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david copperfield(大卫.科波维尔)-第37节

小说: david copperfield(大卫.科波维尔) 字数: 每页4000字

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morning; when the bells were ringing; the stones dropping in the 
water; and the shadowy ships breaking through the mist; of 
roaming up and down with little Em’ly; telling her my troubles; 
and finding charms against them in the shells and pebbles on the 
beach; made a calm in my heart。 It was ruffled next moment; to be 
sure; by a doubt of Miss Murdstone’s giving her consent; but even 
that was set at rest soon; for she came out to take an evening grope 
in the store…closet while we were yet in conversation; and 
Peggotty; with a boldness that amazed me; broached the topic on 
the spot。 

‘The boy will be idle there;’ said Miss Murdstone; looking into a 
pickle…jar; ‘and idleness is the root of all evil。 But; to be sure; he 
would be idle here—or anywhere; in my opinion。’ 

Peggotty had an angry answer ready; I could see; but she 
swallowed it for my sake; and remained silent。 

‘Humph!’ said Miss Murdstone; still keeping her eye on the 
pickles; ‘it is of more importance than anything else—it is of 
paramount importance—that my brother should not be disturbed 
or made uncomfortable。 I suppose I had better say yes。’ 

I thanked her; without making any demonstration of joy; lest it 
should induce her to withdraw her assent。 Nor could I help 
thinking this a prudent course; since she looked at me out of the 
pickle…jar; with as great an access of sourness as if her black eyes 

Charles Dickens ElecBook Classics 

David Copperfield 

had absorbed its contents。 However; the permission was given; 
and was never retracted; for when the month was out; Peggotty 
and I were ready to depart。 

Mr。 Barkis came into the house for Peggotty’s boxes。 I had 
never known him to pass the garden…gate before; but on this 
occasion he came into the house。 And he gave me a look as he 
shouldered the largest box and went out; which I thought had 
meaning in it; if meaning could ever be said to find its way into Mr。 
Barkis’s visage。 

Peggotty was naturally in low spirits at leaving what had been 
her home so many years; and where the two strong attachments of 
her life—for my mother and myself—had been formed。 She had 
been walking in the churchyard; too; very early; and she got into 
the cart; and sat in it with her handkerchief at her eyes。 

So long as she remained in this condition; Mr。 Barkis gave no 
sign of life whatever。 He sat in his usual place and attitude like a 
great stuffed figure。 But when she began to look about her; and to 
speak to me; he nodded his head and grinned several times。 I have 
not the least notion at whom; or what he meant by it。 

‘It’s a beautiful day; Mr。 Barkis!’ I said; as an act of politeness。 

‘It ain’t bad;’ said Mr。 Barkis; who generally qualified his 
speech; and rarely committed himself。 

‘Peggotty is quite comfortable now; Mr。 Barkis;’ I remarked; for 
his satisfaction。 

‘Is she; though?’ said Mr。 Barkis。 

After reflecting about it; with a sagacious air; Mr。 Barkis eyed 
her; and said: 

‘Are you pretty comfortable?’ 

Peggotty laughed; and answered in the affirmative。 

Charles Dickens ElecBook Classics 

David Copperfield 

‘But really and truly; you know。 Are you?’ growled Mr。 Barkis; 
sliding nearer to her on the seat; and nudging her with his elbow。 
‘Are you? Really and truly pretty comfortable? Are you? Eh?’ 

At each of these inquiries Mr。 Barkis shuffled nearer to her; and 
gave her another nudge; so that at last we were all crowded 
together in the left…hand corner of the cart; and I was so squeezed 
that I could hardly bear it。 

Peggotty calling his attention to my sufferings; Mr。 Barkis gave 
me a little more room at once; and got away by degrees。 But I 
could not help observing that he seemed to think he had hit upon 
a wonderful expedient for expressing himself in a neat; agreeable; 
and pointed manner; without the inconvenience of inventing 
conversation。 He manifestly chuckled over it for some time。 By 
and by he turned to Peggotty again; and repeating; ‘Are you pretty 
comfortable though?’ bore down upon us as before; until the 
breath was nearly edged out of my body。 By and by he made 
another descent upon us with the same inquiry; and the same 
result。 At length; I got up whenever I saw him coming; and 
standing on the foot…board; pretended to look at the prospect; after 
which I did very well。 

He was so polite as to stop at a public…house; expressly on our 
account; and entertain us with broiled mutton and beer。 Even 
when Peggotty was in the act of drinking; he was seized with one 
of those approaches; and almost choked her。 But as we drew 
nearer to the end of our journey; he had more to do and less time 
for gallantry; and when we got on Yarmouth pavement; we were 
all too much shaken and jolted; I apprehend; to have any leisure 
for anything else。 

Mr。 Peggotty and Ham waited for us at the old place。 They 

Charles Dickens ElecBook Classics 

David Copperfield 

received me and Peggotty in an affectionate manner; and shook 
hands with Mr。 Barkis; who; with his hat on the very back of his 
head; and a shame…faced leer upon his countenance; and 
pervading his very legs; presented but a vacant appearance; I 
thought。 They each took one of Peggotty’s trunks; and we were 
going away; when Mr。 Barkis solemnly made a sign to me with his 
forefinger to come under an archway。 

‘I say;’ growled Mr。 Barkis; ‘it was all right。’ 

I looked up into his face; and answered; with an attempt to be 
very profound: ‘Oh!’ 

‘It didn’t come to a end there;’ said Mr。 Barkis; nodding 
confidentially。 ‘It was all right。’ 

Again I answered; ‘Oh!’ 

‘You know who was willin’;’ said my friend。 ‘It was Barkis; and 
Barkis only。’ 

I nodded assent。 

‘It’s all right;’ said Mr。 Barkis; shaking hands; ‘I’m a friend of 
your’n。 You made it all right; first。 It’s all right。’ 

In his attempts to be particularly lucid; Mr。 Barkis was so 
extremely mysterious; that I might have stood looking in his face 
for an hour; and most assuredly should have got as much 
information out of it as out of the face of a clock that had stopped; 
but for Peggotty’s calling me away。 As we were going along; she 
asked me what he had said; and I told her he had said it was all 

‘Like his impudence;’ said Peggotty; ‘but I don’t mind that! 
Davy dear; what should you think if I was to think of being 

‘Why—I suppose you would like me as much then; Peggotty; as 

Charles Dickens ElecBook Classics 

David Copperfield 

you do now?’ I returned; after a little consideration。 

Greatly to the astonishment of the passengers in the street; as 
well as of her relations going on before; the good soul was obliged 
to stop and embrace me on the spot; with many protestations of 
her unalterable love。 

‘Tell me what should you say; darling?’ she asked again; when 
this was over; and we were walking on。 

‘If you were thinking of being married—to Mr。 Barkis; 

‘Yes;’ said Peggotty。 

‘I should think it would be a very good thing。 For then you 
know; Peggotty; you would always have the horse and cart to 
bring you over to see me; and could come for nothing; and be sure 
of coming。’ 

‘The sense of the dear!’ cried Peggotty。 ‘What I have been 
thinking of; this month back! Yes; my precious; and I think I 
should be more independent altogether; you see; let alone my 
working with a better heart in my own house; than I could in 
anybody else’s now。 I don’t know what I might be fit for; now; as a 
servant to a stranger。 And I shall be always near my pretty’s 
resting…place;’ said Peggotty; musing; ‘and be able to see it when I 
like; and when I lie down to rest; I may be laid not far off from my 
darling girl!’ 

We neither of us said anything for a little while。 

‘But I wouldn’t so much as give it another thought;’ said 
Peggotty; cheerily ‘if my Davy was anyways against it—not if I had 
been asked in church thirty times three times over; and was 
wearing out the ring in my pocket。’ 

‘Look at me; Peggotty;’ I replied; ‘and see if I am not really glad; 

Charles Dickens ElecBook Classics 

David Copperfield 

and don’t truly wish it!’ As indeed I did; with all my heart。 

‘Well; my life;’ said Peggotty; giving me a squeeze; ‘I have 
thought of it night and day; every way I can; and I hope the right 
way; but I’ll think of it again; and speak to my brother about it; 
and in the meantime we’ll keep it to ourselves; Davy; you and me。 
Barkis is a good plain creature;’ said Peggotty; ‘and if I tried to do 
my duty by him; I think it would be my fault if I wasn’t—if I wasn’t 
pretty comfortable;’ said Peggotty; laughing heartily。 This 
quotation from Mr。 Barkis was so appropriate; and tickled us both 
so much; that we laughed again and again; and were quite in a 
pleasant humour when we came within view of Mr。 Peggotty’s 

It looked just the same; except that it may; perhaps; have 
shrunk a little in my eyes; and Mrs。 Gummidge was waiting at the 
door as if she had stood there ever

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