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gulliver of mars-第34节

小说: gulliver of mars 字数: 每页4000字

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。  Some ribald passer…by put a battered felt hat upon Vishnu's sacred curls; and there the poor image sat; an alien in an indifferent land; a sack across its shoulders; a 〃billycock〃 upon its head; and honoured at most with a passing stare。  I thought of that lonely image as al… most as lonely I stood on the Thither men's quay; without the support of friends or heroics; wondering what to do next。

However; a cheerful disposition is sometimes better than a banking account; and not having the one I cultivated the other; sunning myself amongst the bales for a time; and then; since none seemed interested in me; wandered off into the town; partly to satisfy my curiosity; and partly in the vague hope of ascertaining if my princess was really here; and; if possible; getting sight of her。

Meanwhile it turned hot with a supernatural; heavy sort of heat altogether; I overheard passersby exclaiming; out of the common; and after wandering for an hour through gardens and endless streets of thatched huts; I was glad enough to throw myself down in the shadow of some trees on the outskirts of the great central pile of buildings; a whole village in itself of beam…built towers and dwelling… place; suggesting by its superior size that it might actually be Ar…hap's palace。

Hotter and hotter it grew; while a curious secondary sunrise in the west; the like of which I never saw before seemed to add to the heat; and heavier and heavier my eye… lids; till I dozed at last; and finally slept uncomfortably for a time。

Rousing up suddenly; imagine my surprise to see sitting; chin on knees; about a yard away; a slender girlish figure; infinitely out of place in that world of rough barbarians。 Was it possible?  Was I dreaming?  No; there was no doubt about it; she was a girl of the Hither folk; slim and pretty; but with a wonderfully sad look in her gazelle eyes; and scarcely a sign of the indolent happiness of Seth in the pale little face regarding me so fixedly。

〃Good gracious; miss;〃 I said; still rubbing my eyes and doubting my senses; 〃have you dropped from the skies?  You are the very last person I expected to see in this barbarian place。〃

〃And you too; sir。  Oh; it is lovely to see one so newly from home; and free…seemingnot a slave。〃

〃How did you know I was from Seth?〃

〃Oh; that was easy enough;〃 and with a little laugh she pointed to a pebble lying between us; on which was a piece of battered sweetmeat in a perforated bamboo box。  Poor An had given me something just like that in a playful mood; and I had kept it in my pocket for her sake; being; as you will have doubtless observed; a sentimental young man; and now I clapped my hand where it should have been; but it was gone。

〃Yes;〃 said my new friend; 〃that is yours。  I smelt the sweetmeat coming up the hill; and crossed the grass until I found you here asleep。  Oh; it was lovely!  I took it from your pocket; and white Seth rose up before my swimming eyes; even at the scent of it。  I am Si; well named; for that in our land means sadness; Si; the daughter of Prince Hath's chief sweetmeat…maker; so I should know something of such stuff。  May I; please; nibble a little piece?〃

〃Eat it all; my lass; and welcome。  How came you here? But I can guess。  Do not answer if you would rather not。〃

〃Ay; but I will。  It is not every day I can speak to ears so friendly as yours。  I am a slave; chosen for my luckless beauty as last year's tribute to Ar…hap。〃

〃And now?〃

〃And now the slave of Ar…hap's horse…keeper; set aside to make room for a fresher face。〃

〃And do you know whose face that is?〃

〃Not I; a hapless maid sent into this land of horrors; to bear ignominy and stripes; to eat coarse food and do coarse work; the miserable plaything of some brute in semi…human form; with but the one consolation of dying early as we tribute…women always die。  Poor comrade in exile; I only know her as yet by sympathy。〃

〃What if I said it was Heru; the princess?〃

The Martian girl sprang to her feet; and clasping her hands exclaimed;

〃Heru; the Slender!  Then the end comes; for it is written in our books that the last tribute is paid when the best is paid。  Oh; how splendid if she gave herself of free will to this slavery to end it once for all。  Was it so?〃

〃I think; Si; your princess could not have known of that tradition; she did not come willingly。  Besides; I am come to fetch her back; if it may be; and that spoils the look of sacrifice。〃

〃You to fetch her back; and from Ar…hap's arms?  My word; Sir Spirit; you must know some potent charms; or; what is less likely; my countrymen must have amazingly improved in pluck since I left them。  Have you a great army at hand?〃

But I only shook my head; and; touching my sword; said that here was the only army coming to rescue Heru。 Whereon the lady replied that she thought my valour did me more honour than my discretion。  How did I propose to take the princess from her captors?

〃To tell the truth; damsel; that is a matter which will have to be left to your invention; or the kindness of such as you。  I am here on a hare…brained errand; playing knight… errant in a way that shocks my common sense。  But since the matter has gone so far I will see it through; or die in the attempt。  Your bully lord shall either give me Heru; stock; lock; and block; or hang me from a yard…arm。  But I would rather have the lady。  Come; you will help me; and; as a beginning; if she is in yonder shanty get me speech with her。〃

Poor Si's eyes dilated at the peril of the suggestion; and I saw the sluggish Martian nature at war against her better feelings。  But presently the latter conquered。  〃I will try;〃 she said。  〃What matter a few stripes more or less?〃 pointing to her rosy shoulders where red scars crisscross upon one an… other showed how the Martian girls fared in Ar…hap's palace when their novelty wore off。  〃I will try to help you; and if they kill me for itwhy; that will not matter much。〃  And forthwith in that blazing forenoon under the flickering shadow of the trees we put our heads together to see what we might do for Heru。

It was not much for the moment。  Try what we would that afternoon; I could not persuade those who had charge of the princess to let me even approach her place of im… prisonment; but Si; as a woman; was more successful; actually seeing her for a few moments; and managed to whisper in her ear that I had come; the Spirit…with…the…gold…buttons… down…his front; afterwards describing to me in flowing Mar… tian imagerybut doubtless not more highly coloured than poor Heru's emotion warrantedhow delightedly that lady had received the news。

Si also did me another service; presenting me to the porter's wife; who kept a kind of boarding…house at the gates of Ar…hap's palace for gentlemen and ladies with grievances。  I had heard of lobbying before; and the pre… sentation of petitions; though I had never indulged myself in the pastime; but the crowd of petitioners here; with petitions as wild and picturesque as their own motley ap… pearances; was surely the strangest that ever gathered round a seat of supreme authority。

Si whispered in the ear of that good woman the nature of my errand; with doubtless some blandishment of her own; and my errand being one so much above the vulgar and so nearly touching the sovereign; I was at once ac… corded a separate room in the gate…house; whence I could look down in comparative peace on the common herd of suitors; and listen to the buzz of their invective as they practised speeches which I calculated it would take Ar…hap all the rest of his reign to listen to; without allowing him any time for pronouncing verdicts on them。

Here I made myself comfortable; and awaited the return of the sovereign as placidly as might be。  Meanwhile fate was playing into my feeble hands。

I have said it was hot weather。  At first this seemed but an outcome of the Martian climate; but as the hours went by the heat developed to an incredible extent。  Also that red glare previously noted in the west grew in intensity; till; as the hours slipped by; all the town was staring at it in panting horror。  I have seen a prairie on fire; luckily from the far side of a comfortably broad river; and have ridden through a pine… forest when every tree for miles was an uplifted torch; and pungent yellow smoke rolled down each corrie side in grey rivers crested with dancing flame。  But that Martian glare was more sombre and terrible than either。

〃What is it?〃 I asked of poor Si; who came out gasping to speak to me by the gate…house。

〃None of us know; and unless the gods these Thither folk believe in are angry; and intend to destroy the world with yonder red sword in the sky; I cannot guess。  Perhaps;〃 she added; with a sudden flash of inspiration; 〃it comes by your machinations for Heru's help。〃


〃If not by your wish; then; in the name of all you love; set your wish against it。  If you know any incantations suitable for the occasion; oh; practise them now at once; for look; even the very grass is withering; birds are dropping from trees; fishes; horribly bloated; are beginning to float down the steaming rills; and I; with all others; have a nameless dread upon me。〃

Hotter and hotter it grew; until about sunse

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