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04道德经 中英对照(林语堂)-第4节

小说: 04道德经 中英对照(林语堂) 字数: 每页4000字

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  May be exempt from danger。 
  Tao in the world 
  May be pared to rivers that run into the sea。 ??         
????He who knows others is learned; 
????He who knows himself is wide。 
????He who conquers others has power of muscles; 
????He who conquers himself is strong。 
????He who is contented is rich。 
????He who id determined has strength of will。 
????He who does not lose his center endures。 
????He who dies yet (his power) remains has long life。                    
  The Great Tao flows everywhere; 
  (Like a flood) it may go left or right。 
  The myriad things derive their life from it; 
  And it does not deny them。 
  When its work is acplished; 
  It does not take possession。 
  It clothes and feeds the myriad things; 
  Yet does not claim them as its own。 
  Often (regarded) without mind or passion; 
  It may be considered small。 
  Being the home of all things; yet claiming not; 
  It may be considered great。 
  Because to the end it does not claim greatness; 
  Its greatness is achieved。 ??         
????Hold the Great Symbol 
????and all the world follows; 
????Follows without meeting harm; 
????(And lives in) health; peace; monwealth。   
????Offer good things to eat 
????And the wayfarer stays。 
????But Tao is mild to the taste。 
????Looked at; it cannot be seen; 
????Listened to; it cannot be heard; 
????Applied; its supply never fails。                    
  He who is to be made to dwindle (in power) 
  Must first be caused to expand。 
  He who is to be weakened 
  Must first be made strong。 
  He who is to be laid low 
  Must first be exalted to power。 
  He who is to be taken away from 
  Must first be given; 
  … This is the Subtle Light。   
  Gentleness overes strength: 
  Fish should be left in the deep pool; 
  And sharp weapons of the state should be left 
  Where none can see them。                    
  The Tao never does; 
  Yet through it everything is done。 
  If princes and dukes can keep the Tao; 
  the world will of its own accord be reformed。 
  When reformed and rising to action; 
  Let it be restrained by the Nameless pristine simplicity。 
  The Nameless pristine simplicity 
  Is stripped of desire (for contention)。 
  By stripping of desire quiescence is achieved; 
  And the world arrives at peace of its own accord。                    
  The man of superior character is not (conscious of his) character。 
  Hence he has character。 
  The man of inferior character (is intent on) not losing character。 
  Hence he is devoid of character。 
  The man of superior character never acts; 
  Nor ever (does so) with an ulterior motive。 
  The man of inferior character acts; 
  And (does so) with an ulterior motive。 
  The man of superior kindness acts; 
  But (does so) without an ulterior motive。 
  The man of superior justice acts; 
  And (does so) with an ulterior motive。 
  (But when) the man of superior li acts and finds no response; 
  He rolls up his sleeves to force it on others。   
  After Tao is lost; then (arises the doctrine of) humanity。 
  After humanity is lost; then (arises the doctrine of) justice。 
  After justice is lost; then (arises the doctrine of) li。 
  Now li is the thinning out of loyalty and honesty of heart。 
  And the beginning of chaos。 
  The prophets are the flowering of Tao 
  And the origin of folly。 
  Therefore the noble man dwells in the heavy (base); 
  And not in the thinning (end)。 
  He dwells in the fruit; 
  And not in the flowering (expression)。 
  Therefore he rejects the one and accepts the other。                    
  There were those in ancient times possessed of the One; 
  Through possession of the One; the Heaven was clarified; 
  Through possession of the One; The Earth was stabilized; 
  Through possession of the One; the gods were spiritualized; 
  Through possession of the One; the valleys were made full; 
  Through possession of the One; all things lived and grew; 
  Through possession of the One; the princes and dukes 
  became the ennobled of the people。 
  … that was how each became so。   
  Without clarity; the Heavens would shake; 
  Without stability; the Earth would quake; 
  Without spiritual power; the gods would crumble; 
  Without being filled; the valleys would crack; 
  Without the life…giving power; all things would perish; 
  Without the ennobling power; the princes and dukes would stumble。 
  therefore the nobility depend upon the mon man for support; 
  And the exalted ones depend upon the lowly for their base。   
  That is why the princes and dukes call themselves 
  〃the orphaned;〃 〃the lonely one;〃 〃the unworthy。〃 
  Is is not true then that they depend upon the mon man for support? 
  Truly; take down the parts of a chariot; 
  And there is no chariot (left)。 
  Rather than jingle like the jade; 
  Rumble like the rocks。                    
  Reversion is the action of Tao。 
  Gentleness is the function of Tao。 
  The things of this world e from Being; 
  And Being (es) from Non…being。                    
  When the highest type of men hear the Tao (truth); 
  they try hard to live in accordance with it。 
  When the mediocre type hear the Tao; 
  they seem to be aware and yet unaware of it。 
  When the lowest type hear the Tao; 
  They break into loud laughter … 
  If it were not laughed at; it would not be Tao。   
  Therefore there is the established saying: 
  〃Who understands Tao seems dull of prehension; 
  Who is advance in Tao seems to slip backwards; 
  Who moves on the even Tao (Path) seems to go up and down。〃   
  Superior character appears like a hollow (valley); 
  Sheer white appears like tarnished; 
  Great character appears like infirm; 
  Pure worth appears like contaminated。 
  Great space has no corners; 
  Great talent takes long to mature; 
  Great music is faintly heard; 
  Great form has no contour; 
  And Tao is hidden without a name。 
  It is this Tao that is adept at lending (its power) 
  and bringing fulfillment。                    
  Out of Tao; One is born; 
  Out of One; Two; 
  Out of Two; Three; 
  Out of Three; the created universe。 
  The created universe carries the yin at its back 
  and the yang in front; 
  Through the union of the pervading principles it 
  reaches harmony。   
  To be 〃orphaned;〃 〃lonely〃 and 〃unworthy〃 is what men hate most。 
  Yet the princes and dukes call themselves by such names。 
  For sometimes things are benefited by being taken away from; 
  And suffer by being added to。   
  Others have taught this maxim; 
  Which I shall teach also: 
  〃The violent man shall die a violent death。〃 
  This I shall regard as my spiritual teacher。 ??         
????The softest substance of the world 
????Goes through the hardest。 

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