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小说: ib.thewaspfactory 字数: 每页4000字

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  I repaired the steel door years ago; loosening the rusted hinges and straightening the guides for the bolt。 I took out the key to the padlock and opened the door。 Inside there was the familiar waxy; burned smell。 I closed the door and propped a piece of wood against it; then stood for a while; letting my eyes adjust to the gloom and my mind to the feel of the place。
  After a while I could see dimly by the light filtering through the sacking hung over the two narrow slits which are the Bunker's only windows。 I took off my shoulder bag and binoculars and hung them on nails hammered into the slightly crumbling concrete。 I took up the tin with the matches in it and lit the candles; they burned yellowly and I knelt; clenching my fists and thinking。 I'd found the candle…making kit in the cupboard under the stairs five or six years ago; and experimented with the colours and consistencies for months before hitting on the idea of using the wax as a wasp…prison。 I looked up then and saw the head of a wasp poking up from the top of a candle on the altar。 The newly lit candle; blood red and as thick as my wrist; contained the still flame and the tiny head within its caldera of wax like pieces of an alien game。 As I watched; the flame; a centimetre behind the wasp's wax…gummed head; freed the antennae from the grease and they came upright for a while before they frazzled。 The head started to smoke as the wax dribbled off it; then the fumes caught light; and the wasp body; a second flame within the crater; flickered and crackled as the fire incinerated the insect from its head down。
  I lit the candle inside the skull of Old Saul。 That orb of bone; holed and yellowing; was what killed all those little creatures who met their death in the mud on the far side of the creek。 I watched the smoky flame waver inside the place where the dog's brains used to be and I closed my eyes。 I saw the Rabbit Grounds again; and the flaming bodies as they jumped and sped。 I saw again the one that escaped the Grounds and died just before it made it to the stream。 I saw the Black Destroyer; and remembered its demise。 I thought of Eric; and wondered what the Factory's warning was about。
  I saw myself; Frank L。 Cauldhame; and I saw myself as I might have been: a tall slim man; strong and determined and making his way in the world; assured and purposeful。 I opened my eyes and gulped; breathing deeply。 A fetid light blazed from Old Saul's sockets。 The candles on either side of the altar flickered with the skull…flame in a draught。
  I looked round the Bunker。 The severed heads of gulls; rabbits; crows; mice; owls; moles and small lizards looked down on me。 They hung drying on short loops of black thread suspended from lengths of string stretched across the walls from corner to corner; and dim shadows turned slowly on the walls behind them。 Around the foot of the walls; on plinths of wood or stone; or on bottles and cans the sea had surrendered; my collection of skulls watched me。 The yellow brain…bones of horses; dogs; birds; fish and horned sheep faced in towards Old Saul; some with beaks and jaws open; some shut; the teeth exposed like drawn claws。 To the right of the brick; wood and concrete altar where the candles and the skull sat were my small phials of precious fluids; to the left rose a tall set of clear plastic drawers designed to hold screws; washers; nails and hooks。 Each drawer; not much larger than a small matchbox; held the body of a wasp which had been through the Factory。
  I reached over for a large tin on my right; prised the tight lid off with my knife and used a small teaspoon inside to place some of the white mixture from the tin on to a round metal plate in front of the old dog's skull。 Then I took the oldest of the wasp cadavers from its little tray and tipped it on to the white pile of granules。 I replaced the sealed tin and the plastic drawer and lit the tiny pyre with a match。
  The mixture of sugar and weedkiller sizzled and glared; the intense light seared through me and clouds of smoke rolled up and around my head as I held my breath and my eyes watered。 In a second the blaze was over; the mixture and the wasp a single black lump of scarred and blistered debris cooling from a bright yellow heat。 I closed my eyes to inspect the patterns; but only the burning after…image remained; fading like the glow on the metal plate。 It danced about briefly on my retinas; then disappeared。 I had hoped for Eric's face; or some further clue about what was going to happen; but I got nothing。
  I leaned forward; blew out the wasp candles; right then left; then blew through one eye and extinguished the candle inside the dog skull。 Still glare…blind; I felt my way to the door through the dark and the smoke。 I went out; letting the smoke and fumes free into the damp air; coils of blue and grey curled off my hair and clothes as I stood there; breathing deeply。 I closed my eyes for a bit; then went back into the Bunker to tidy up。
  I closed the door and locked it。 I went back to the house for lunch and found my father chopping driftwood in the back garden。
  'Good day;' he said; wiping his brow。 It was humid if not particularly warm; and he was stripped to the vest。
  'Hello;' I said。
  'Were you all right yesterday?'
  'I was。'
  'I didn't get back till late。'
  'I was asleep。'
  'I thought you might be。 You'll be wanting some lunch。'
  'I'll make it today; if you want。'
  'No; that's all right。 You can chop the wood if you have a mind to。 I'll make lunch for us。' He put the axe down and wiped his hands on his trousers; eyeing me。 'Was everything quiet yesterday?'
  'Oh; yes;' I nodded; standing there。
  'Nothing happened?'
  'Nothing special;' I assured him; putting down my gear and taking my jacket off。 I took up the axe。 'Very quiet; in fact。'
  'Good;' he said; apparently convinced; and went into the house。 I started swinging the axe at the lumps of driftwood。
  After lunch I went into town; taking Gravel my bike and some money。 I told my father I'd be back before dinner。 It started to rain when I was halfway to Porteneil; so I stopped to put on my ka…gool。 The going was heavy but I got there without mishap。 The town was grey and empty in the dull afternoon light; cars swished through on the road going north; some with their headlights on; making everything else seem even dimmer。 I went to the gun and tackle shop first; to see old Mackenzie and take another of his American hunting…catapults off him; and some air…gun pellets; too。
  'And how are you today; young man?'
  'Very well; and yourself?'
  'Och; not too bad; you know;' he said; shaking his grey head slowly; his yellowed eyes and hair rather sickly in the electric light of the shop。 We always say the same things to each other。 Often I stay longer in the shop than I mean to because it smells so good。
  'And how's that uncle of yours these days? I haven't seen him for…oh; a while。'
  'He's well。'
  'Oh; good; good;' Mr Mackenzie said; screwing up his eyes with a slightly pained expression and nodding slowly。 I nodded; too; and looked at my watch。
  'Well; I must be going;' I said; and started to back off; putting my new catapult into the day…pack on my back and stuffing the pellets wrapped in brown paper into my bat…jacket pockets。
  'Oh; well; if you must; you must;' said Mackenzie; nodding at the glass counter as though inspecting the flies; reels and duck…calls within。 He took up a cloth by the side of the cash register and started to move it slowly over the surface; looking up just once as I left the shop; saying; 'Goodbye; then。'
  'Yes; goodbye。'
  In the Firthview cafe; apparently the location of some awful and localised ground subsidence since it was named; because it would have to be at least a storey taller to catch a view of the water; I had a cup of coffee and a game of Space Invaders。 They had a new machine in; but after a pound or so I had mastered it and won an extra spaceship。 I got bored with it and sat down with my coffee。
  I inspected the posters on the cafe walls to see if there was anything interesting happening in the area in the near future; but apart from the Film Club there wasn't much。 The next showing was The Tin Drum; but that was a book my father had bought for me years ago; one of the few real presents he has ever given me; and I had therefore assiduously avoided reading it; just as I had Myra Breckinridge; another of his rare gifts。 Mostly my father just gives me the money that I ask for and lets me get what I want for myself。 I don't think he's really interested; but; on the other hand; he wouldn't refuse me anything。 As far as I can tell; we have some sort of unspoken agreement that I keep quiet about not officially existing in return for being able to do more or less as I like on the island and buy more or less what I like in the town。 The only thing we had argued about recently was the motorbike; which he said he would buy me when I was a bit older。 I suggested that it migh

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