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小说: redgauntlet 字数: 每页4000字

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of。Friends;' he said; raising his voice as we approached them; 'who and what are you; and with what purpose are you here on my property?'

A loud cheer was the answer returned; and a brace of fiddlers who occupied the front of the march immediately struck up the insulting air; the words of which begin

  Merrily danced the Quaker's wife;   And merrily danced the Quaker。

Even at that moment of alarm; I think I recognized the tones of the blind fiddler; Will; known by the name of Wandering Willie; from his itinerant habits。  They continued to advance swiftly and in great order; in their front

  The fiery fiddlers playing martial airs;

when; coming close up; they surrounded us by a single movement; and there was a universal cry; 'Whoop; Quakerwhoop; Quaker! Here have we them both; the wet Quaker and the dry one。'

'Hang up the wet Quaker to dry; and wet the dry one with a ducking;' answered another voice。

'Where is the sea…otter; John Davies; that destroyed more fish than any sealch upon Ailsa Craig?'  exclaimed a third voice。  'I have an old crow to pluck with him; and a pock to put the feathers in。'

We stood perfectly passive; for; to have attempted resistance

against more than a hundred men; armed with guns; fish…spears; iron…crows; spades; and bludgeons; would have been an act of utter insanity。  Mr。 Geddes; with his strong sonorous voice; answered the question about the superintendent in a manner the manly indifference of which compelled them to attend to him。

'John Davies;' he said; 'will; I trust; soon be at Dumfries'

'To fetch down redcoats and dragoons against us; you canting old villain!'

A blow was; at the same time; levelled at my friend; which I parried by interposing the stick I had in my hand。  I was instantly struck down; and have a faint recollection of hearing some crying; 'Kill the young spy!'  and others; as I thought; interposing on my behalf。  But a second blow on the head; received in the scuffle; soon deprived me of sense and consciousness; and threw me into it state of insensibility; from which I did not recover immediately。  When I did come to myself; I was lying on the bed from which I had just risen before the fray; and my poor companion; the Newfoundland puppy; its courage entirely cowed by the tumult of the riot; had crept as close to me as it could; and lay trembling and whining; as if under the most dreadful terror。  I doubted at first whether I had not dreamed of the tumult; until; as I attempted to rise; a feeling of pain and dizziness assured me that the injury I had sustained was but too real。  I gathered together my senses listenedand heard at a distance the shouts of the rioters; busy; doubtless; in their work of devastation。  I made a second effort to rise; or at least to turn myself; for I lay with my face to the wall of the cottage; but I found that my limbs were secured; and my motions effectually preventednot indeed by cords; but by linen or cloth bandages swathed around my ankles; and securing my arms to my sides。  Aware of my utterly captive condition; I groaned betwixt bodily pain and mental distress;

A voice by my bedside whispered; in a whining tone; 'Whisht a…ye; hinnieWhisht a…ye; haud your tongue; like a gude bairnye have cost us dear aneugh already。  My hinnie's clean gane now。'

Knowing; as I thought; the phraseology of the wife of the itinerant musician; I asked her where her husband was; and whether he had been hurt。

'Broken;' answered the dame; 'all broken to pieces; fit for naught but to be made spunks ofthe best blood that was in Scotland。'

'Broken?blood?is your husband wounded; has there been bloodshed broken limbs?'

'Broken limbs I wish;' answered the beldam; 'that my hinnie had broken the best bane in his body; before he had broken his fiddle; that was the best blood in Scotlandit was a Cremony; for aught that I ken。'

'Pshawonly his fiddle?'  said I。

'I dinna ken what waur your honour could have wished him to do; unless he had broken his neck; and this is muckle the same to my hinnie Willie and me。  Chaw; indeed!  It is easy to say chaw; but wha is to gie us ony thing to chaw?the bread…winner's gane; and we may e'en sit down and starve。'

'No; no;' I said; 'I will pay you for twenty such fiddles。'

'Twenty such!  is that a' ye ken about it?  the country hadna the like o't。  But if your honour were to pay us; as nae doubt wad be to your credit here and hereafter; where are ye to get the siller?'

'I have enough of money;' said I; attempting to reach my hand towards my side…pocket; 'unloose these bandages; and I will pay you on the spot。'

This hint appeared to move her; and she was approaching the bedside; as I hoped; to liberate me from my bonds; when a nearer and more desperate shout was heard; as if the rioters were close by the hut。

'I daurna I daurna;' said the poor woman; 'they would murder me and my hinnie Willie baith; and they have misguided us aneugh already;but if there is anything worldly I could do for your honour; leave out loosing ye?'

What she said recalled me to my bodily suffering。  Agitation; and the effects of the usage I had received; had produced a burning thirst。  I asked for a drink of water。

'Heaven Almighty forbid that Epps Ainslie should gie ony sick gentleman cauld well…water; and him in a fever。  Na; na; hinnie; let me alane; I'll do better for ye than the like of that。'

'Give me what you will;' I replied; 'let it but be liquid and cool。'

The woman gave me a large horn accordingly; filled with spirits and water; which; without minute inquiry concerning the nature of its contents; I drained at a draught。  Either the spirits taken in such a manner acted more suddenly than usual on my brain; or else there was some drug mixed with the beverage。  I remember little after drinking it off; only that the appearance of things around me became indistinct; that the woman's form seemed to multiply itself; and to flit in various figures around me; bearing the same lineaments as she herself did。  I remember also that the discordant noises and cries of those without the cottage seemed to die away in a hum like that with which a nurse hushes her babe。  At length I fell into a deep sound sleep; or rather; a state of absolute insensibility。

I have reason to think this species of trance lasted for many hours; indeed; for the whole subsequent day and part of the night。  It was not uniformly so profound; for my recollection of it is chequered with many dreams; all of a painful nature; but too faint and too indistinct to be remembered。  At length the moment of waking came; and my sensations were horrible。

A deep sound; which; in the confusion of my senses; I identified with the cries of the rioters; was the first thing of which I was sensible; next; I became conscious that I was carried violently forward in some conveyance; with an unequal motion; which gave me much pain。  My position was horizontal; and when I attempted to stretch my hands in order to find some mode of securing myself against this species of suffering; I found I was bound as before; and the horrible reality rushed on my mind that I was in the hands of those who had lately committed a great outrage on property; and were now about to kidnap; if not to murder me。  I opened my eyes; it was to no purposeall around me was dark; for a day had passed over during my captivity。  A dispiriting sickness oppressed my headmy heart seemed on fire; while my feet and hands were chilled and benumbed with want of circulation。  It was with the utmost difficulty that I at length; and gradually; recovered in a sufficient degree the power of observing external sounds and circumstances; and when I did so; they presented nothing consolatory。

Groping with my hands; as far as the bandages would permit; and receiving the assistance of some occasional glances of the moonlight; I became aware that the carriage in which I was transported was one of the light carts of the country; called TUMBLERS; and that a little attention had been paid to my accommodation; as I was laid upon some sacks covered with matting; and filled with straw。  Without these; my condition would have been still more intolerable; for the vehicle; sinking now on one side; and now on the other; sometimes sticking absolutely fast and requiring the utmost exertions of the animal which drew it to put it once more in motion; was subjected to jolts in all directions; which were very severe。  At other times it rolled silently and smoothly over what seemed to be wet sand; and; as I heard the distant roar of the tide; I had little doubt that we were engaged in passing the formidable estuary which divides the two kingdoms。

There seemed to be at least five or six people about the cart; some on foot; others on horseback; the former lent assistance whenever it was in danger of upsetting; or sticking fast in the quicksand; the others rode before and acted as guides; often changing the direction of the vehicle as the precarious state of the passage required。

I addressed myself to the men around the cart; and endeavoured to move their compassion。  I had harmed; I said; no one; and for no action in my life had deserved such cruel treatment; I had no concern whatever in the fishing station which had

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