;〃 said Major von
Brandt; 〃and as you want me to tell the truth; I will confess that
it was the reason why I did not venture to appear again in your
drawing…room。 I have never denied that I am an enthusiastic admirer
of that great man who is conquering and subjugating the whole world;
because God has destined him to be its master。 Hence; I never was
able to comprehend the audacity of those who instigated our gracious
and noble Emperor Francis to wage war against the victorious hero;
and as a true and sincere patriot I now bless the dispensations of
fate which compels us to make peace with Napoleon the Great; for
Austria can regain her former prosperity only by maintaining peace
and harmony with France。 The war against France has brought the
barbarian hordes of Russia to Germany; after the conclusion of
peace; France will assist us in expelling these unclean and
unwelcome guests from the soil of our fatherland。〃

Marianne had listened to him smilingly and with an air of un…
qualified assent。 Only once a slight blush; as if produced by an
ebullition of suppressed anger; had mantled her cheeksonly for a
brief moment she had frowned; but she quickly overcame her
indignation and appeared as smiling and serene as before。

〃I am precisely of your opinion; my dear major;〃 she said; with a
fascinating nod。

〃Your highness assents to the views I have just uttered?〃 exclaimed
the major; in joyful surprise。

〃Do you doubt it still?〃 she asked。 〃Have I followed; then; the
example of all my friends; even that of Lord Paget and Gentz? Have I
fled from the capital because the Emperor Napoleon; with his army;
has turned his victorious steps toward Vienna? No; I have remained;
to the dismay of all of them; I have remained; although my prolonged
sojourn in Vienna has deprived me of two of my dearest friends; and
brought about an everlasting rupture between myself and Lord Paget;
as well as Herr von Gentz。 I have remained because I was unable to
withstand any longer the ardent yearning of my heartbecause I
wished to get at length a sight of the hero to whom the whole world
is bowing。 But look; my footman comes to tell me that my breakfast
has been served。 You must consent to be my guest to…day and
breakfast with me。〃

She took the major's arm and went with him to the dining…room。 In
the middle of it a table had been set; on which splendid pates;
luscious tropical fruits; and well…spiced salamis agreeably
surprised the major by their appetizing odor; while golden Rhenish
wine and dark Tokay in the white decanters seemed to beckon him。

They took seats at the table in elastic; soft arm…chairs; and for a
while the conversation was interrupted; for the pastry and the other
dainty dishes absorbed their whole attention。 The major; who was
noted for his epicurism; enjoyed the delicacies served up to him
with the profound seriousness and immovable tranquillity of a
philosopher。 Besides; the princess shared his enjoyment after a
while by her conversation; sparkling with wit and humor; she was

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