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the chouans-第66节

小说: the chouans 字数: 每页4000字

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; Marie。〃

Mademoiselle de Verneuil awoke; reflected; looked at the child whose hand she held; remembered all; and replied to the girl: 〃Shut up that boy; if you wish me to live do not let him escape you。〃

As she slowly said the words her eyes were fixed on the door of her bedroom; and there they continued fastened with so dreadful a fixedness that it seemed as if she saw her victim through the wooden panels。 Then she gently opened it; passed through and closed it behind her without turning round; for she saw the marquis standing before the fireplace。 His dress; without being too choice; had the look of careful arrangement which adds so much to the admiration which a woman feels for her lover。 All her self…possession came back to her at the sight of him。 Her lips; rigid; although half…open; showed the enamel of her white teeth and formed a smile that was fixed and terrible rather than voluptuous。 She walked with slow steps toward the young man and pointed with her finger to the clock。

〃A man who is worthy of love is worth waiting for;〃 she said with deceptive gaiety。

Then; overcome with the violence of her emotions; she dropped upon the sofa which was near the fireplace。

〃Dear Marie; you are so charming when you are angry;〃 said the marquis; sitting down beside her and taking her hand; which she let him take; and entreating a look; which she refused him。 〃I hope;〃 he continued; in a tender; caressing voice; 〃that my wife will not long refuse a glance to her loving husband。〃

Hearing the words she turned abruptly and looked into his eyes。

〃What is the meaning of that dreadful look?〃 he said; laughing。 〃But your hand is burning! oh; my love; what is it?〃

〃Your love!〃 she repeated; in a dull; changed voice。

〃Yes;〃 he said; throwing himself on his knees beside her and taking her two hands which he covered with kisses。 〃Yes; my loveI am thine for life。〃

She pushed him violently away from her and rose。 Her features contracted; she laughed as mad people laugh; and then she said to him: 〃You do not mean one word of all you are saying; base manbaser than the lowest villain。〃 She sprang to the dagger which was lying beside a flower…vase; and let it sparkle before the eyes of the amazed young marquis。 〃Bah!〃 she said; flinging it away from her; 〃I do not respect you enough to kill you。 Your blood is even too vile to be shed by soldiers; I see nothing fit for you but the executioner。〃

The words were painfully uttered in a low voice; and she moved her feet like a spoilt child; impatiently。 The marquis went to her and tried to clasp her。

〃Don't touch me!〃 she cried; recoiling from him with a look of horror。

〃She is mad!〃 said the marquis in despair。

〃Mad; yes!〃 she repeated; 〃but not mad enough to be your dupe。 What would I not forgive to passion? but to seek to possess me without love; and to write to that woman〃

〃To whom have I written?〃 he said; with an astonishment which was certainly not feigned。

〃To that chaste woman who sought to kill me。〃

The marquis turned pale with anger and said; grasping the back of a chair until he broke it; 〃If Madame du Gua has committed some dastardly wrong〃

Mademoiselle de Verneuil looked for the letter; not finding it she called to Francine。

〃Where is that letter?〃 she asked。

〃Monsieur Corentin took it。〃

〃Corentin! ah! I understand it all; he wrote the letter; he has deceived me with diabolical artas he alone can deceive。〃

With a piercing cry she flung herself on the sofa; tears rushing from her eyes。 Doubt and confidence were equally dreadful now。 The marquis knelt beside her and clasped her to his breast; saying; again and again; the only words he was able to utter:

〃Why do you weep; my darling? there is no harm done; your reproaches were all love; do not weep; I love youI shall always love you。〃

Suddenly he felt her press him with almost supernatural force。 〃Do you still love me?〃 she said; amid her sobs。

〃Can you doubt it?〃 he replied in a tone that was almost melancholy。

She abruptly disengaged herself from his arms; and fled; as if frightened and confused; to a little distance。

〃Do I doubt it?〃 she exclaimed; but a smile of gentle meaning was on her lover's face; and the words died away upon her lips; she let him take her by the hand and lead her to the salon。 There an altar had been hastily arranged during her absence。 The priest was robed in his officiating vestments。 The lighted tapers shed upon the ceiling a glow as soft as hope itself。 She now recognized the two men who had bowed to her; the Comte de Bauvan and the Baron du Guenic; the witnesses chosen by Montauran。

〃You will not still refuse?〃 said the marquis。

But at the sight she stopped; stepped backward into her chamber and fell on her knees; raising her hands towards the marquis she cried out: 〃Pardon! pardon! pardon!〃

Her voice died away; her head fell back; her eyes closed; and she lay in the arms of her lover and Francine as if dead。 When she opened her eyes they met those of the young man full of loving tenderness。

〃Marie! patience! this is your last trial;〃 he said。

〃The last!〃 she exclaimed; bitterly。

Francine and the marquis looked at each other in surprise; but she silenced them by a gesture。

〃Call the priest;〃 she said; 〃and leave me alone with him。〃

They did so; and withdrew。

〃My father;〃 she said to the priest so suddenly called to her; 〃in my childhood an old man; white…haired like yourself; used to tell me that God would grant all things to those who had faith。 Is that true?〃

〃It is true;〃 replied the priest; 〃all things are possible to Him who created all。〃

Mademoiselle de Verneuil threw herself on her knees before him with incredible enthusiasm。

〃Oh; my God!〃 she cried in ecstasy; 〃my faith in thee is equal to my love for him; inspire me! do here a miracle; or take my life!〃

〃Your prayer will be granted;〃 said the priest。

Marie returned to the salon leaning on the arm of the venerable old man。 A deep and secret emotion brought her to the arms of her lover more brilliant than on any of her past days; for a serenity like that which painters give to the martyrs added to her face an imposing dignity。 She held out her hand to the marquis and together they advanced to the altar and knelt down。 The marriage was about to be celebrated beside the nuptial bed; the altar hastily raised; the cross; the vessels; the chalice; secretly brought thither by the priest; the fumes of incense rising to the ceiling; the priest himself; who wore a stole above his cassock; the tapers on an altar in a salon;all these things combined to form a strange and touching scene; which typified those times of saddest memory; when civil discord overthrew all sacred institutions。 Religious ceremonies then had the savor of the mysteries。 Children were baptized in the chambers where the mothers were still groaning from their labor。 As in the olden time; the Saviour went; poor and lowly; to console the dying。 Young girls received their first communion in the home where they had played since infancy。 The marriage of the marquis and Mademoiselle de Verneuil was now solemnized; like many other unions; by a service contrary to the recent legal enactments。 In after years these marriages; mostly celebrated at the foot of oaks; were scrupulously recognized and considered legal。 The priest who thus preserved the ancient usages was one of those men who hold to their principles in the height of the storm。 His voice; which never made the oath exacted by the Republic; uttered no word throughout the tempest that did not make for peace。 He never incited; like the Abbe Gudin; to fire and sword; but like many others; he devoted himself to the still more dangerous mission of performing his priestly functions for the souls of faithful Catholics。 To accomplish this perilous ministry he used all the pious deceptions necessitated by persecution; and the marquis; when he sought his services on this occasion; had found him in one of those excavated caverns which are known; even to the present day; by the name of 〃the priest's hiding…place。〃 The mere sight of that pale and suffering face was enough to give this worldly room a holy aspect。

All was now ready for the act of misery and of joy。 Before beginning the ceremony the priest asked; in the dead silence; the names of the bride。

〃Marie…Nathalie; daughter of Mademoiselle Blanche de Casteran; abbess; deceased; of Notre…Dame de Seez; and Victor…Amedee; Duc de Verneuil。〃

〃Where born?〃

〃At La Chasterie; near Alencon。〃

〃I never supposed;〃 said the baron in a low voice to the count; 〃that Montauran would have the folly to marry her。 The natural daughter of a duke!horrid!〃

〃If it were of the king; well and good;〃 replied the Comte de Bauvan; smiling。 〃However; it is not for me to blame him; I like Charette's mistress full as well; and I shall transfer the war to herthough she's not one to bill and coo。〃

The names of the marquis had been filled in previously; and the two lovers now signed the document with their witnesses。 The ceremony then began。 At that instant Marie; and she alone; heard the sound of muskets and the heavy tread of soldiers;no doubt relieving the guard in the church which she had herself demanded。 

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