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Hope。 The Burgundian saw Madame de La Vaugrenand so troubled that he

nearly died of the consolations he administered to her察in spite of

his former opinions。 This teaches us to hold our tongues in



By the double crest of my fowl察and by the rose lining of my

sweetheart's slipper By all the horns of well´beloved cuckolds察and

by the virtue of their blessed wives the finest work of man is

neither poetry察nor painted pictures察nor music察nor castles察nor

statues察be they carved never so well察nor rowing察nor sailing

galleys察but children。

Understand me察children up to the age of ten years察for after that

they become men or women察and cutting their wisdom teeth察are not

worth what they cost察the worst are the best。 Watch them playing

prettily and innocently察with slippers察above all察cancellated ones

with the household utensils察leaving that which displeases them

crying after that which pleases them察munching the sweets and

confectionery in the house察nibbling at the stores察and always

laughing as soon as their teeth are cut察and you will agree with me

that they are in every way lovable察besides which they are flower and

fruitthe fruit of love察the flower of life。 Before their minds have

been unsettled by the disturbances of life察there is nothing in this

world more blessed or more pleasant than their sayings察which are

naive beyond description。 This is as true as the double chewing

machine of a cow。 Do not expect a man to be innocent after the manner

of children察because there is an察I know not what察ingredient of

reason in the naivety of a man察while the naivety of children is

candid察immaculate察and has all the finesse of the mother察which is

plainly proved in this tale。

Queen Catherine was at that time Dauphine察and to make herself welcome

to the king察her father´in´law察who at that time was very ill indeed

presented him察from time to time察with Italian pictures察knowing that

he liked them much察being a friend of the Sieur Raphael d'Urbin and of

the Sieurs Primatice and Leonardo da Vinci察to whom he sent large sums

of money。 She obtained from her familywho had the pick of these

works察because at that time the Duke of the Medicis governed Tuscany

a precious picture察painted by a Venetian named Titian artist to the

Emperor Charles察and in very high flavour察in which there were

portraits of Adam and Eve at the moment when God left them to wander

about the terrestrial Paradise察and were painted their full height察in

the costume of the period察in which it is difficult to make a mistake

because they were attired in their ignorance察and caparisoned with the

divine grace which enveloped thema difficult thing to execute on

account of the colour察but one in which the said Sieur Titian

excelled。 The picture was put into the room of the poor king察who was

then ill with the disease of which he eventually died。 It had a great

success at the Court of France察where everyone wished to see it察but

no one was able to until after the king's death察since at his desire

it was allowed to remain in his room as long as he lived。

One day Madame Catherine took with her to the king's room her son

Francis and little Margot察who began to talk at random察as children

will。 Now here察now there察these children had heard this picture of

Adam and Eve spoken about察and had tormented their mother to take them

there。 Since the two little ones at times amused the old king察Madame

the Dauphine consented to their request。

;You wished to see Adam and Eve察who were our first parents察there

they are察─said she。

Then she left them in great astonishment before Titian's picture察and

seated herself by the bedside of the king察who delighted to watch the


;Which of the two is Adam拭─said Francis察nudging his sister Margot's


;You silly ─replied she察 to know that察they would have to be


This reply察which delighted the poor king and the mother察was

mentioned in a letter written in Florence by Queen Catherine。

No writer having brought it to light察it will remain察like a sweet

flower察in a corner of these Tales察although it is no way droll察and

there is no other moral to be drawn from it except that to hear these

pretty speeches of infancy one must beget the children。





The lovely lady Imperia察who gloriously opens these tales察because she

was the glory of her time察was compelled to come into the town of

Rome察after the holding of the council察for the cardinal of Ragusa

loved her more than his cardinal's hat察and wished to have her near

him。 This rascal was so magnificent察that he presented her with the

beautiful palace that he had in the Papal capital。 About this time she

had the misfortune to find herself in an interesting condition by this

cardinal。 As everyone knows察this pregnancy finished with a fine

little daughter察concerning whom the Pope said jokingly that she

should be named Theodora察as if to say The Gift Of God。 The girl was

thus named察and was exquisitely lovely。 The cardinal left his

inheritance to this Theodora察whom the fair Imperia established in her

hotel察for she was flying from Rome as from a pernicious place察where

children were begotten察and where she had nearly spoiled her beautiful

figure察her celebrated perfections察lines of the body察curves of the

back察delicious breasts察and Serpentine charms which placed her as

much above the other women of Christendom as the Holy Father was above

all other Christians。 But all her lovers knew that with the assistance

of eleven doctors of Padua察seven master surgeons of Pavia察and five

surgeons come from all parts察who assisted at her confinement察she was

preserved from all injury。 Some go so far as to say that she gained

therein superfineness and whiteness of skin。 A famous man察of the

school of Salerno察wrote a book on the subject察to show the value of a

confinement for the freshness察health察preservation察and beauty of

women。 In this very learned book it was clearly proved to readers that

that which was beautiful to see in Imperia察was that which it was

permissible for lovers alone to behold察a rare case then察for she did

not disarrange her attire for the petty German princes whom she called

her margraves察burgraves察electors察and dukes察just as a captain ranks

his soldiers。

Everyone knows that when she was eighteen years of age察the lovely

Theodora察to atone for her mother's gay life察wished to retire into

the bosom of the Church。 With this idea she placed herself in the

hands of a cardinal察in order that he might instruct her in the duties

of the devout。 This wicked shepherd found the lamb so magnificently

beautiful that he attempted to debauch her。 Theodora instantly stabbed

herself with a stiletto察in order not to be contaminated by the evil´

minded priest。 This adventure察which was consigned to the history of

the period察made a great commotion in Rome察and was deplored by

everyone察so much was the daughter of Imperia beloved。

Then this noble courtesan察much afflicted察returned to Rome察there to

weep for her poor daughter。 She set out in the thirty´ninth year of

her age察which was察according to some authors察the summer of her

magnificent beauty察because then she had obtained the acme of

perfection察like ripe fruit。 Sorrow made her haughty and hard with

those who spoke to her of love察in order to dry her tears。 The pope

himself visited her in her palace察and gave her certain words of

admonition。 But she refused to be comforted察saying that she would

henceforth devote herself to God察because she had never yet been

satisfied by any man察although she had ardently desired it察and all of

them察even a little priest察whom she had adored like a saint's shrine

had deceived her。 God察she was sure察would not do so。

This resolution disconcerted many察for she was the joy of a vast

number of lords。 So that people ran about the streets of Rome crying

out察 Where is Madame Imperia拭Is she going to deprive the world of

love拭─Some of the ambassadors wrote to their masters on the subject。

The Emperor of the Romans was much cut up about it察because he had

loved her to distraction for eleven weeks察had left her only to go to

the wars察and loved her still as much as his most precious member

which according to his own statement察was his eye察for that alone

embraced the whole of his dear Imperia。 In this extremity the Pope

sent for a Spanish physician察and conducted him to the beautiful

creature察to whom he proved察by various arguments察adorned with Latin

and Greek quotations察that beauty is impaired by tears and

tribulation察and that through sorrow's door wrinkles step in。 This

proposition察confirmed by the doctors of the Holy College in

controversy察had the effect of opening t

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