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just david(巷屎議寄寮)-及17准

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unconsciouslyit   rolled   off察  indeed察  like   the   proverbial   water   from   the 

duck's back。 

    David      hardly   knew     sometimes      which    he   liked   the   better察 his 


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                                           JUST DAVID 

imaginative       adventures      between     the   covers    of   his  books     or   his  real 

adventures   in   his   daily  strolls。 True察  it   was   not   his   mountain   homethis 

place   in   which   he   found   himself察  neither   was   there   anywhere   his   Silver 

Lake with its far察 far´reaching   sky above。  More deplorable   yet察 nowhere 

was there the dear father he loved so well。 But the sun still set in rose and 

gold察and the sky察though small察still carried the snowy sails of its cloud´ 

boats察  while   as   to   his   fatherhis   father   had   told   him   not   to   grieve察  and 

David was trying very hard to obey。 

     With   his   violin   for   company   David   started   out   each   day察  unless   he 

elected     to  stay   indoors    with   his   books。    Sometimes      it  was    toward    the 

village that he turned his steps察sometimes it was toward the hills back of 

the town。 Whichever way it was察there was always sure to be something 

waiting   at   the   end   for   him   and   his   violin   to   discover察  if   it   was   nothing 

more than a big white rose in bloom察or a squirrel sitting by the roadside。 

     Very soon察however察David discovered that there was something to be 

found in his wanderings besides squirrels and roses察and that waspeople。 

In    spite   of  the   strangeness      of   these   people察    they   were    wonderfully 

interesting察  David   thought。 And   after   that   he   turned   his   steps   more   and 

more frequently toward the village when four o'clock released him from 

the day's work。 

     At first David did not talk much to these people。 He shrank sensitively 

from   their   bold   stares   and   unpleasantly   audible   comments。   He   watched 

them with round eyes of wonder and interest察howeverwhen he did not 

think they were watching him。 And in time he came to know not a little 

about them and about the strange ways in which they passed their time。 

     There   was   the   greenhouse   man。   It   would   be   pleasant   to   spend   one's 

day growing plants and flowersbut not under that hot察stifling glass roof察

decided David。 Besides察he would not want always to pick and send away 

the very prettiest ones to the city every morning察as the greenhouse man 


     There   was   the   doctor   who   rode   all   day   long   behind   the   gray   mare察

making   sick   folks   well。   David   liked   him察  and   mentally   vowed   that   he 


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                                         JUST DAVID 

himself   would   be   a   doctor   sometime。   Still察  there   was   the   stage´driver 

David was not sure but he would prefer to follow this man's profession for 

a life´work察for in his察one could still have the freedom of long days in the 

open察and yet not be saddened by the sight of the sick before they had been 

made wellwhich was where the stage´driver had the better of the doctor察

in David's opinion。 There were the blacksmith and the storekeepers察too察

but to these David gave little thought or attention。 

     Though he might not know what he did want to do察he knew very well 

what he did not。 All of which merely goes to prove that David was still on 

the lookout for that great work which his father had said was waiting for 

him out in the world。 

     Meanwhile David played his violin。 If he found a crimson rambler in 

bloom in a door´yard察he put it into a little melody of pure delightthat a 

woman in the house behind the rambler heard the music and was cheered 

at her task察David did not know。 If he found a kitten at play in the sunshine察

he   put   it   into   a   riotous   abandonment   of   tumbling   turns   and   trillsthat   a 

fretful baby heard and stopped its wailing察David also did not know。 And 

once察just because the sky was blue and the air was sweet察and it was so 

good to be alive察David lifted his bow and put it all into a rapturous paean 

of   ringing   exultationthat   a   sick   man   in   a   darkened   chamber   above   the 

street lifted his head察drew in his breath察and took suddenly a new lease of 

life察David still again did not know。 All of which merely goes to prove that 

David   had   perhaps   found   his   work   and   was   doing   italthough   yet   still 

again David did not know。 

     It was in the cemetery one afternoon that David came upon the Lady in 

Black。 She was on her knees putting flowers on a little mound before her。 

She looked up as David approached。 For a moment she gazed wistfully at 

him察then as if impelled by a hidden force察she spoke。 

     ;Little boy察who are you拭─

     ;I'm David。; 

     ;David David who拭Do you live here拭I've seen you here before。; 

     ;Oh察  yes察  I've   been   here   quite  a  lot   of  times。;   Purposely   the   boy 


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                                         JUST DAVID 

evaded     the   questions。   David     was   getting   tired  of  questionsespecially 

these questions。 

     ;And have youlost one dear to you察little boy拭─

     ;Lost some one拭─

     ;I meanis your father or motherhere拭─

       ;Here拭Oh察no察they aren't here。 My mother is an angel´mother察and 

my   father   has   gone   to   the   far   country。   He   is   waiting   for   me   there察  you 


     ;But察  that's   the   samethat   is;   She   stopped   helplessly察  bewildered 

eyes on David's serene face。 Then suddenly a great light came to her own。 

;Oh察little boy察I wish I could understand thatjust that察─she breathed。 ;It 

would   make   it   so   much   easierif   I   could   just   remember   that   they  aren't 

herethat they're WAITINGover there ─

     But   David   apparently   did   not   hear。   He   had   turned   and   was   playing 

softly   as   he   walked   away。   Silently   the   Lady   in   Black   knelt察  listening察

looking after him。 When she rose some time later and left the cemetery察

the light on her face was still there察deeper察more glorified。 

     Toward      boys    and   girlsespecially     boysof    his   own    age察  David 

frequently turned wistful eyes。 David wanted a friend察a friend who would 

know and understand察a friend who would see things as he saw them察who 

would understand what he was saying when he played。 It seemed to David 

that in some boy of his own age he ought to find such a friend。 He had 

seen many boysbut he had not yet found the friend。 David had begun to 

think察indeed察that of all these strange beings in this new life of his察boys 

were the strangest。 

     They stared and nudged each other unpleasantly when they came upon 

him   playing。   They   jeered   when   he   tried   to   tell   them   what   he   had   been 

playing。 They had never heard of the great Orchestra of Life察and they fell 

into most disconcerting fits of laughter察or else backed away as if afraid察

when he told them that they themselves were instruments in it察and that if 

they   did   not   keep   themselves   in   tune察  there   was   sure   to   be   a   discord 



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                                           JUST DAVID 

     Then   there   were   their   games   and   frolics。   Such   as   were   played   with 

balls察  bats察  and   bags   of   beans察  David   thought   he   would   like   very   much。 

But the boys only scoffed when he asked them to teach him how to play。 

They   laughed   when   a   dog   chased   a   cat察  and   they   thought   it   very察  very 

funny   when   Tony察  the   old   black   man察  tripped   on   the   string   they   drew 

across his path。 They liked to throw stones and shoot guns察and the more 

creeping察  crawling察  or   flying   creatures   that   they   could   send   to   the   far 

country察the happier they were察apparently。 Nor did they like it at all when 

he    asked    them    if  they   were    sure   all  these   creeping察   crawling察    flying 

creatures wanted to leave this beautiful world and to be made dead。 They 

sneered and called him a sissy。 David did not know what a sissy was察but 

from the way they said it察he judged it must be even worse to be a sissy 

than to be a thief。 

     And then he discovered Joe。 

     David      had     found     himself      in   a   very    strange察    very     unlovely 

neighborhood that afternoon。 The street was full of papers and tin cans察the 

houses   were   unspeakably   forlorn   with   sagging   blinds   and   lack   of 

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