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     It   was   a   bad   half´hour   that   David   spent   at   the   Holly   farmhouse   in 

explanation   of   his   torn   blouse   and   bruised   face。   Farmer   Holly   did   not 

approve of   fights察and he said   so察very  sternly indeed。  Even Mrs。  Holly察

who was usually so kind to him察let David understand that he was in deep 

disgrace察though        she was very tender to his wounds。 

     David did venture to ask her察however察before he went upstairs to bed此 


     ;Mrs。 Holly察who are those peopleJack and Jillthat were so good to 

me this afternoon拭─

     ;They   are   John   Gurnsey   and   his   sister察  Julia察  but   the   whole   town 

knows them by the names they long ago gave themselves察'Jack' and 'Jill。' ; 

     ;And do they live all alone in the little house拭─

     ;Yes察  except   for   the   Widow   Glaspell察  who   comes   in   several   times   a 

week察I believe察to cook and wash and sweep。 They aren't very happy察I'm 

afraid察David察and I'm glad you could rescue the little girl's kitten for her 

but you mustn't fight。 No good can come of fighting ─

     ;I got the catby fighting。; 

     ;Yes察yes察I know察but; She did not finish her sentence察and David 

was only waiting for a pause to ask another question。 

     ;Why aren't they happy察Mrs。 Holly拭─

     ;Tut察tut察David察it's a long story察and you wouldn't understand it if I 

told it。 It's only that they're all alone in the world察and Jack Gurnsey isn't 


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                                           JUST DAVID 

well。 He must be thirty years old now。 He had bright hopes not so long ago 

studying   law察 or   something of   the sort察 in   the  city。 Then   his   father died察

and his mother察and he lost his health。 Something ails his lungs察and the 

doctors sent him here to be out of doors。 He even sleeps out of doors察they 

say。   Anyway察  he's   here察  and   he's   making   a   home   for   his   sister察  but察  of 

course察    with    his   hopes     and   ambitionsBut        there察  David察    you    don't 

understand察of course ─

     ;Oh察  yes察  I   do察─  breathed   David察  his   eyes   pensively   turned   toward   a 

shadowy corner。 ;He found his work out in the world察and then he had to 

stop and couldn't do it。 Poor Mr。 Jack ─


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                                        JUST DAVID 

                             CHAPTER XIII 

            A SURPRISE FOR MR。 JACK 

       Life at the Holly farmhouse was not what it had been。 The coming of 

David   had   introduced   new      elements   that   promised   complications。      Not 

because he   was   another   mouth to   feedSimeon   Holly  was   not   worrying 

about that part any longer。 Crops showed good promise察and all ready in 

the bank even now was the   necessary  money to   cover the dreaded   note察

due the last of August。 The complicating elements in regard to David were 

of quite another nature。 

     To Simeon Holly the boy was a riddle to be sternly solved。 To Ellen 

Holly he was an everpresent reminder of the little boy of long ago察and as 

such was to be loved and trained into a semblance of what that boy might 

have become。 To Perry Larson察David was the ;derndest checkerboard of 

sense an' nonsense goin';a game over which to chuckle。 

    At the Holly farmhouse they could not understand a boy who would 

leave   a   supper   for   a   sunset察  or   who   preferred   a   book   to   a   toy   pistolas 

Perry Larson   found   out was   the   case on the   Fourth of   July察  who   picked 

flowers察  like   a   girl察  for   the   table察  yet   who   unhesitatingly   struck   the   first 

blow in a fight with six antagonists此who would not go fishing because the 

fishes would not like it察nor hunting for any sort of wild thing that had life察

who hung entranced for an hour over the ;millions of lovely striped bugs; 

in a field of early potatoes察and who promptly and stubbornly refused to 

sprinkle those same ;lovely bugs; with Paris green when discovered at his 

worship。 All this was most perplexing察to say the least。 

    Yet   David   worked察  and   worked   well察  and   in   most   cases   he   obeyed 

orders willingly。 He learned much察too察that was interesting and profitable察

nor was he the only one that made strange discoveries during those July 


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                                          JUST DAVID 

days。 The Hollys themselves learned much。 They learned that the rose of 

sunset and the gold of sunrise were worth looking at察and that the massing 

of   the   thunderheads   in   the   west   meant   more   than   just   a   shower。   They 

learned察too察that the green of the hilltop and of the far´reaching meadow 

was more than grass察and that the purple haze along the horizon was more 

than the mountains that lay between them and the next State。 They were 

beginning to see the world with David's eyes。 

     There were察too察the long twilights and evenings when David察on the 

wings   of   his   violin察  would   speed   away   to   his   mountain   home察  leaving 

behind him a man and a woman who seemed to themselves to be listening 

to the voice of a curly´headed察rosy´cheeked lad who once played at their 

knees and nestled in their arms when the day was done。 And here察too察the 

Hollys   were   learning察though   the thing   thus learned   was hidden   deep   in 

their hearts。 

     It was not long after David's first visit that the boy went again to ;The 

House that Jack Built察─as the Gurnseys called their tiny home。 Though in 

reality   it   had   been   Jack's   father   who   had   built   the   house。   Jack   and   Jill察

however察     did   not   always    deal   with    realities。  It  was    not  a   pleasant 

afternoon。 There   was   a   light   mist   in   the   air察  and   David   was   without   his 


     ;I came toto inquire for the catJuliette察─he began察a little bashfully。 

;I thought I'd rather do that than read to´day察─he explained to Jill in the 


     ;Good I'm so glad I hoped you'd come察─the little girl welcomed him。 

;Come in andand see Juliette察─she added hastily察remembering at the last 

moment that her brother had not looked with entire favor on her avowed 

admiration for this strange little boy。 

     Juliette察roused from her nap察was at first inclined to resent her visitor's 

presence。 In five minutes察however察she was purring in his lap。 

     The   conquest   of   the   kitten   once   accomplished察  David   looked   about 

him a little restlessly。 He began to wonder why he had come。 He wished 

he had gone to see Joe Glaspell instead。 He wished that Jill would not sit 


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                                          JUST DAVID 

and   stare   at   him   like   that。   He   wished   that   she   would   say   something 

anything。      But   Jill察 apparently     struck   dumb     with   embarrassment察       was 

nervously twisting the corner of her apron into a little knot。 David tried to 

recollect   what   he   had   talked   about   a   few   days   before察  and   he   wondered 

why   he   had   so   enjoyed   himself   then。   He   wished   that   something   would 

happenanythingand   then   from   an   inner   room   came   the   sound   of   a 


     David raised his head。 

     ;It's   Jack察─  stammered       the  little  girlwho    also   had   been    wishing 

something would happen。 ;He plays察same as you do察on the violin。; 

     ;Does he拭─beamed David。 ;But; He paused察listening察a quick frown 

on his face。 

     Over     and    over   the   violin   was    playing    a   single   phraseand      the 

variations   in   the   phrase   showed   the   indecision   of   the   fingers   and   of   the 

mind that controlled them。 Again and again with irritating sameness察yet 

with a still more irritating difference察came the succession of notes。 And 

then David sprang to his feet察placing Juliette somewhat unceremoniously 

on the floor察much to that petted young autocrat's disgust。 

     ;Here察where is he拭Let me show him察─cried the boy察and at the note 

of   command   in   his   voice察 Jill   involuntarily  rose   and   opened   the   door   to 

Jack's den。 

     ;Oh察please察Mr。 Jack察─burst out David察hurrying into the room。 ;Don't 

you see拭You don't go at that thing right。 If you'll just let me show you a 

minute察we'll have it fixed in no time ─

     The man with the violin stared察and lowered his bow。 A slow red came 

to his face。 The phrase was peculiarly a difficult one察and beyond him察as 

he knew察but that did not make the present intrusion into his privacy any 

the more welcome。 

     ;Oh察  will   we察  

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