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gulliver of mars-第28节

小说: gulliver of mars 字数: 每页4000字

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the man shrugged his shoulders and changed the conversation; as though the subject were too trivial to be worth much consideration。

This individual gave me the pleasure of his company until nearly sundown; and finding I took an interest in things of the forest; pointed out more curious plants and trees than I have space to mention。  Two of them; however; cling to my memory very tenaciously。  One was a very Circe amongst plants; the horrible charm of which can never be forgotten。 We were going down a glade when a most ravishing odour fell upon my nostrils。  It was heavenly sweet yet withal there lurked an incredibly; unexpressibly tempting spice of wickedness in it。  The moment he caught that ambrosial invitation in the air my woodman spit fiercely on the ground; and taking a plug of wool from his pouch stuffed his nostrils up。  Then he beckoned me to come away。  But the odour was too ravishing; I was bound to see whence it arose; and finding me deaf to all warnings; the man reluctantly turned aside down the enticing trail。  We pushed about a hundred yards through bushes until we came to a little arena full in sunshine where there were neither birds nor butterflies; but a death…like hush upon everything。  Indeed; the place seemed shunned in spite of the sodden loveliness of that scent which monopolised and mounted to my brain until I was beginning to be drunk with the sheer pleasure of it。  And there in the centre of the space stood a plant not unlike a tree fern; about six feet high; and crowned by one huge and lovely blossom。  It resembled a vast passion…flower of incredible splendour。  There were four petals; with points resting on the ground; each six feet long; ivory…white inside; exquisitely patterned with glittering silver veins。  From the base of these rose upright a gauzy veil of azure filaments of the same length as the petals; wirelike; yet soft as silk; and inside them again rested a chalice of silver holding a tiny pool of limpid golden honey。  Circe; indeed!  It was from that cup the scent arose; and my throat grew dry with longing as I looked at it; my eyes strained through the blue tendrils towards that liquid nectar; and my giddy senses felt they must drink or die!  I glanced at the woodman with a smile of drunken happiness; then turned tottering legs towards the blossom。  A stride up the smooth causeway of white petals; a push through the azure haze; and the wine of the wood enchantress would be minemolten am… ber wine; hotter and more golden than the sunshine; the fire of it was in my veins; the recklessness of intoxication was on me; life itself as nothing compared to a sip from that chalice; my lips must taste or my soul would die; and with trembling hand and strained face I began to climb。

But the woodman pulled me back。

〃Back; stranger!〃 he cried。  〃Those who drink there never live again。〃

〃Blessed oblivion!  If I had a thousand lives the price were still too cheap;〃 and once more I essayed to scramble up。

But the man was a big fellow; and with nostrils plugged; and eyes averted from the deadly glamour; he seized me by the collar and threw me back。  Three times I tried; three times he hurled me down; far too faint and absorbed to heed the personal violence。  Then standing between us; 〃Look;〃 he said; 〃look and learn。〃

He had killed a small ape that morning; meaning later on to take its fur for clothing; and this he now unslung from his shoulder; and hitching the handle of his axe into the loose skin at the back of its neck; cautiously advanced to the witch plant; and gently hoisted the monkey over the blue palings。  The moment its limp; dead feet touched the golden pool a shudder passed through the plant; and a bird some… where far back in the forest cried out in horror。  Quick as thought; a spasm of life shot up the tendrils; and like tongues of blue flame they closed round the victim; lapping his miserable body in their embrace。  At the same time the petals began to rise; showing as they did so hard; leathery; un… lovely outer rinds; and by the time the woodman was back at my side the flower was closed。

Closer and closer wound the blue tendrils; tighter and tighter closed the cruel petals with their iron grip; until at last we heard the ape's bones crackling like dry firewood; then next his head burst; his brains came oozing through the crevices; while blood and entrails followed them through every cranny; and the horrible mess with the overflow of the chalice curled down the stem in a hundred steaming rills; till at last the petals locked with an ugly snap upon their ghastly meal; and I turned away from the sight in dread and loathing。

That was plant Number One。

Plant Number Two was of milder disposition; and won a hearty laugh for my friendly woodman。  In fact; being of a childlike nature; his success as a professor of botany quite pleased him; and not content with answering my questions; he set to work to find new vegetable surprises; greatly enjoying my wonder and the sense of importance it gave him。

In this way we came; later on in the day; to a spot where herbage was somewhat scantier; the grass coarse; and soil shallow。  Here I espied a tree of small size; apparently withered; but still bearing a few parched leaves on its upper… most twigs。

〃Now that;〃 quoth the professor; 〃is a highly curious tree; and I should like you to make a close acquaintance with it。 It grows from a seed in the course of a single springtime; perishes in the summer; but a few specimens stand through… out the winter; provided the situation is sheltered; as this one has done。  If you will kindly go down and shake its stem I believe you will learn something interesting。〃

So; very willing to humour him; away I went to the tree; which was perfect in every detail; but apparently very dry; clasped it with both hands; and; pulling myself to… gether; gave it a mighty shake。  The result was instantaneous。 The whole thing was nothing but a skin of dust; whence all fibre and sap had gone; and at my touch it dissolved into a cloud of powder; a huge puff of white dust which descended on me as though a couple of flour…bags had been inverted over my head; and as I staggered out sneez… ing and blinking; white as a miller from face to foot; the Martian burst into a wild; joyous peal of laughter that made the woods ring again。  His merriment was so sincere I had not the heart to be angry; and soon laughed as loud as he did; though; for the future; I took his botanical es… says with a little more caution。


That woodman friend of mine proved so engaging it was difficult to get away; and thus when; dusk upon us; and my object still a long distance off; he asked me to spend the night at his hut; I gladly assented。

We soon reached the cabin where the man lived by himself whilst working in the forest。  It was a picturesque little place on a tree…overhung lagoon; thatched; wattled; and all about were piles of a pleasant…scented bark; collected for the purpose of tanning hides; and I could not but marvel that such a familiar process should be practised identically on two sides of the universal ether。  But as a matter of fact the similarity of many details of existence here and there was the most striking of the things I learned whilst in the red planet。

Within the hut stood a hearth in the centre of the floor; whereon a comfortable blaze soon sparkled; and upon the walls hung various implements; hides; and a store of dried fruits of various novel kinds。  My host; when he had somewhat disdainfully watched me wash in a rill of water close by; suggested supper; and I agreed with heartiest good will。

〃Nothing wonderful!  Oh; Mr。 Blue…coat!〃 he said; pranc… ing about as he made his hospitable arrangements。  〃No fine meat or scented wine to unlock; one by one; all the doors of paradise; such as I have heard they have in lands be… yond the sea; but fare good enough for plain men who eat but to live。  So! reach me down yonder bunch of yellow aru fruit; and don't upset that calabash; for all my funniest stories lurk at the bottom of it。〃

I did as he bid; and soon we were squatting by the fire toasting arus on pointed sticks; the doorway closed with a wattle hurdle; and the black and gold firelight filling the hut with fantastic shadows。  Then when the banana…like fruit was ready; the man fetched from a recess a loaf of bread savoured with the dust of dried and pounded fish; put the foresaid calabash of strong ale to warm; and down we sat to supper with real woodman appetites。  Seldom have I enjoyed a meal so much; and when we had finished the fruit and the wheat cake my guide snatched up the great gourd of ale; and putting it to his lips called out:

〃Here's to you; stranger; here's to your country; here's to your girl; if you have one; and death to your enemies!〃  Then he drank deep and long; and; passed the stuff to me。

〃Here's to you; bully host; and the missus; and the children; if there are any; and more power to your el… bow!〃the which gratified him greatly; though probably he had small idea of my meaning。

And right merry we were that evening。  The host was a jolly good fellow; and his ale; with a pleasant savour of mint in it; was the heartiest drink I ever set lips to。  We talked and 

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