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thou; my best of friends; hast the highest knack at making histories out of nothing。  Wert thou to plant the bean in the nursery…tale; thou wouldst make out; so soon as it began to germinate; that the castle of the giant was about to elevate its battlements on the top of it。  All that happens to thee gets a touch of the wonderful and the sublime from thy own rich imagination。  Didst ever see what artists call a Claude Lorraine glass; which spreads its own particular hue over the whole landscape which you see through it?thou beholdest ordinary events just through such a medium。

I have looked carefully at the facts of thy last long letter; and they are just such as might have befallen any little truant of the High School; who had got down to Leith Sands; gone beyond the PRAWN…DUB; wet his hose and shoon; and; finally; had been carried home; in compassion; by some high…kilted fishwife; cursing all the while the trouble which the brat occasioned her。

I admire the figure which thou must have made; clinging for dear life behind the old fellow's backthy jaws chattering with fear; thy muscles cramped with anxiety。  Thy execrable supper of broiled salmon; which was enough to ensure the nightmare's regular visits for a twelvemonth; may be termed a real affliction; but as for the storm of Thursday last (such; I observe; was the date); it roared; whistled; howled; and bellowed; as fearfully amongst the old chimney…heads in the Candlemaker Row; as it could on the Solway shore; for the very wind of itTESTE ME PER TOTAM NOCTEM VIGILANTE。  And then in the morning again; whenLord help youin your sentimental delicacy you bid the poor man adieu; without even tendering him half a crown for supper and lodging!

You laugh at me for giving a penny (to be accurate; though; thou shouldst have said sixpence) to an old fellow; whom thou; in thy high flight; wouldst have sent home supperless; because he was like Solon or Belisarius。  But you forget that the affront descended like a benediction into the pouch of the old gaberlunzie; who overflowed in blessings upon the generous donor long ere he would have thanked thee; Darsie; for thy barren veneration of his beard and his bearing。  Then you laugh at my good father's retreat from Falkirk; just as if it were not time for a man to trudge when three or four mountain knaves; with naked claymores; and heels as light as their fingers; were scampering after him; crying FURINISH。  You remember what he said himself when the Laird of Bucklivat told him that FURINISH signified 'stay a while'。  'What the devil;' he said; surprised out of his Presbyterian correctness by the unreasonableness of such a request under the circumstances; 'would the; scoundrels have had me stop to have my head cut off?'

Imagine such a train at your own heels; Darsie; and ask yourself whether you would not exert your legs as fast as you did in flying from the Solway tide。  And yet you impeach my father's courage。  I tell you he has courage enough to do what is right; and to spurn what is wrongcourage enough to defend a righteous cause with hand and purse; and to take the part of the poor man against his oppressor; without fear of the consequences to himself。  This is civil courage; Darsie; and it is of little consequence to most men in this age and country whether they ever possess military courage or no。

Do not think I am angry with you; though I thus attempt to rectify your opinions on my father's account。  I am well aware that; upon the whole; he is scarce regarded with more respect by me than by thee。  And; while I am in a serious humour; which it is difficult to preserve with one who is perpetually tempting me to laugh at him; pray; dearest Darsie; let not thy ardour for adventure carry thee into more such scrapes as that of the Solway Sands。  The rest of the story is a mere imagination; but that stormy evening might have proved; as the clown says to Lear; 'a naughty night to swim in。'

As for the rest; if you can work mysterious and romantic heroes out of old cross…grained fishermen; why; I for one will reap some amusement by the metamorphosis。  Yet hold!  even there; there is some need of caution。  This same female chaplainthou sayest so little of her; and so much of every one else; that it excites some doubt in my mind。  VERY PRETTY she is; it seemsand that is all thy discretion informs me of。  There are cases in which silence implies other things than consent。  Wert thou ashamed or afraid; Darsie; to trust thyself with the praises of the very pretty grace…sayer?As I live; thou blushest!  Why; do I not know thee an inveterate squire of dames?  and have I not been in thy confidence?  An elegant elbow; displayed when the rest of the figure was muffled in a cardinal; or a neat well…turned ankle and instep; seen by chance as its owner tripped up the Old Assembly Close; 'Of old this almost deserted alley formed the most common access betwixt the High Street and the southern suburbs。'  turned thy brain for eight days。  Thou  wert once caught if I remember rightly; with a single glance of a single matchless eye; which; when the fair owner withdrew her veil; proved to be single in the literal sense of the word。  And; besides; were you not another time enamoured of a voicea mere voice; that mingled in the psalmody at the Old Greyfriars' Churchuntil you discovered the proprietor of that dulcet organ to be Miss Dolly MacIzzard; who is both 'back and breast'; as our saying goes?

All these things considered; and contrasted with thy artful silence on the subject of this grace…saying Nereid of thine; I must beg thee to be more explicit upon that subject in thy next; unless thou wouldst have me form the conclusion that thou thinkest more of her than thou carest to talk of。

You will not expect much news from this quarter; as you know the monotony of my life; and are aware it must at present be devoted to uninterrupted study。  You have said a thousand times that I am only qualified to make my way by dint of plodding; and therefore plod I must。

My father seems to be more impatient of your absence than he was after your first departure。  He is sensible; I believe; that our solitary meals want the light which your gay humour was wont to throw over them; and feels melancholy as men do when the light of the sun is no longer upon the landscape。  If it is thus with him; thou mayst imagine it is much more so with me; and canst conceive how heartily I wish that thy frolic were ended; and thou once more our inmate。

I resume my pen; after a few hours' interval; to say that an incident has occurred on which you will yourself be building a hundred castles in the air; and which even I; jealous as I am of such baseless fabrics; cannot but own affords ground for singular conjecture。

My father has of late taken me frequently along with him when he attends the courts; in his anxiety to see me properly initiated into the practical forms of business。  I own I feel something on his account and my own from this over…anxiety; which; I dare say; renders us both ridiculous。  But what signifies my repugnance? my father drags me up to his counsel learned in the law;'Are you quite ready to come on to…day; Mr。 Crossbite?This is my son; designed for the barI take the liberty to bring him with me to…day to the consultation; merely that he may see how these things are managed。'

Mr。 Crossbite smiles and bows; as a lawyer smiles on the solicitor who employs him; and I dare say; thrusts his tongue into his cheek; and whispers into the first great wig that passes him; 'What the dl does old Fairford mean by letting loose his whelp on me?'

As I stood beside them; too much vexed at the childish part I was made to play to derive much information from the valuable arguments of Mr。 Crossbite; I observed a rather elderly man; who stood with his eyes firmly bent on my father; as if he only waited an end of the business in which he was engaged; to address him。  There was something; I thought; in the gentleman's appearance which commanded attention。  Yet his dress was not in the present taste; and though it had once been magnificent; was now antiquated and unfashionable。  His coat was of branched velvet; with a satin lining; a waistcoat of violet…coloured silk; much embroidered; his breeches the same stuff as the coat。  He wore square…toed shoes; with foretops; as they are called; and his silk stockings were rolled up over his knee; as you may have seen in pictures; and here and there on some of those originals who seem to pique themselves on dressing after the mode of Methuselah。  A CHAPEAU BRAS and sword necessarily completed his equipment; which; though out of date; showed that it belonged to a man of distinction。

The instant Mr。 Crossbite had ended what he had to say; this gentleman walked up to my father; with; 'Your servant; Mr。 Fairfordit is long since you and I met。'

My father; whose politeness; you know; is exact and formal; bowed; and hemmed; and was confused; and at length professed that the distance since they had met was so great; that though he remembered the face perfectly; the name; he was sorry to any; hadreallysomehowescaped his memory。

'Have you forgot Herries of Birrenswork?'  said the gentleman; and my father bowed even more profoundly t

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