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gulliver of mars-第36节

小说: gulliver of mars 字数: 每页4000字

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 those who had the honour of your patronage。  Perhaps the princess here was a little roughly handled; and; I con… fess; if she were altogether as reluctant as she seems; a lesser maid would have done as well。  I could have wooed this one in Seth; where I may shortly come; and our espousals would possibly have lent; in the eyes of your friends; quite a cheerful aspect to my arrival。  But my am… bassadors have had no great schooling in diplomacy; they have brought Princess Heru here; and how can I hand her over to one I know nothing of?  How do I know you are a ghost; after all?  How do I know you have anything but a rusty sword and much impertinence to back your as… tounding claim?〃

〃Oh; let it be just as you like;〃 I said; calmly shelling and eating a nut I had picked up。  〃Only if you do not give the maid back; why; then〃 And I stopped as though the sequel were too painful to put into words。

Again that superstitious monarch of a land thronged with malicious spirits called up his magician; and; after they had consulted a moment; turned more cheerfully to me。

〃Look here; Mister…from…Nowhere; if you are really a spirit; and have the power to hurt as you say; you will have the power also to go and come between the living and the dead; between the present and the past。  Now I will set you an errand; and give you five minutes to do it in。〃

〃Five minutes!〃 I exclaimed in incautious alarm。

〃Five minutes;〃 said the monarch savagely。  〃And if in that time the errand is not done; I shall hold you to be an impostor; an impudent thief from some scoundrel tribe of this world of mine; and will make of you an example which shall keep men's ears tingling for a century or two。〃

Poor Heru dropped in a limp and lovely heap at that dire threat; while I am bound to say I felt somewhat uncomfortable; not unnaturally when all the circumstances are considered; but contented myself with remarking; with as much bravado as could be managed;

〃And now to the errand; Ar…hap。  What can I do for your majesty?〃

The king consulted with the rogue at his elbow; and then nodding and chuckling in expectancy of his triumph; addressed me。

〃Listen;〃 he cried; smiting a huge hairy hand upon his knee; 〃listen; and do or die。  My magician tells me it is record… ed in his books that once; some five thousand years ago; when this land belonged to the Hither people; there lived here a king。  It is a pity he died; for he seems to have been a jovial old fellow; but he did die; and; according to their custom; they floated him down the stream that flows to the regions of eternal ice; where doubtless he is at this present moment; caked up with ten million of his subjects。  Now just go and find that sovereign for me; oh you bold…tongued dweller in other worlds!〃

〃And if I go how am I to know your ancient king; as you say; amongst ten million others?〃

〃That is easy enough;〃 quoth Ar…hap lightly。  〃You have only to pass to and fro through the ice mountains; opening the mouths of the dead men and women you meet; and when you come to a middle…sized man with a fillet on his head and a jaw mended with gold; that will be he whom you look for。  Bring me that fillet here within five minutes and the maid is yours。〃

I started; and stared hard in amazement。  Was this a dream?  Was the royal savage in front playing with me?  By what incredible chance had he hit upon the very errand I could answer to best; the very trophy I had brought away from the grim valley of ice and death; and had still in my shoulder…bag?  No; he was not playing; he was staring hard in turn; joying in my apparent confusion; and clearly thinking he had cornered me beyond hope of redemption。

〃Surely your mightiness is not daunted by so simple a task;〃 scowled the sovereign; playing with the hilt of his huge hunting…knife; 〃and all amongst your friends' kindred too。  On a hot day like this it ought to be a pleasant saunter for a spirit such as yourself。〃

〃Not daunted;〃 I answered coldly; turning on my heels towards the door; 〃only marvelling that your majesty's skull and your necromancer's could not between them have de… vised a harder task。〃

Out into the courtyard I went; with my heart beating finely in spite of my assumed indifference; got the bag from a peg in my sleeping…room; and was back before the log throne ere four minutes were gone。

〃The old Hither king's compliments to your majesty;〃 I said; bowing; while a deathly hush fell on all the assembly; 〃and he says though your ancestors little liked to hear his voice while alive; he says he has no objection to giving you some jaw now he is dead;〃 and I threw down on the floor the golden circlet of the frozen king。

Ar…hap's eyes almost started from his head as; with his courtiers; he glared in silent amazement at that shining thing while the great drops of fear and perspiration trickled down his forehead。  As for poor Heru; she rose like a spirit behind them; gazed at the jaw…bone of her mythical an… cestor; and then suddenly realising my errand was done and she apparently free; held out her hands; and; with a tremulous cry; would have come to me。

But Ar…hap was too quick for her。  All the black savage blood swelled into his veins as he swept her away with one great arm; and then with his foot gave the luckless jaw a kick that sent it glittering and spinning through the far doorway out into the sunshine。

〃Sit down;〃 he roared; 〃you brazen wench; who are so eager to leave a king's side for a nameless vagrant's care! And you; sir;〃 turning to me; and fairly trembling with rage and dread; 〃I will not gainsay that you have done the errand set you; but it might this once be chance that got you that cursed token; some one happy turn of luck。  I will not yield my prize on one throw of the dice。  Another task you must do。  Once might be chance; but such chance comes not twice。〃

〃You swore to give me the maid this time。〃

〃And why should I keep my word to a half…proved spirit such as you?〃

〃There are some particularly good reasons why you should;〃 I said; striking an attitude which I had once seen a music…hall dramatist take when he was going to blast somebody's futurea stick with a star on top of it in his hand and forty lines of blank verse in his mouth。

The king writhed; and begged me with a sign to desist。

〃We have no wish to anger you。  Do us this other task and none will doubt that you are a potent spirit; and even I; Ar…hap; will listen to you。〃

〃Well; then;〃 I answered sulkily; 〃what is it to be this time?〃

After a minute's consultation; and speaking slowly as though conscious of how much hung on his words; the king said;

〃Listen!  My soothsayer tells me that somewhere there is a city lost in a forest; and a temple lost in the city; and a tomb lost in the temple; a city of ghosts and djins given over to bad spirits; wherefore all human men shun it by day and night。  And on the tomb is she who was once queen there; and by her lies her crown。  Quick! oh you to whom all dis… tances are nothing; and who see; by your finer essence; into all times and places。  Away to that city!  Jostle the memories of the unclean things that hide in its shadows; ask which amongst them knows where dead Queen Yang still lies in dusty state。  Get guides amongst your comrade ghosts。  Find Queen Yang; and bring me here in five minutes the bloody circlet from her hair。〃

Then; and then for the first time; I believed the planet was haunted indeed; and I myself unknowingly under some strange and watchful influence。  Spirits; demons!  Oh! what but some incomprehensible power; some unseen influence shap… ing my efforts to its ends; could have moved that hairy barbarian to play a second time into my hands like this; to choose from the endless records of his world the second of the two incidents I had touched in hasty travel through it? I was almost overcome for a minute; then; pulling myself together; strode forward fiercely; and; speaking so that all could hear me; cried; 〃Base king; who neither knows the capacities of a spirit nor has learned as yet to dread its anger; see! your commission is executed in a thought; just as your punishment might be。  Heru; come here。〃  And when the girl; speechless with amazement; had risen and slipped over to me; I straightened her pretty hair from her fore… head; and then; in a way which would make my fortune if I could repeat it at a conjuror's table; whipped poor Yang's gemmy crown from my pocket; flashed its baleful splendour in the eyes of the courtiers; and placed it on the tresses of the first royal lady who had worn it since its rightful owner died a hundred years before。

A heavy silence fell on the hall as I finished; and nothing was heard for a time save Heru sobbing on my breast and a thirsty baby somewhere outside calling to its mother for the water that was not to be had。  But presently on those sounds came the fall of anxious feet; and a messenger; entering the doorway; approached the throne; laid him… self out flat twice; after which obeisance he proceeded to remind the king of the morning's ceremonial on a distant hill to 〃pray away the comet;〃 telling his majesty that all was ready and the procession anxiously awaiting him。

Whereon Ar…hap; obviously very well content to change

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