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rambling idle excursion-及7准

弌傍 rambling idle excursion 忖方 耽匈4000忖

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being made of coarse white sugar。  Its excessive cleanness and whiteness
are a trouble in one way此the sun is reflected into your eyes with such
energy as you walk along that you want to sneeze all the time。  Old
Captain Tom Bowling found another difficulty。  He joined us in our walk
but kept wandering unrestfully to the roadside。  Finally he explained。
Said he察 Well察I chew察you know察and the road's so plagued clean。;

We walked several miles that afternoon in the bewildering glare of the
sun察the white roads察and the white buildings。  Our eyes got to paining
us a good deal。  By and by a soothing察blessed twilight spread its cool
balm around。  We looked up in pleased surprise and saw that it proceeded
from an intensely black negro who was going by。  We answered his military
salute in the grateful gloom of his near presence察and then passed on
into the pitiless white glare again。

The colored women whom we met usually bowed and spoke察so did the
children。  The colored men commonly gave the military salute。  They
borrow this fashion from the soldiers察no doubt察England has kept a
garrison here for generations。  The younger men's custom of carrying
small canes is also borrowed from the soldiers察I suppose察who always
carry a cane察in Bermuda as everywhere else in Britain's broad dominions。

The country roads curve and wind hither and thither in the delightfulest
way察unfolding pretty surprises at every turn此billowy masses of oleander
that seem to float out from behind distant projections like察the pink
cloud´banks of sunset察sudden plunges among cottages and gardens察life
and activity察followed by as sudden plunges into the somber twilight and
stillness of the woods察flitting visions of white fortresses and beacon
towers pictured against the sky on remote hilltops察glimpses of shining
green sea caught for a moment through opening headlands察then lost again
more woods and solitude察and by and by another turn lays bare察without
warning察the full sweep of the inland ocean察enriched with its bars of
soft color and graced with its wandering sails。

Take any road you please察you may depend upon it you will not stay in it
half a mile。 Your road is everything that a road ought to be此it is
bordered with trees察and with strange plants and flowers察it is shady and
pleasant察or sunny and still pleasant察it carries you by the prettiest
and peacefulest and most homelike of homes察and through stretches of
forest that lie in a deep hush sometimes察and sometimes are alive with
the music of birds察it curves always察which is a continual promise
whereas straight roads reveal everything at a glance and kill interest。
Your road is all this察and yet you will not stay in it half a mile察for
the reason that little seductive察mysterious roads are always branching
out from it on either hand察and as these curve sharply also and hide what
is beyond察you cannot resist the temptation to desert your own chosen
road and explore them。  You are usually paid for your trouble
consequently察your walk inland always turns out to be one of the most
crooked察involved察purposeless察and interesting experiences a body can
imagine。 There is enough of variety。  Sometimes you are in the level
open察with marshes thick grown with flag´lances that are ten feet high on
the one hand察and potato and onion orchards on the other察next察you are
on a hilltop察with the ocean and the islands spread around you察presently
the road winds through a deep cut察shut in by perpendicular walls thirty
or forty feet high察marked with the oddest and abruptest stratum lines
suggestive of sudden and eccentric old upheavals察and garnished with here
and there a clinging adventurous flower察and here and there a dangling
vine察and by and by your way is along the sea edge察and you may look down
a fathom or two through the transparent water and watch the diamond´like
flash and play of the light upon the rocks and sands on the bottom until
you are tired of itif you are so constituted as to be able to get tired
of it。

You may march the country roads in maiden meditation察fancy free察by
field and farm察for no dog will plunge out at you from unsuspected gate
with breath´taking surprise of ferocious bark察notwithstanding it is a
Christian land and a civilized。  We saw upward of a million cats in
Bermuda察but the people are very abstemious in the matter of dogs。  Two
or three nights we prowled the country far and wide察and never once were
accosted by a dog。  It is a great privilege to visit such a land。  The
cats were no offense when properly distributed察but when piled they
obstructed travel。

As we entered the edge of the town that Sunday afternoon察we stopped at a
cottage to get a drink of water。  The proprietor察a middle´aged man with
a good face察asked us to sit down and rest。  His dame brought chairs察and
we grouped ourselves in the shade of the trees by the door。  Mr。 Smith
that was not his name察but it will answerquestioned us about ourselves
and our country察and we answered him truthfully察as a general thing察and
questioned him in return。  It was all very simple and pleasant and
sociable。  Rural察too察for there was a pig and a small donkey and a hen
anchored out察close at hand察by cords to their legs察on a spot that
purported to be grassy。  Presently察a woman passed along察and although
she coldly said nothing she changed the drift of our talk。  Said Smith

;She didn't look this way察you noticed拭 Well察she is our next neighbor
on one side察and there's another family that's our next neighbors on the
other side察but there's a general coolness all around now察and we don't
speak。  Yet these three families察one generation and another察have lived
here side by side and been as friendly as weavers for a hundred and fifty
years察till about a year ago。;

;Why察what calamity could have been powerful enough to break up so old a

;Well察it was too bad察but it couldn't be helped。  It happened like this
About a year or more ago察the rats got to pestering my place a good deal
and I set up a steel trap in my back yard。  Both of these neighbors run
considerable to cats察and so I warned them about the trap察because their
cats were pretty sociable around here nights察and they might get into
trouble without my intending it。  Well察they shut up their cats for a
while察but you know how it is with people察they got careless察and sure
enough one night the trap took Mrs。  Jones's principal tomcat into camp
and finished him up。  In the morning Mrs。 Jones comes here with the
corpse in her arms察and cries and takes on the same as if it was a child。
It was a cat by the name of YelvertonHector G。 Yelvertona troublesome
old rip察with no more principle than an Injun察though you couldn't make
her believe it。  I said all a man could to comfort her察but no察nothing
would do but I must pay for him。  Finally察I said I warn't investing in
cats now as much as I was察and with that she walked off in a huff
carrying the remains with her。  That closed our intercourse with the
Joneses。  Mrs。 Jones joined another church and took her tribe with her。
She said she would not hold fellowship with assassins。  Well察by and by
comes Mrs。 Brown's turnshe that went by here a minute ago。  She had a
disgraceful old yellow cat that she thought as much of as if he was
twins察and one night he tried that trap on his neck察and it fitted him
so察and was so sort of satisfactory察that he laid down and curled up and
stayed with it。  Such was the end of Sir John Baldwin。;

;Was that the name of the cat拭

;The same。  There's cats around here with names that would surprise you。
;Maria; to his wife察 what was that cat's name that eat a keg of
ratsbane by mistake over at Hooper's察and started home and got struck by
lightning and took the blind staggers and fell in the well and was 'most
drowned。  before they could fish him out拭

;That was that colored Deacon Jackson's cat。  I only remember the last
end of its name察which was Hold´The´Fort´For´I´Am´Coming Jackson。;

;Sho that ain't the one。  That's the one that eat up an entire box of
Seidlitz powders察and then hadn't any more judgment than to go and take a
drink。  He was considered to be a great loss察but I never could see it。
Well察no matter about the names。  Mrs。 Brown wanted to be reasonable察but
Mrs。 Jones wouldn't let her。  She put her up to going to law for damages。
So to law she went察and had the face to claim seven shillings and
sixpence。  It made a great stir。  All the neighbors went to court。
Everybody took sides。  It got hotter and hotter察and broke up all the
friendships for three hundred yards around friendships that had lasted
for generations and generations。

;Well察I proved by eleven witnesses that the cat was of a low character
and very ornery察and warn't worth a canceled postage´stamp察anyway
taking the average of cats here察but I lost the case。  What could I
expect拭 The system is all wrong here察and is bound to make revolution
and bloodshed some day。  You see察they give the magistrate a poor little
starvation salary察and then turn him loose on the public to gouge for
fees and costs to live on。  What is the natural result拭 Why察he never

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