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on fractures-及6准

弌傍 on fractures 忖方 耽匈4000忖

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the muscles necessarily assume another shape察and the broken bones are
also necessarily moved。 Every endeavor then should be made to keep the
ham extended。 But it appears to me察that a canal which embraces the
limb from the nates to the foot is of use。 And moreover察a shawl
should be put loosely round at the ham察along with the canal察as
children are swathed in bed察and then察if the thigh´bone gets
displaced either upward or to the side察it can be more easily kept
in position by this means along with the canal。 The canal then
should be made so as to extend all along the limb or not used at all。
  23。 The extremity of the heel should be particularly attended to察so
that it may be properly laid察both in fractures of the leg and of
the thigh。 For if the foot be placed in a dependent position察while
the rest of the body is supported察the limb must present a curved
appearance at the forepart of the leg察and if the heel be placed
higher than is proper察and if the rest of the leg be rather too low
the bone at the forepart of the leg must present a hollow察more
especially if the heel of the patient be naturally large。 But all
the bones get consolidated more slowly察if not laid properly察and if
not kept steady in the same position察and in this case the callus is
more feeble。
  24。 These things relate to cases in which there is fracture of the
bones without protrusion of the same or wound of any other kind。 In
those cases in which the bones are simply broken across察and are not
comminuted察but protrude察if reduced the same day or next察and secured
in their place察and if there be no reason to anticipate that any
splintered bones will come away察and in those in which the broken
bones do not protrude察nor is the mode of fracture such that there
is reason to expect the splinters will come out察some physicians
heal the sores in a way which neither does much good nor harm察by
means of a cleansing application察applying pitch ointment察or some
of the dressings for fresh wounds察or anything else which they are
accustomed to do察and binding above them compresses wetted with
wine察or greasy wool察or something else of the like nature。 And when
the wounds become clean and are new healed察they endeavor to bind up
the limb with plenty of bandages察and keep it straight with
treatment does some good察and never much harm。 The bones察however察can
never be equally well restored to their place察but the part is a
little more swelled than it should be察and the limb will be somewhat
shortened察provided both bones either of the leg or fore´arm have been
  25。 There are others who treat such cases at first with bandages
applying them on both sides of the seat of the injury察but omit them
there察and leave the wound uncovered察and afterward they apply to
the wound some cleansing medicine察and complete the dressing with
compresses dipped in wine and greasy wool。 This plan of treatment is
bad察and it is clear that those who adopt this mode of practice are
guilty of great mistakes in other cases of fracture as well as
these。 For it is a most important consideration to know in what manner
the head of the bandage should be placed and at what part the greatest
pressure should be察and what benefits would result from applying the
end of the bandage and the pressure at the proper place察and what
mischiefs would result from applying the head of the bandage and the
pressure otherwise than at the proper place。 Wherefore it has been
stated in the preceding part of the work what are the results of
either察and the practice of medicine bears witness to the truth of it
for in a person thus bandaged察a swelling must necessarily arise on
the wound。 For察if even a sound piece of skin were bandaged on
either side察and a part were left in the middle察the part thus left
unbandaged would become most swelled察and would assume a bad color
how then could it be that a wound would not suffer in like manner拭The
wound then must necessarily become discolored and its lips everted
the discharge will be ichorous and without pus察and the bones察which
should not have got into a state of necrosis察exfoliate察and the wound
gets into a throbbing and inflamed condition。 And they are obliged
to apply a cataplasm on account of the swelling察but this is an
unsuitable application to parts which are bandaged on both sides
for a useless load is added to the throbbing which formerly existed in
it。 At last they loose the bandages when matters get very serious察and
conduct the rest of the treatment without bandaging察and
notwithstanding察if they meet with another case of the same
description察they treat it in the same manner察for they do not think
that the application of the bandages on both sides察and the exposure
of the wound are the cause of what happened察but some other untoward
circumstance。 Wherefore I would not have written so much on this
subject察if I had not well known that this mode of bandaging is
unsuitable察and yet that many conduct the treatment in this way察whose
mistake it is of vital importance to correct察while what is here
said is a proof察that what was formerly written as to the
circumstances under which bandages should be tightly applied to
fractures or otherwise has been correctly written。
  26。 As a general rule it may be said察that in those cases in which a
separation of bone is not expected察the same treatment should be
applied as when the fractures are not complicated with an external
wound察for the extension察adjustment of the bones察and the
bandaging察are to be conducted in the same manner。 To the wound itself
a cerate mixed with pitch is to be applied察a thin folded compress
is to be bound upon it察and the parts around are to be anointed with
white cerate。 The cloths for bandages and the other things should be
torn broader than in cases in which there is no wound察and the first
turn of the bandage should be a good deal broader than the wound。
For a narrower bandage than the wound binds the wound like a girdle
which is not proper察or the first turn should comprehend the whole
wound察and the bandaging should extend beyond it on both sides。 The
bandage then should be put on in the direction of the wound察and
should be not quite so tight as when there is no wound察but the
bandage should be otherwise applied in the manner described above。 The
bandages should be of a soft consistence察and more especially so in
such cases than in those not complicated with a wound。 The number of
bandages should not be smaller察but rather greater than those formerly
described。 When applied察the patient should have the feeling of the
parts being properly secured察but not too tight察and in particular
he should be able to say that they are firm about the wound。 And the
intervals of time during which the parts seem to be properly adjusted
and those in which they get loose察should be the same as those
formerly described。 The bandages should be renewed on the third day
and the after treatment conducted in the same manner as formerly
described察except that in the latter case the compression should be
somewhat less than in the former。 And if matters go on properly察the
parts about the wound should be found at every dressing always more
and more free of swelling察and the swelling should have subsided on
the whole part comprehended by the bandages。 And the suppurations will
take place more speedily than in the case of wounds treated otherwise
and the pieces of flesh in the wound which have become black and dead
will sooner separate and fall off under this plan of treatment than
any other察and the sore will come more quickly to cicatrization when
thus treated than otherwise。 The reason of all this is察that the parts
in which the wound is situated察and the surrounding parts察are kept
free of swelling。 In all other respects the treatment is to be
conducted as in cases of fracture without a wound of the
integuments。 Splints should not be applied。 On this account the
bandages should be more numerous than in the former case察both because
they must be put on less tight察and because the splints are later of
being applied。 But if you do apply the splints察they should not be
applied along the wound察and they are to be put on in a loose
manner察especial care being taken that there may be no great
compression from the splints。 This direction has been formerly
given。 And the diet should be more restricted察and for a longer
period察in those cases in which there is a wound at the
commencement察and when the bones protrude through the skin察and察in
a word察the greater the wound察the more severe and protracted should
the regimen be。
  27。 The treatment of the sores is the same in those cases of
fracture in which there was no wound of the skin at first察but one has
formed in the course of treatment察owing to the pressure of the
splints occasioned by the bandages察or from any other cause。 In such
cases it is ascertained that there is an ulcer察by the pain and the
throbbing察and the swelling in the extremities becomes harder than
usual察and if you apply your finger the redness disappears察but
speedily returns。 If you suspect anything of the kind you must loose
the dressing察if there be any i

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