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passages from an old volume of life-第10节

小说: passages from an old volume of life 字数: 每页4000字

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At Philadelphia again at last!  Drive fast; O colored man and brother; to the house called Beautiful; where my Captain lies sore wounded; waiting for the sound of the chariot wheels which bring to his bedside the face and the voice nearer than any save one to his heart in this his hour of pain and weakness!  Up a long street with white shutters and white steps to all the houses。  Off at right angles into another long street with white shutters and white steps to all the houses。  Off again at another right angle into still another long street with white shutters and white steps to all the houses。  The natives of this city pretend to know one street from another by some individual differences of aspect; but the best way for a stranger to distinguish the streets he has been in from others is to make a cross or other mark on the white shutters。

This corner…house is the one。  Ring softly;for the Lieutenant… Colonel lies there with a dreadfully wounded arm; and two sons of the family; one wounded like the Colonel; one fighting with death in the fog of a typhoid fever; will start with fresh pangs at the least sound you can make。  I entered the house; but no cheerful smile met me。  The sufferers were each of them thought to be in a critical condition。  The fourth bed; waiting its tenant day after day; was still empty。  Not a word from my Captain。

Then; foolish; fond body that I was; my heart sank within me。  Had he been taken ill on the road; perhaps been attacked with those formidable symptoms which sometimes come on suddenly after wounds that seemed to be doing well enough; and was his life ebbing away in some lonely cottage; nay; in some cold barn or shed; or at the wayside; unknown; uncared for?  Somewhere between Philadelphia and Hagerstown; if not at the latter town; he must be; at any rate。  I must sweep the hundred and eighty miles between these places as one would sweep a chamber where a precious pearl had been dropped。  I must have a companion in my search; partly to help me look about; and partly because I was getting nervous and felt lonely。  Charley said he would go with me;Charley; my Captain's beloved friend; gentle; but full of spirit and liveliness; cultivated; social; affectionate; a good talker; a most agreeable letter…writer; observing; with large relish of life; and keen sense of humor。  He was not well enough to go; some of the timid ones said; but he answered by packing his carpet…bag; and in an hour or two we were on the Pennsylvania Central Railroad in full blast for Harrisburg。

I should have been a forlorn creature but for the presence of my companion。  In his delightful company I half forgot my anxieties; which; exaggerated as they may seem now; were not unnatural after what I had seen of the confusion and distress that had followed the great battle; nay; which seem almost justified by the recent statement that 〃high officers〃 were buried after that battle whose names were never ascertained。  I noticed little matters; as usual。 The road was filled in between the rails with cracked stones; such as are used for macadamizing streets。  They keep the dust down; I suppose; for I could not think of any other use for them。  By and by the glorious valley which stretches along through Chester and Lancaster Counties opened upon us。  Much as I had heard of the fertile regions of Pennsylvania; the vast scale and the uniform luxuriance of this region astonished me。  The grazing pastures were so green; the fields were under such perfect culture; the cattle looked so sleek; the houses were so comfortable; the barns so ample; the fences so well kept; that I did not wonder; when I was told that this region was called the England of Pennsylvania。  The people whom we saw were; like the cattle; well nourished; the young women looked round and wholesome。

〃Grass makes girls。〃  I said to my companion; and left him to work out my Orphic saying; thinking to myself; that as guano makes grass; it was a legitimate conclusion that Ichaboe must be a nursery of female loveliness。

As the train stopped at the different stations; I inquired at each if they had any wounded officers。  None as yet; the red rays of the battle…field had not streamed off so far as this。  Evening found us in the cars; they lighted candles in spring…candle…sticks; odd enough I thought it in the land of oil…wells and unmeasured floods of kerosene。  Some fellows turned up the back of a seat so as to make it horizontal; and began gambling; or pretending to gamble; it looked as if they were trying to pluck a young countryman; but appearances are deceptive; and no deeper stake than 〃drinks for the crowd〃 seemed at last to be involved。  But remembering that murder has tried of late years to establish itself as an institution in the cars; I was less tolerant of the doings of these 〃sportsmen 〃 who tried to turn our public conveyance into a travelling Frascati。  They acted as if they were used to it; and nobody seemed to pay much attention to their manoeuvres。

We arrived at Harrisburg in the course of the evening; and attempted to find our way to the Jones House; to which we had been commended。 By some mistake; intentional on the part of somebody; as it may have been; or purely accidental; we went to the Herr House instead。  I entered my name in the book; with that of my companion。  A plain; middle…aged man stepped up; read it to himself in low tones; and coupled to it a literary title by which I have been sometimes known。 He proved to be a graduate of Brown University; and had heard a certain Phi Beta Kappa poem delivered there a good many years ago。 I remembered it; too; Professor Goddard; whose sudden and singular death left such lasting regret; was the Orator。  I recollect that while I was speaking a drum went by the church; and how I was disgusted to see all the heads near the windows thrust out of them; as if the building were on fire。  Cedat armis toga。  The clerk in the office; a mild; pensive; unassuming young man; was very polite in his manners; and did all he could to make us comfortable。  He was of a literary turn; and knew one of his guests in his character of author。 At tea; a mild old gentleman; with white hair and beard; sat next us。 He; too; had come hunting after his son; a lieutenant in a Pennsylvania regiment。  Of these; father and son; more presently。

After tea we went to look up Dr。 Wilson; chief medical officer of the hospitals in the place; who was staying at the Brady House。  A magnificent old toddy…mixer; Bardolphian in hue; and stern of aspect; as all grog…dispensers must be; accustomed as they are to dive through the features of men to the bottom of their souls and pockets to see whether they are solvent to the amount of sixpence; answered my question by a wave of one hand; the other being engaged in carrying a dram to his lips。  His superb indifference gratified my artistic feeling more than it wounded my personal sensibilities。 Anything really superior in its line claims my homage; and this man was the ideal bartender; above all vulgar passions; untouched by commonplace sympathies; himself a lover of the liquid happiness he dispenses; and filled with a fine scorn of all those lesser felicities conferred by love or fame or wealth or any of the roundabout agencies for which his fiery elixir is the cheap; all… powerful substitute。

Dr。 Wilson was in bed; though it was early in the evening; not having slept for I don't know how many nights。

〃Take my card up to him; if you please。〃  This way; sir。〃

A man who has not slept for a fortnight or so is not expected to be as affable; when attacked in his bed; as a French Princess of old time at her morning receptions。  Dr。 Wilson turned toward me; as I entered; without effusion; but without rudeness。  His thick; dark moustache was chopped off square at the lower edge of the upper lip; which implied a decisive; if not a peremptory; style of character。

I am Dr。 So…and…So of Hubtown; looking after my wounded son。  (I gave my name and said Boston; of course; in reality。)

Dr。 Wilson leaned on his elbow and looked up in my face; his features growing cordial。  Then he put out his hand; and good…humoredly excused his reception of me。  The day before; as he told me; he had dismissed from the service a medical man hailing from ******; Pennsylvania; bearing my last name; preceded by the same two initials; and he supposed; when my card came up; it was this individual who was disturbing his slumbers。  The coincidence was so unlikely a priori; unless some forlorn parent without antecedents had named; a child after me; that I could not help cross…questioning the Doctor; who assured me deliberately that the fact was just as he had said; even to the somewhat unusual initials。  Dr。 Wilson very kindly furnished me all the information in his power; gave me directions for telegraphing to Chambersburg; and showed every disposition to serve me。

On returning to the Herr House; we found the mild; white…haired old gentleman in a very happy state。  He had just discovered his son; in a comfortable condition; at the United States Hotel。  He thought that he could probably give us some information which would prove interesting。  To the United States Hotel we repaired; then; in company with our kind…hearted old

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