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sound察every sound By the law of its life to some silence is bound。 

     Then here will we hide察idle here and abide察In the covert here察close 

by the waterside Here察where the   slim flattered reeds are aquiver With 

the exquisite hints of the reticent river察         Here察where the lips of this pool 

are the lips Of all pools察let us listen and question and wait察              Let us hark 


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                                       DREAMS & DUST 

to the whispers of love and of death察Let us hark to the lispings of life and 

of fate In this place where pale silences flower into sound Let us strive 

for   some   secret   of   all   the   profound   Deep   and   calm   Silence   that   meshes 

men 'round There's as much of God hinted in one ripple's                         plashes´ 

´     There's   as   much   of Truth glints   in   yon   dragon´             fly's   flight 

There's as much Purpose gleams where yonder                          trout flashes      As 

inany book elsecould we read things                    aright。 

     Then   nymph   of   mine   indolence察  here   let   us   hide察  Learn察  listen察  and 

question察idle here and abide Where the rushes and lilies lean low to the 


       ;THEY HAD NO POET 。 。 。; 

     ;Vain   was   the   chief's察 the sage's   pride   They  had   no   poet   and   they 


     By   Tigris察  or   the   streams   of   Ind察  Ere   Colchis   rose察  or   Babylon察

Forgotten   empires   dreamed   and   sinned察         Setting   tall   towns   against   the 


     Which察when the proud Sun smote upon察                  Flashed fire for fire and 

pride for pride察Their names were 。 。 。          Ask oblivion   。 。       ;They had no 

poet察and they died。; 

     Queens察  dusk   of   hair   and   tawny´skinned察        That   loll   where   fellow 

leopards fawn 。 。 。 Their hearts are dust before the wind察                  Their loves察

that shook the world察are wan 

     Passion is mighty 。 。 。 but察anon察         Strong Death has Romance for his 

bride察Their legends 。 。 。        Ask oblivion   。 。         ;They had no poet察and 

they died。; 

     Heroes察    the  braggart    trumps     that  dinned       Their    futile  triumphs察

monarch察  pawn察  Wild   tribesmen察  kingdoms   disciplined察            Passed   like   a 

whirlwind and were gone察

     They built with bronze and gold and brawn察                 The inner Vision still 

denied察Their conquests 。 。 。        Ask oblivion   。 。       ;They had no poet察and 

they died。; 

     Dumb oracles察and priests withdrawn察              Was it but flesh they deified拭

Their gods were 。 。 。        Ask oblivion   。 。        ;They had no poet察and they 



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                                    DREAMS & DUST 

                                   NEW YORK 

     SHE is hot to the sea that crouches beside察           Human and hot to the 

cool stars peering down察        My passionate city察my quivering town察And 

her   dark   blood察  tide   upon   purple   tide察  With   throbs   as   of   thunder   beats察

With leaping rhythms and vast察is swirled Through the shaken lengths of 

her veined streets。。。     She pulses察the heart of a world 

    I have thrilled with her ecstasy察agony察woe Hath she a mood that I 

do not know拭The winds of her music tumultuous have seized                        me 

and swayed me察        Have lifted察have swung me around             In their whorls 

as   of  cyclonic   sound察  Her   passions   have   torn   me  and   tossed  me   and 

brayed   me察  Drunken   and   tranced   and   dazzled   with   visions           and 


       I have spun with her dervish priests察         I have searched to the souls 

of her hunted beasts          And found love sleeping there察I have soared on 

the wings of her flashing dreams察            I have sunk with her dull despair察I 

have sweat with her travails and cursed with                   her pains察    I have 

swelled with her foolish pride察I have raged through a thick red mist at one 

with her branded Cains察        With her broken Christs have died。 

    O beautiful half´god city of visions and love            O hideous half´brute 

city   of   hate   O   wholly   human   and   baffled   and   passionate   town The 

throes of thy burgeoning察stress of thy fight察Thy bitter察blind struggle to 

gain for   thy body  a           soul察    I   have known察 I   have felt察 and  been 

shaken            thereby         Wakened and shaken and broken察For I hear 

in thy thunders terrific that throb             through thy rapid veins          The 

beat of the heart of a world。 

                                      A HYMN 


    CLOTHED on   with thunder   and   with steel            And   black   against the 

dawn The whirling armies clash and reel。 。 。 。          A wind察and they are gone 

Like mists withdrawn察        Like mists withdrawn 

    Like clouds   withdrawn察like  driven sands察         Earth's   body  vanisheth此


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                                       DREAMS & DUST 

One   solid   thing   unconquered   stands察        The   ghost   that   humbles   death。 

All else is breath察      All else is breath 

     Man rose from out the stinging slime察            Half brute察and sought a soul察

And up the starrier ways of time察           Half god察unto his goal察

        He still must climb察       He still must climb 

     What   though   worlds   stagger察  and   the   suns       Seem   shaken   in   their 

place察   Trust   thou   the   leaping   love   that   runs     Creative     over   space此

Take heart of grace察        Take heart of grace 

     What     though    great  kingdoms      fall  on  death     Before     the   stabbing 

blade察   Their   brazen    might    was   only   breath察    Their     substance    but  a 

shade       Be not dismayed察        Be not dismayed 

     Man's   dream   which   conquered   brute   and   clod         Shall   fail   not察  but 

endure察Shall rise察though beaten to the sod察            Shall hold its vantage sure´ 

´     As sure as God察       As sure as God 

       THE SINGER 

     A   LITTLE   while察  with   love   and   youth察      He   wandered察  singing此

He   felt   life's   pulses   hot   and   strong    Beat   all   his   rapid   veins   along察

He   wrought   life's   rhythms   into   song此            He   laughed察  he   sang    the 

Dawn           So close察so close to life he dwelt             That at rare times and 

rapt he felt         The fleshly barriers yield and melt察                 He trembled察

looking on           Creation at her miracles察            His soul´sight pierced the 

earthly shells          And saw the spirit weave its spells察                The veil of 

clay   withdrawn察  A  little   while察  with   love   and   youth察    He   wandered察


     A little while察with age and death察         He wanders察dreaming察

           No more the thunder and the urge                  Of earth's full tides that 

storm the verge            Of heaven with their sweep and surge                      Shall 

lift察shall bear him on察           Where is the golden hope that led                 Him 

comrade with   the   mighty dead拭              The   love that   aureoled   his head拭

The   glory   is   withdrawn          How   shall   one   soar   with   broken   wings拭

The leagued might of futile things               Wars with the heart that dares and 

sings察           It is not always Dawn A little while察with age and death察

He wanders察dreaming。 



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                                     DREAMS & DUST 

    Put by the sword a dreamer saith察           The years of peace draw nigh 

Already the millennial dawn           Makes red the eastern sky 

    Be   not   deceived。     It   comes   not   yet   The   ancient    passions   keep 

Alive beneath their changing masks。            They are not dead。       They sleep。 

     Surely peace comes。        As sure as Man          Rose from primeval slime。 

That was not yesterday。        There's still    A weary height to climb 

    And we can dwell too long with dreams                 And play too much with 

words察Forgetting our inheritance          Was bought and held with swords。 

    But   Truth   you   say   makes   tyrants   quail    Beats   down   embattled 

Wrong拭If truth be armed         Be not deceived。        The strife is to the strong。 

    Words   are   not   guns。    Words   are   not   ships。    And   ships   and   guns 

prevail。 Our liberties察that blood has gained察         Are guarded察o

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