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the pathfinder-第37节

小说: the pathfinder 字数: 每页4000字

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perienced many trials。  It's the man or the woman that
has had many occasions to improve the affections that can
best speak of such matters; and; believe me; of all love;
philosophical is the most lasting; as it is the most rational。〃

〃You would then recommend experience as an improve…
ment on the passion?〃

〃Your quick mind has conceived the idea at a glance。
The happiest marriages are those in which youth and
beauty and confidence on one side; rely on the sagacity;
moderation; and prudence of years…middle age; I mean;
madam; for I'll no' deny that there is such a thing as a
husband's being too old for a wife。  Here is Sergeant
Dunham's charming daughter; now; to approve of such
sentiments; I'm certain; her character for discretion being
already well established in the garrison; short as has been
her residence among us。〃

〃Sergeant Dunham's daughter is scarcely a fitting in…
terlocutor in a discourse between you and me; Lieutenant
Muir;〃 rejoined the captain's lady; with careful respect for
her own dignity; 〃and yonder is the Pathfinder about to
take his chance; by way of changing the subject。〃

〃I protest; Major Duncan; I protest;〃 cried Muir hur…
rying back towards the stand; with both arms elevated by
way of enforcing his words;  〃I protest in the strongest
terms; gentlemen; against Pathfinder's being admitted into
these sports with Killdeer; which is a piece; to say nothing
of long habit that is altogether out of proportion for a
trial of skill against Government rifles。〃

〃Killdeer is taking its rest; Quartermaster;〃 returned
Pathfinder calmly; 〃and no one here thinks of disturbing
it。  I did not think; myself; of pulling a trigger to…day;
but Sergeant Dunham has been persuading me that I shall
not do proper honor to his handsome daughter; who came
in under my care; if I am backward on such an occasion。
I'm using Jasper's rifle; Quartermaster; as you may see;
and that is no better than your own。〃

Lieutenant Muir was now obliged to acquiesce; and every
eye turned towards the Pathfinder; as he took the required
station。  The air and attitude of this celebrated guide and
hunter were extremely fine; as he raised his tall form and
levelled the piece; showing perfect self…command; and a
through knowledge of the power of the human frame as
well as of the weapon。  Pathfinder was not what is usually
termed a handsome man; though his appearance excited so
much confidence and commanded respect。  Tall; and even
muscular; his frame might have been esteemed nearly per…
fect; were it not for the total absence of everything like
flesh。  Whipcord was scarcely more rigid than his arms
and legs; or; at need; more pliable; but the outlines of his
person were rather too angular for the proportion that the
eye most approves。  Still; his motions; being natural; were
graceful; and; being calm and regulated; they gave him an
air and dignity that associated well with the idea; which
was so prevalent; of his services and peculiar merits。  His
honest; open features were burnt to a bright red; that
comported well with the notion of exposure and hardships;
while his sinewy hands denoted force; and a species of use
removed from the stiffening and deforming effects of
labor。  Although no one perceived any of those gentler or
more insinuating qualities which are apt to win upon a
woman's affections; as he raised his rifle not a female eye
was fastened on him without a silent approbation of the
freedom of his movements and the manliness of his air。
Thought was scarcely quicker than his aim; and; as the
smoke floated above his head; the butt…end of the rifle was
seen on the ground; the hand of the Pathfinder was lean…
ing on the barrel; and his honest countenance was illu…
minated by his usual silent; hearty laugh。

〃If one dared to hint at such a thing;〃 cried Major
Duncan; 〃I should say that the Pathfinder had also missed
the target。〃

〃No; no; Major;〃 returned the guide confidently; 〃that
_would_ be a risky declaration。  I didn't load the piece; and
can't say what was in it; but if it was lead; you will find
the bullet driving down those of the Quartermaster and
Jasper; else is not my name Pathfinder。〃

A shout from the target announced the truth of this

〃That's not all; that's not all; boys;〃 called out the
guide; who was now slowly advancing towards the stage
occupied by the females; 〃if you find the target touched
at all; I'll own to a miss。  The Quartermaster cut the wood;
but you'll find no wood cut by that last messenger。〃

〃Very true; Pathfinder; very true;〃 answered Muir; who
was lingering near Mabel; though ashamed to address her
particularly in the presence of the officers' wives。  〃The
Quartermaster did cut the wood; and by that means he
opened a passage for your bullet; which went through the
hole he had made。〃

〃Well; Quartermaster; there goes the nail and we'll see
who can drive it closer; you or I; for; though I did not
think of showing what a rifle can do to…day; now my hand
is in; I'll turn my back to no man that carries King
George's commission。  Chingachgook is outlying; or he
might force me into some of the niceties of the art; but;
as for you; Quartermaster; if the nail don't stop you; the
potato will。〃

〃You're over boastful this morning; Pathfinder; but
you'll find you've no green boy fresh from the settlements
and the towns to deal with; I will assure ye!〃

〃I know that well; Quartermaster; I know that well;
and shall not deny your experience。  You've lived many
years on the frontiers; and I've heard of you in the col…
onies; and among the Indians; too; quite a human life ago。〃

〃Na; na;〃 interrupted Muir in his broadest Scotch;
〃this is injustice; man。  I've no' lived so very long;

〃I'll do you justice; Lieutenant; even if you get the best
in the potato trial。  I say you've passed a good human life;
for a soldier; in places where the rifle is daily used; and I
know you are a creditable and ingenious marksman; but
then you are not a true rifle…shooter。  As for boasting; I
hope I'm not a vain talker about my own exploits; but a
man's gifts are his gifts; and it's flying in the face of Prov…
idence to deny them。  The Sergeant's daughter; here;
shall judge between us; if you have the stomach to submit
to so pretty a judge。〃

The Pathfinder had named Mabel as the arbiter because
he admired her; and because; in his eyes; rank had little or
no value; but Lieutenant Muir shrank at such a reference
in the presence of the wives of the officers。  He would
gladly keep himself constantly before the eyes and the
imagination of the object of his wishes; but he was still
too much under the influence of old prejudices; and per…
haps too wary; to appear openly as her suitor; unless he
saw something very like a certainty of success。  On the
discretion of Major Duncan he had a full reliance; and he
apprehended no betrayal from that quarter; but he was
quite aware; should it ever get abroad that he had been
refused by the child of a non…commissioned officer; he
would find great difficulty in making his approaches to any
other woman of a condition to which he might reasonably
aspire。  Notwithstanding these doubts and misgivings;
Mabel looked so prettily; blushed so charmingly; smiled so
sweetly; and altogether presented so winning a picture of
youth; spirit; modesty; and beauty; that he found it ex…
ceedingly tempting to be kept so prominently before her
imagination; and to be able to address her freely。

〃You shall have it your own way; Pathfinder;〃 he an…
swered; as soon as his doubts had settled down into de…
termination; 〃let the; Sergeant's daughter  his charming
daughter; I should have termed her  be the umpire then;
and to her we will both dedicate the prize; that one or the
other must certainly win。  Pathfinder must be humored;
ladies; as you perceive; else; no doubt; we should have had
the honor to submit ourselves to one of your charming

A call for the competitors now drew the Quartermaster
and his adversary away; and in a few moments the second
trial of skill commenced。  A common wrought nail was
driven lightly into the target; its head having been first
touched with paint; and the marksman was required to hit
it; or he lost his chances in the succeeding trials。  No one
was permitted to enter; on this occasion; who had already
failed in the essay against the bull's…eye。

There might have been half a dozen aspirants for the
honors of this trial; one or two; who had barely succeeded
in touching the spot of paint in the previous strife; pre…
ferring to rest their reputations there; feeling certain that
they could not succeed in the greater effort that was now
exacted of them。  The first three adventurers failed; all
coming very near the mark; but neither touching it。
The fourth person whb presented himself was the Quarter…
master; who; after going through his usual attitudes; so far
succeeded as to carry away a small portion of the head of
the nail; planting his bullet by the side of its point。  This
was not considered an extraordinary shot; though it
brought the adventurer within the category。

〃You've saved your bacon; Quartermast

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