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guy mannering-第93节

小说: guy mannering 字数: 每页4000字

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They had now risen to retire to their apartments for the night; when Colonel Mannering walked up to Bertram; as he stood astonished at the counsellor's words。 〃I give you joy;〃 he said; 〃of the prospects which fate has opened before you。 I was an early friend of your father; and chanced to be in the house of Ellangowan as unexpectedly as you are now in mine; upon the very night in which you were born。 I little knew this circumstance whenbut I trust unkindness will be forgotten between us。 Believe me; your appearance here; as Mr。 Brown; alive and well; has relieved me from most painful sensations; and your right to the name of an old friend renders your presence; as Mr。 Bertram; doubly welcome。〃

〃And my parents?〃 said Bertram。

〃Are both no moreand the family property has been sold; but I trust may be recovered。 Whatever is wanted to make your right effectual; I shall be most happy to supply。〃

〃Nay; you may leave all that to me;〃 said the counsellor;〃 'tis my vocation。 Hal。 I shall make money of it。〃

〃I'm sure it's no for the like o' me;〃 observed Dinmont; 〃to speak to you gentlefolks; but if siller would help on the Captain's plea; and they say nae plea gangs an weel without it〃

〃Except on Saturday night;〃 said Pleydell。

〃Ay; but when your honour wadna take your fee Ye wadna hae the cause neither; sae I'll ne'er fash you on a Saturday at e'en againbut I was saying; there's some siller in the spleuchan '*A spleuchan is a tobacco pouch; occasionally used as a purse。' that's like the Captain's ain; for we've aye counted it such; baith Ailie and me。〃

〃No; no; Liddesdaleno occasion; no occasion whateverkeep thy cash to stock thy farm。〃

〃To stack my farm? Mr。 Pleydell; your honour kens mony things; but ye dinna ken the farm o' Charlies…hopeit's sae weel stockit already; that we sell maybe sax hundred pounds off it ilka year; flesh and fell thegitherna; na。〃

〃Can't you take another then?〃

〃I dinna kenthe Deuke's no that fond o' led farms; and he canna bide to put away the auld tenantry; and then I wadna like; mysell; to gang about whistling and raising the rent on my neighbours。〃 '*Whistling; among the tenantry of a large estate; is; when an individual gives such information to the proprietor; or his managers; as to occasion the rent of his neighbour's farms being raised; which; for obvious reasons; is held a very unpopular practice。'

〃What; not upon thy neighbour at DawstonDevilstonehow d'ye call the place?〃

〃What; on Jock o' Dawston? hout nahe's a camsteary '*Obstinate and unruly。' chield; and fasheous '*Troublesome' about marches; and we've had some bits o' splores thegither; but deil o' me if I wad wrang Jock o' Dawston neither。〃

〃Thou'rt an honest fellow;〃 said the lawyer; 〃get thee to bed。 Thou wilt sleep sounder; I warrant thee; than many a man that throws off an embroidered coat; and puts on a laced nightcap。Colonel; I see you are busy with our Enfant trouve。 But Barnes must give me a summons of wakening at seven to…morrow morning; for my servant's a sleepy…headed fellow; and I dare say my clerk; Driver; has had Clarence's fate; and is drowned by this time in a butt of your ale; for Mrs。 Allan promised to make him comfortable; and she'll soon discover what he expects from that engagement。 Good…night; Colonelgood…night; Dominie Sampsongood…night; Dinmont the downrightgood…night; last of all; to the new…found representative of the Bertrams; and the Mac…Dingawaies; the Knarths; the Arths; the Godfreys; the Dennises; and the Rolands; and; last and dearest title; heir of tailzie and provision of the lands and barony of Ellangowan; under the settlement of Lewis Bertram; Esq。; whose representative you are。〃

And so…saying; the old gentleman took his candle and left the room; and the company dispersed; after the Dominie had once more hugged and embraced his 〃little Harry Bertram;〃 as he continued to call the young soldier of six feet high。


  My imagination Carries no favour in it but Bertram's; I   am undone; there is no living; none; If Bertram be away。     All's well that Ends Well。

At the hour which he had appointed the preceding evening; the indefatigable lawyer was seated by a good fire; and a pair of wax candles; with a velvet cap on his head; and a quilted silk night…gown on his person; busy arranging his memoranda of proofs and indications concerning the murder of Frank Kennedy。 An express had also been despatched to Mr。 Mac…Morlan; requesting his attendance at Woodbourne as soon as possible; on business of importance。 Dinmont; fatigued with the events of the evening before; and finding the accommodations of Woodbourne much preferable to those of Mac…Guffog; was in no hurry to rise。 The impatience of Bertram might have put him earlier in motion; but Colonel Mannering had intimated an intention to visit him in his apartment in the morning; and he did not choose to leave it。 Before this interview he had dressed himself; Barnes having; by his master's orders; supplied him with every accommodation of linen; etc。; and now anxiously waited the promised visit of his landlord。

In a short time a gentle tap announced the Colonel; with whom Bertram held a long and satisfactory conversation。 Each; however; concealed from the other one circumstance。 Mannering could not bring himself to acknowledge the astrological prediction; and Bertram was; from motives which may be easily conceived; silent respecting his love for Julia。 In other respects; their intercourse was frank and grateful to both; and had latterly; upon the Colonel's part; even an approach to cordiality。 Bertram carefully measured his own conduct by that of his host; and seemed rather to receive his offered kindness with gratitude and pleasure; than to press for it with solicitation。

Miss Bertram was in the breakfast…parlour when Sampson shuffled in; his face all radiant with smiles; a circumstance so uncommon; that Lucy's first idea was; that somebody had been bantering him with an imposition; which had thrown him into this ecstasy。 Having sat for some time; rolling his eyes and gaping with his mouth like the great wooden head at Merlin's exhibition; he at length began 〃And what do you think of him; Miss Lucy?〃

〃Think of whom; Mr。 Sampson?〃 asked the young lady。

〃Of Harnoof him that you know about?〃 again demanded the Dominie。

〃That I know about?〃 replied Lucy; totally at a loss to comprehend his meaning。

〃Yes; the stranger; you know; that came last evening in the post vehiclehe who shot young Hazlewoodha; ha; ho!〃 burst forth the Dominie; with a laugh that sounded like neighing。

〃Indeed; Mr。 Sampson;〃 said his pupil; 〃you have chosen a strange subject for mirthI think nothing about the man; only I hope the outrage was accidental; and that we need not fear a repetition of it。〃

〃Accidental! ho; ho; ha!〃 again whinnied Sampson。

〃Really; Mr。 Sampson;〃 said Lucy; somewhat piqued;〃 you are unusually gay this morning。〃

〃Yes; of a surety I am I ha; ha; ho! face…ti…ousho; ho; ha!〃

〃So unusually facetious; my dear sir;〃 pursued the young lady; 〃that I would wish rather to know the meaning of your mirth; than to be amused with its effects only。〃

〃You shall know it; Miss Lucy;〃 replied poor Abel Do you remember your brother?〃

〃Good God! how can you ask me?no one knows better than you; he was lost the very day I was born。〃

〃Very true; very true;〃 answered the Dominie; saddening at the recollection; 〃I was strangely obliviousay; aytoo true。 But you remember your worthy father?〃

〃How should you doubt it; Mr。 Sampson? it is not so many weeks since〃

〃True; trueay; too true;〃 replied the Dominie; his Houyhnhnm laugh sinking into a hysterical giggle;〃I will be facetious no more under these remembrancesbut look at that young man!〃

Bertram at this instant entered the room。 〃Yes; look at him wellhe is your father's living image; and as God has deprived you of your dear parentsO my children; love one another!〃

〃It is indeed my father's face and form;〃 said Lucy; turning very pale; Bertram ran to support herthe Dominie to fetch water to throw upon her face (which in his haste he took from the boiling tea…urn)when fortunately her colour returning rapidly; saved her from the application of this ill…judged remedy。 〃I conjure you yet to tell me; Mr。 Sampson;〃 she said; in an interrupted; solemn voice; is this my brother?〃

〃It isit is!Miss Lucy; it is little Harry Bertram; as sure as God's sun is in that heaven!〃

〃And this is my sister?〃 said Bertram; giving way to all that family affection; which had so long slumbered in his bosom for want of an object to expand itself upon。

〃lt is!it is Miss Lucy Bertram;〃 ejaculated Sampson; 〃whom by my poor aid you will find perfect in the tongues of France; and Italy; and even of Spainin reading and writing her vernacular tongue; and in arithmetic and bookkeeping by double and single entryI say nothing of her talents of shaping; and hemming; and governing a household; which; to give every one their due; she acquired not from me; but from the housekeepernor do I take merit for her performance upon stringed instruments; whereunto the instructions of an honourable young lady of virtue and modesty; and very facetious withalMiss Julia Manneringhath not meanl

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