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the vision spendid(美景)-第46节

小说: the vision spendid(美景) 字数: 每页4000字

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     〃You sound like a Farnum editorial; Alice。〃 

     〃Do     I?〃  she   flashed。   〃Then    I'll  give  you    the  rest  of  it。  Heyour 

practical manis rutted to class traditions。 This would not be good form or 

respectable。 That would disturb the existing order。 So let's all do nothing 

and agree that all's well with the world。〃 

     Merrill   greeted   this   outburst   with   a   complacent   smile。   〃It's   a   pretty 

good world。 I haven't any fault to find with itnot this afternoon anyhow。〃 

     But Alice; serious with young care and weighted with the problems of 

a universe; would have none of his compliments。 

     〃Can't   you   see   that   there's   aa   〃   She   groped   and   found   a   fugitive 

phrase Jeff had once used〃a want of adjustment that is appalling?〃 

     〃It doesn't appall me。 I believe in the survival of the fittest。〃 

     Her eyes looked at him with scornful penetration。 They went through 

the    well…dressed;     broad…shouldered        exterior   of   him;   to   see   a  suave; 

gracious Pharisee of the modern world。 He believed in the God…of…things… 

as…they…are   because   he   was   the   man   on   horseback。   He   was   a   formalist 

because it paid him to be one。 That was why he and his class looked on 

any questioning of conditions as almost atheistic。 They were born to the 

good things of life。 Why should they doubt the ethics of a system that had 

dealt so kindly with them? 

     She gave him up。 What was the use of talking about such things to him? 

He had the sense of property ingrained in him。 The last thing he would be 

likely to do was to let any altruistic ideas into his head。 He would play safe。 

Wasn't he a practical man? 


… Page 179…

                                 THE VISION SPLENDID 

     She devoted herself to the game。 To see her play was a pleasure to the 

eye。 The long lines and graceful curves of her supple young body never 

appeared to better advantage than at golf。 Her motions showed the sylvan 

freedom of the woods。 Ned Merrill appreciated the long; light tread of her; 

the harmony of movement as of a perfect young animal; together with the 

fine spiritual quality that escaped her personality so unconsciously。 

     At   the   fifteenth   hole   he   continued   her   education。   〃This   country   is 

founded upon individualism。 It stands for the best chance of development 

possible   to   all   its   citizens。   When   you   hamper   enterprise   you   stop   that 


     She took him up dryly。 〃I see。 So you and father and Uncle Joe have 

developed your individualism at the expense of a million other people's。 

You have gobbled up franchises; forests; ore lands; coal mines; and every 

other   opportunity   worth   having。   As   a   result   you're   making   them   your 

slaves and crushing out all individuality。〃 

     〃Not at all。 We're really custodians for the people。 We administer these 

things for their benefit because we are more fit to do it。〃 

     〃How do you know you are?〃 

     〃The   very   fact   that   we   have   succeeded   in   getting   what   we   have   is 

evidence of it。〃 

     〃All I can see is that our getting it and keeping ityou and I and Uncle 

Joe and a thousand like usis responsible for all the poverty in the world。 

We're helping to make it every time we eat a dinner we didn't work to get。〃 

     Alice made a beautiful approach that landed her ball within four feet 

of the hole。 Presently Merrill joined her。 

     〃That was a dandy shot;〃 he told her; and watched Alice hole out。 〃I 

don't agree with you。 For instance; I work as hard as other men。〃 

     〃But you're not working for the common good。〃 

     His impatience reached words。 〃That sort of talk is nonsense; Alice。 I 

don't know what has come over you of late。〃 

     She smiled provokingly and changed the subject。 Why argue with him? 

The slant with which they got at things was different。 Like her father; he 

had the mental rigidity that is death to open… mindedness。 

     Briskly she returned to small talk。 〃You're only three up。〃 


… Page 180…

                                 THE VISION SPLENDID 

                                         PART 4 

     On   their   way   back   to   the   club   house   the   safe   man   recurred   to   one 

phase of their talk。 

     〃You ought not to need any telling as to why I work; Alice。〃 

     She shot one swift annoyed glance at him。 When Ned Merrill tried the 

sentimental she liked him least。 

     〃Oh; all men like to work; I suppose。 Uncle Joe says it's half the fun of 


     〃Most men work for some woman。 I'm working for you;〃 he told her 


     A little giggle of laughter floated across to him。 

     〃What are you laughing about?〃 he demanded。 

     〃Oh; the things I notice。 Just now it's you; Ned。〃 

     〃If you'll explain the joke。〃 

     〃You wouldn't understand it。 Dear me; what are you so stiff about?〃 

     Merrill brought things to an issue。 〃Look here; Alice! What's the use of 

playing fast and loose? I'd like to know where we're at。〃 

     〃Would you?〃 

     〃Yes; I would。 You know all about the arrangement just as well as I do。 

I haven't pushed you。 I've stood back and let you have your good times。 

Don't you think it's about time for us to talk business?〃 

     〃Just as soon as you like; Ned。〃 

     〃Well; then; let's announce it。〃 

     〃That we're not engaged to be married and never will be! Is that what 

you want to announce?〃 

     He flushed angrily。 〃What's the use of talking that way? You know it 

has been arranged for years。〃 

     〃I'm    not  going    through    with    it。  I  told  Father   so。  The    thing   is 

outrageous;〃 she flamed。 

     〃I don't see why。 Our people want it。 We are fond of each other。 I never 

cared for any girl but you。〃 

     〃Let's stick to the business reasons; Ned。〃 

     〃Hang it; you're so acid about it! I do care for you 〃 


… Page 181…

                                 THE VISION SPLENDID 

     Her dry anger spurted out。 〃That's unfortunate; since I   don't care   for 


     〃I know you do。 Just now you're vexed at me。〃 

     〃Yes;   I   am;〃   she   admitted;   nodding   her   head   swiftly。   〃But   it   doesn't 

make any difference whether I am or not。 I've made up my mind。 I'm not 

going through with it。〃 

     〃You promised。〃 

     〃I didn't; not in so many words。 And I was pushed into it。 None of you 

gave me a fair chance。 But I'll not go on with it。〃 

     〃But; why?〃 

     〃Because   I'm   an American   girl;   and   here   we   don't   have   to   marry   to 

amalgamate business interests。 I won't do it。 I'd rather be 〃 She gave a little 

shrug of her shoulders。 The passion died out of her voice。 〃Oh; well! No 

need getting melodramatic about it。 Just the same; I won't do it。 My mind's 

made up。〃 

     〃A pretty figure I'll cut; after all these years;〃 he complained sulkily。 

〃Everyone will know you jilted me。〃 

     Alice turned to him; mischief sparkling in her eyes。 〃I wouldn't stand it 

if I were you。 Show your spunk。〃 

     He stared。 〃What do you mean?〃 

     〃Why don't you jilt ME?〃 

     〃Jilt you?〃 

     Her head went up and down in a dozen little nods of affirmation。 〃Yes。 

Marry  Pauline   Gillam。 You   know   you'd   like   to;   but   you   haven't   had   the 

courage to give me up。 Now that you've got to give me up anyhow〃 

     〃I'm   very   much   obliged;   Miss   Frome。   But   I   don't   think   it   will   be 

necessary for you to select another wife for me。〃 

     〃Have you been married once。 I didn't know it。〃 

     〃You know what I mean?〃 He was stiff as a poker。 

     〃I believe I do。〃 She was in a perfectly good humor again now。 〃But 

you   better   take   my   advice;   Ned。   Think   what   a   joke   it   will   be   on   me。 

Everybody will say you could have had me。〃 

     〃We'll not discuss the subject if you please。〃 

     Nevertheless Alice knew that she had dropped a seed on good ground。 


… Page 182…

                                 THE VISION SPLENDID 

                               CHAPTER 20 

     Now poor Tom Dunstan's cold; Our shop is duller; Scarce a tale is told; 

And our talk has lost the old Red…republican color! 

     。 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 

     'She's coming; she's coming!' said he; 'Courage; boys I wait and see! 

'FREEDOM'S AHEAD!' Robert Buchanan。 

       THE     HERO       IS  LURED        TO    AN     ADVENTURE           INTO      THE 



       Near   the   close   of   a   fine   spring   afternoon   James   Farnum   and Alice 


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